Climb 10W chain home rental data

A background.

  • Because my girlfriend chose Python data analysis for her engineering practice, and I had to analyze the current situation of renting apartments in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Then I had to scratch the previous Python code to see if I could climb tens of thousands of data for her to analyze.
  • Because I do front end, so web data parsing usingpyqueryThis library uses syntax a bit like jquery
  • And this project may become a graduation project, so I try to use a variety of ways. For example, regional data is stored in CSV files, and rental details are usedpymysqlDeposit; Regional URL usageseleniumGet, while details of the data usedrequestsTo obtain

Analysis of two.

  • Taking shenzhen as an example, HOME LINK’s rent’s web site:; So one by one to see Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, get the city array['sz','sh','bj','gz']
  • Analysis of shenzhen page interface:; When the number of pages is greater than 100, you get the same data as when you had 100 pages, soYou can't get all the data by changing the number after pg!
  • Think about:A city is divided into districts, a city is divided into streets and so onIf the maximum number of pages of each street is 100, then even if there are one or two streets with more than 100 pages occasionally, the amount of data obtained is much larger than our data volume of 100 pages

Problem 3.

  • Some problems were encountered in the actual coding
  • There is a certain amount of advertising in the data obtained: After observation, it is found that there is no element corresponding to the address of the house in the advertisement, so it is determined whether it is an advertisement. If it is an advertisement, it will climb the next piece of data
  • Lianjia anti - climbing strategy: Lianjia’s reverse climb is relatively friendly, even if caught, a few man-machine verification can be again, so I just passed hereTime.sleep () hibernation mode to perform anti - anti - crawl. Rich friends can go to Taobao to buy IP to get an IP pool, so what crawl all don’t panic, as for those free IP site basically no use.
  • In the middle of the climb, the reverse climbMy solution is relatively low, which is to manually delete the URLS already used in the CSV file and then run the next run to crawl the remaining data

4. To achieve

  1. Start by creating the database tables
  • Select * from ‘lianJIA’ where ‘lianjia’ = ‘lianjia’;
create table shanghai(
  id int(5) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL auto_increment,
  city VARCHAR(200),
  hName VARCHAR(200),
  way VARCHAR(200),
  address VARCHAR(200) ,
  area VARCHAR(200) ,
  position VARCHAR(200),
  type VARCHAR(200),
  price VARCHAR(200),
  time VARCHAR(200),
  url VARCHAR(200)
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  1. Get the district data for the city
  • All dependencies are first imported in the first line
from selenium import webdriver

import time

import csv

from pyquery import PyQuery as pq

import requests

import pymysql

import random

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  • The following code for the fetch area
def getArea(a):

    brow = webdriver.Chrome()

    cityArr = ['sz'.'sh'.'bj'.'gz']

    file = open('area.csv'.'a', encoding='utf-8', newline=' ')

    Open the file, ready to append

    writer = csv.writer(file)

    for city in cityArr:

        url = 'https://' + city + ''



        ul=doc('#filter ul').items()

        # Get the url of the area

        for item in ul:

            tem = item.attr('data-target')

            if(tem == 'area') :

                for li in item.items('li') :

                    if(li.text()! ='不限') :

                        str = url.split('/zufang') [0] + li.children('a').attr('href')

                        writer.writerow(str.split(', '))


    # exit



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  1. Obtain information such as streets in the area
def getDetail(a):

    # read

    arr = []

    with open('area.csv'.'r'as f:

        reader = csv.reader(f)

        for row in reader:



    # write

    file_detail = open('detail.csv'.'a', encoding='utf-8', newline=' ')

    writer_detail = csv.writer(file_detail)

    brow = webdriver.Chrome()

    for val in arr:


        doc = pq(brow.page_source, parser='html')

        ul = doc('#filter ul').items()

        for i, item in enumerate(ul):

            if (i == 3) :

                for li in item.items('li') :

                    if(li.text() ! ='不限' and li.children('a')) :

                        str = val.split('/zufang') [0] + li.children('a').attr('href')

                        writer_detail.writerow(str.split(', '))





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  1. Crawl for detailed rental information
def run(a):

    with open('detail.csv'.'r'as f:

        reader = csv.reader(f)

        for row in reader:


            pgRes = requests.get(row[0])

            pgDoc = pq(pgRes.text, parser='html')

            pgSum = int(pgDoc('.content__pg').attr('data-totalpage'))

            pg = 0

            # also need to crawl according to the number of pages. Some add another layer of cycle

            while(pg < pgSum):


                url =row[0] + 'pg%d'%pg


                res = requests.get(url)

                doc = pq(res.text, parser='html')

                city = doc('.content__title a') [0]

                str = ' '


                if(city.text == 'shenzhen') :

                    str = 'shenzhen'

                elif(city.text == 'guangzhou') :

                    str = 'guangzhou'

                elif(city.text == 'Shanghai') :

                    str = 'shanghai'

                elif(city.text == 'Beijing') :

                    str = 'beijing'


                    Exception('City name error')

                list = doc('.content__list .content__list--item').items()

                for li in list:

                    # Need to create database, table first

                    db = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', db='lianjia')

                    tem = li.find('.content__list--item--des')

                    arr = tem.text().split('/')

                    way = li.find('.content__list--item--title a').text().split(', ')

                    house_data = (


                        tem.children('a') [2].text if tem.children('a').length>1 else 'advertising'.

                        way[0if way[0else ' '.

                        arr[0if arr.__len__() > 0 else ' '.

                        arr[1if arr.__len__() > 1 else ' '.

                        arr[2if arr.__len__() > 2 else ' '.

                        arr[3if arr.__len__() > 3 else ' '.

                        li.find('.content__list--item-price em').text(),


                        ('' + li.find('.twoline').attr('href'))if(li.find('.twoline').attr('href')) else ' '


                    if(house_data[1] = ='advertising') :


                    # Declare a cursor

                    cursor = db.cursor()

                    sql = "insert into "+ str +"(city,hName,way,address,area,position,type,price,time,url)" \

                          " values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"

                    cursor.execute(sql, house_data)

                    db.commit()  # Submit database


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Five. Complete code

  • In the current version, the URL in the CSV file needs to be manually removed after the reverse crawl, and there may be duplicate/missing data
  • In the blog see a big garden with mobile terminal decompiled find interface to complete the crawl, I haven’t tried, but there seems, interested can try:
  • Because there’s a word limit on gold. So just post the code that was last called
if __name__=='__main__':




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