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It is understood that Cicada has cooperated with many colleges and universities in the province to carry out enterprise project training.

Chengdu Institute of Technology 18 network space security and security comprehensive practical training

Sichuan Vocational and Technical College 19 software technology professional training

Participants in the training all know:

Project training is the only way for every programmer to grow up. Every project is not only to complete the homework, but also to assess their technical ability. Every completed project will benefit them for a lifetime, and every project will be a great stroke in the experience!

The purpose of the project training is:

Practice by simulating actual working environment in school + double combination theory & practice, by cicadas hall line project managers work in enterprise real project as a case of actual teaching, let students feel the enterprise actual project development process, let the students to improve professional skills in a short time, increasing the project practice experience, master efficient work skills.

In the process of project training, it can also cultivate students’ comprehensive abilities (professional quality, management ability, communication and organization ability, etc.).

Every project requires deep thinking, careful analysis and careful planning. A good project cannot be separated from the joint efforts of everyone. This time, I selected 5 representative works from the training project. Come and see what they have done!

**01, ** Project team: Cicada Pond

Project introduction

In the front-end part of this project, the team used VUE technology to display the front-end page, and realized the interaction between the front-end and back-end technologies through AXIOS technology. The back-end part uses Springboot framework to build the background service interface, and completes the connection with the database through Mybatis.

This project has written a total of eight pages: login page, search page, shopping cart page, personal information page, etc., simulating the construction of a shopping system that users use a lot in real life, and successfully building an online shopping system platform based on VUE, Springboot, AXIos, Mybatis technology. The project has realized basic functions such as login and registration, commodity purchase, commodity search, checking personal information and discovering interested commodities. The project has become a prototype of a modern online shopping platform.

Project Effect Display

**02, ** Project Group: No exemption

Project introduction

Uni-app can be used to generate wechat applets, Alipay applets, Huawei Kuaiapps, etc. The top 5 cities and data in the province can be presented by line chart.

The whole project uses MVVM architecture to achieve the separation of the front and back ends. The front-end page realizes multi-terminal deployment of a code through UNI-APP; Obtain local weather information and push local epidemic data according to location; Data visualization charts & Epidemic Map, uCharts; Digital accumulation animation, web page into the bouncing animation. The back end uses crawler (using Node.js, Cheerio library data parsing), Node.js (Express framework to build API service, using algorithm optimization, improve response speed) and deployment (using Docker container, Nginx image, load balancing to achieve request shunting, Reduce the burden of single service node, consistent hash load balancing).

Project Effect Display

**03, ** Project Team: Dry rice Team

Project introduction

This project is the function realization of the e-commerce platform client. The main function modules include login and registration, commodity search, commodity display, adding to shopping cart, address management, order management and personal center. Meanwhile, the page jump and business logic between these functions are completed.

Functional description

Project Effect Display

**04, ** Project team: Lesstovs

Project introduction

With the rapid development of The Internet in the world, e-commerce has attracted more and more people’s attention, and has begun to penetrate into every field of people’s life, changing every aspect of the economy and society. In order to keep up with The Times and better improve our technology, we choose to do the project of e-commerce platform.

Technology and tools used in this project: Springboot, Mybatis Plus and Idea; The third-party services used in this project include Aliyun SMS service and wechat Pay.

Project Effect Display

Product query and search

Place order code

**05, ** Project group: six emperors to play

Project introduction

This project is to create a punch card ape micro channel small program. The project has written 11 modules: editing information, participating in the punch card, creating the punch card, creating the punch card, late record, impulsive punishment, class record, the recent weather, a moment of relaxation, reward the author and contact us module.

The development tools used include: wechat developer tools, Ali Gallery standard, and wechat development documents. The technologies adopted in the project include: WXML, WXSS, JS, wechat UI framework Map component, Picker component, custom component, cloud development technology, and some wechat and wechat default positioning apis.

Project Effect Display