CI Weekly shares a series of technical content on “Improving software Engineering Efficiency”, including domestic and foreign continuous integration, continuous delivery, continuous deployment, automated testing, DevOPS and other practical tutorials, tools and resources, as well as some engineer culture related programmer Tips. Ci Blog, wechat official account, official weibo, zhihu column, jianshu, welcome to follow or contribute
When it comes to project development and management practices in entrepreneurial teams, there are many valuable “lessons learned”. This installment has collected some tools and practices related to continuous integration, deployment, and automated testing for your team
“Continuous Integration practices”
How to optimize project management for developers
This article covers development environment construction, code management, requirements life cycle management, project schedule management, product testing and feedback in the development stage, continuous integration and continuous release and so on, sharing some of the management experience and tools to share, very practical! (via: @ wangchao0721)
Discussion on continuous integration and continuous deployment of GRAB
Zhchang did a post about GRAB’s Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) at Gopher China 2016. (via: zhchang)
Continuous Integration & Deployment for iOS Projects
Continuous integration and Management for iOS projects can be found here (via: Twitter@Matt Oakes).
Kif-based iOS UI automation testing and continuous integration
Client UI automation testing is the focus of most test teams. This paper introduces the KIF-based UI automation testing and continuous integration process practiced by Cat eye test team in Cat Eye iOS client. (Via: Meituan Dianping Technical team)
How to achieve continuous deployment of Android applications?
This article will show you how to automate continuous integration of Android applications using Flow. ci and deploy APK files to the fir. After the internal beta distribution is complete, participants are automatically notified of a series of steps to automate the entire development process. (via: @Clouds fly from the wind)
“Automated Testing & Code Quality”
Build AppiumBooster
“AppiumBooster is implemented based on Appium, which is simpler and easier to use; Testers can write and maintain automated test cases in a concise and elegant way without touching any code. For those wondering about automated test cases, check out the authors’ solution. (via: DebugTalk)
Comparison of mobile APP automated testing frameworks
This paper analyzes the similarities and differences of several automation frameworks, so that testers can have some reference when choosing automation frameworks. (VIA: TMQsolinazhao)
The Life of a Software Tester
What is Software Testing? There’s a very interesting open perspective on software test engineers. (via:
“The conversation”
10 year Dev Veteran: How to Build DevOps tools and platforms right for you
The 15 DevOps List gives you a more comprehensive view of DevOps and is a great read. (Via: @dbaPlus Community Development Section)
Talk about Internet back-end infrastructure
What can the infrastructure do to ensure stable, reliable, easy maintenance, and high availability of the business? (Via: Rustling Hang)
“Engineer Culture”
How does the Bay Area Daily Work?
The director of Bay Area Daily explained how to use automated technology tools to operate bay Area Daily in an article, which has great reference significance. (via: BayArea daily)
What is a real programmer
This article is a little longer, but if you are patient enough to read it, you will learn a lot! (Via: Blog Garden: Cut a little cold translation)
Above is all the technical sharing of CI Weekly #2, if you have any questions, please contact us ~
Happy building!