What do you think of as a group of programmers? With the development of the national Internet, programmers have quickly come into the public eye. In news and TV shows, they have been labeled with various labels: backpack, plaid shirt, slippers, bald, rigid, wooden, single… The hot search news “996.ICU” even revealed the distress of thousands of programmers, programming and age like a sharply shrinking net, not only took away the programmer’s life, but also took away the programmer’s thick luxuriant hair… But is that true of the programmers around you?

He is a technical god and once led ali Cloud database team to achieve the top level of cloud database in China.

He used to be the 25th NetEase employee, but also once took the front end of the Thunder.

He is an atypical programmer: likes riding heavy motorcycles, is obsessed with photography, loves to travel, clocked in more than 30 countries, likes to read fashion magazines, likes to collect all kinds of cute dolls……

He is Chu Ba, real name Yu Feng, known as “Ba Ye”, is the second guest in our binary tree video of this season. He freely dissociates from the so-called tag world of programmers, pursuing his locomotive and the distance.

Today’s god, the “underachievers” in childhood

Chu Ba was a poor student in every sense of the word.

When chu Ba was in primary school, he got 18 points in an exam. When his paper was handed out, he mistook “18” for “78”. He thought that “78” was not bad, so he excitedly took it home and asked his parents to sign his name. When I got home, my father slapped me. Chu Ba didn’t realize that he had made a mistake.

Since then, Chu Ba fell in love with the number “7”. He had his own logic: “60 points is a bit dangerous, 80 points need a lot of effort, and 70 points is the most convenient”. Chu Ba also likes to cram for exams. He thinks the ROI is the best at this time, and he can get the best result with the least effort. This habit has been carried on from primary school to university, and it is always successful.

Chu Ba hardly showed up at school in the whole senior year. Even his deskmate helped him fill in the application form for the college entrance examination. Ignorant of his choice, chu Ba had to go to the university in northeast China, thousands of kilometers away from home. Chu Ba in college played a more advanced game, dressing up as a hipster man with long hair and a beard in order to attract women.

One day in his sophomore year, Chu Ba suddenly had an idea: Why not write a small ball virus? .

Say dry dry, but write virus is not so simple thing, because of all kinds of restrictions, only one kind can operate the way — from anti-virus software anti-launch virus writing. Chu Ba went to Harbin to buy back the book to kill the virus, the whole semester finally put the ball virus out.

On chu Ba’s birthday that day, he officially launched the ball virus: a ball of virus, accompanied by music, bouncing on the computer screen……

Later chu Ba wrote many viruses and updated them every two days, so that an antivirus company came to collect specimens from him and gave him a funny nickname “virus machine”.

Again after a few years later, recalled that the days of “poor students” chu bully with, he said, have no regrets, filled with gratitude, instead of “I feel no pressure, at that time have plenty of time to do things you want to do, from the heart of love, full of interest, and one thing really, really well at all, this is my biggest harvest.”

He was 13 when he rode his father’s borrowed scooter.

Chu Ba grew up in the countryside.

That time, the main mode of transportation is walking, countryside again a little bit high-end is riding a bicycle, in middle school, chu bully has a bike, he do after school every day first thing in the bike, in one or two hours to put it all down, and then mount, in the process of loading and think of some way to tune for each module.

A pile of iron turns into a bicycle? Chu Ba thought it was very interesting.

Wouldn’t it be more fun if the motorcycle started running with a little gas? Chu Ba was curious about the engine of his motorcycle, and he always wanted to ride it.

Soon, an opportunity came, chu Ba’s father borrowed a motorcycle from a friend. He watched his father ride it while he watched. One day, his father just came into the house and sat down to drink tea and chat with him. Chu Ba saw the opportunity and “touched” the key of the motorcycle and then staggered away on it.

The end was a bit “sad”, caught by his father, and “beat”.

Chu Ba was 13 years old that year. Since the first close “contact”, Chu Ba has formed an indisicable bond with the locomotive. Chu Ba has been riding a motorcycle for nearly 30 years now. “I’m an old driver,” he said with a smile.

Now, riding a motorcycle has become a part of Chu ba’s life. He rides his scooter to and from work every day, and on weekends, he rides three or four hundred kilometers to the suburbs. He once drove more than 8,000 kilometers on a motorcycle, leaving his footprints on the Sichuan-Tibet line, qingzang Line and Xinzang Line.

Comparatively speaking, riding a motorcycle is a relatively dangerous sport, especially some fast heavy motorcycles, his father once persuaded him to give up for fear of safety.

“Brother, how old are you?”

Chu Ba realized that everything he wanted to do should be done as soon as possible. “Life is very short. Don’t wait to do what you like. Do it now.”

Motorcycle speed, passion and quiet Coding

Programmers usually need a quiet state in coding, while locomotives are full of speed and passion. These two seemingly opposite states form a delicate balance and communication in Chu Ba’s case.

In Chu Ba’s opinion, locomotives and programming have something very similar. A motorcycle can accelerate in a very short time, and in an instant, the whole adrenal gland is activated, which is a special feeling, people who have not ridden a motorcycle may not experience. Too high a speed can be dangerous, but with care and skill, the risk can be manageable while still enjoying the high speeds.

Most of the time, the work done by programming is creative, even “unprecedented”, many things are not sure whether they can be made in the end, can be used after being made, like a locomotive with uncontrollable.
But once we continue to do it in the face of so much uncertainty, we feel a great sense of accomplishment.

In a way, both locomotives and programming are very”
flexibleThe locomotive is a flexible mode of transportation, especially when stuck in traffic. In today’s era of rapid technological change, programming skills, skills need to keep pace with The Times.

Locomotives bring a different color to Chu Ba’s life. Chu Ba believes that motoring is a hobby that can make people more interesting and interesting. Even when he is unhappy, the bike can quickly help him adjust his state and bring him back to life. Chu Ba got to know a group of friends who also loved locomotives through locomotives.

Chu Ba enjoys the feeling of riding a motorcycle on empty roads. “Riding a motorcycle is a good way to relax. It exposes people to the air and makes them feel the wind blowing on their bodies all the time.

There are a lot of interesting things that happen when a tool becomes part of your body. Chu Ba has developed a super speed perception ability and knows the speed without looking at the code watch.

You can’t stop people from labeling you, but at least you can..

There are many legends and labels about Chu Ba: “Ba Ye”, “the first generation of technical Internet celebrities”, “database God”…..

Chu Ba takes these labels lightly:

Each label is a “snapshot” of a certain period presented to the outside world. For me, it also accompanies and witnesses my life track of a certain period. However, it does not mean that my impression to the outside world will not change in the future, life is constantly changing, people will come into contact with many people in their life, and they will meet new friends every day. They may change their impression based on the consideration and cognition of me today, so I think we should keep pace with The Times and keep moving forward. But it doesn’t matter what those impressions or labels are. What’s important is that those people have been there for you and don’t need to change anything, because nature is the way it is.

From chu Ba individual to the broad group of programmers, a group surrounded by various labels: high salary, 996, plaid shirt, bald……

Chu Ba also expressed his views on the phenomenon of others labeling programmers:

You can’t stop people from labeling you, that’s their right. But there’s at least something you can do to change that stereotype. Big changes tend to start in small places. In fact, there is room for everyone to do better, so I think it’s better to go back to yourself and make some efforts.

In Chu Ba’s team, there are many typical programmers referred to by the label. Some of them wear t-shirts issued by the company all year round, while others work in a head-to-toe plaid shirt and flip-flops….

That’s not a bad thing. For a programmer, he might still feel good about it, but another way to look at it is, would he be better off at work today if he were dressed more fashionably? Is it more efficient to write code? Therefore, Chu ba often “points” his team members and encourages them to dress as “the person you want to be” and make some changes.


Chu Ba, who was born in the 1970s, calls himself a “curious baby”. He is curious about everything. You may not know, but he also likes to collect cute dolls. At times, he also makes discoveries and wonders: Why do programmers with higher P-levels have smaller squares on their plaid shirts?

He has always been free and easy to separate from the outside world to the fixed label of programmers, exploring a different world, in addition to the locomotive, he also likes photography, love travel, traveled to more than 30 countries, recently, he is going to get a small plane driving license.

Chu Ba doesn’t like to set limits on himself, but whatever he likes, he must play to the limit. In the interview, he mentioned that he has been reading a lot recently, every time between work will be fit to read, he read everything, history, psychology, even anatomy….

He said,
The mark of a person becoming mature is to be more tolerant, to accept the world in addition to black and white, but also gray transition. Reading enabled Chu Ba to look at the world beyond the habitual thinking of programmers. He believed that programmers should not only stay in the world of programs, but also learn to understand history, politics and society (learn)……

Zhuba’s example may be an answer to the midlife crisis anxiety that is currently spreading among programmers: don’t set boundaries for yourself, always be curious, keep learning, and arm yourself with new things.

I think my biggest characteristic is that I love learning, and I will constantly make changes and accept new things. So I think I’m still young. — chu bully

Video link: v.qq.com/x/page/b091…

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