Ossutil tool installation and use

Click Create Authorization

Deployed task jobs

deploy-oss: stage: deploy script: Wget - NPM run build - http://gosspublic.alicdn.com/ossutil/1.6.18/ossutil64 - chmod 755 ossutil64 - wget http://gosspublic.alicdn.com/ossutil/1.6.18/ossutil64 - chmod 755 ossutil64 -. / ossutil64 config - e${endPoint} -i ${accessKeyID} -k ${accessKeySecret} -L CH --loglevel debug -c ~/.ossutilconfig
    - ./ossutil64 -c ~/.ossutilconfig cp -r dist oss://fizzz/
    - master
  when: manual
Copy the code

Endpoint: Enter the domain name of the Bucket region. For details, see Accessing Domain Names and Data Centers.

AccessKeyID: For details, see Creating an AccessKey.

AccessKeySecret: For details, see Creating an AccessKey.

StsToken: this parameter is optional. If the STS temporary authorization mode is used to access OSS, you need to configure this parameter. Otherwise, you need to leave this parameter blank. See temporary access credentials for how stsToken is generated.