🌚 I can’t help but install a lot of Chrome plugins recently, so I took the time to write a recommended chrome plugin advertorials

1. Google Access Assistant 🌸

emmm… If fQ is successful, this can be ignored. This extension is mainly used to access Google Server. After all, as a programmer, you need to have the insight to stay on the cutting edge of technology. Extension download address: Access assistant 👿 how to install it, you can refer to install the extension

2. Translation 🌸

When visiting the Internet, some English pages do not understand and do not want to translate into Chinese!! How to do, this delimit word translation just ~

3.AdGuard AdBlocker

A handy AD blocker

3. Google Scholar Button

Write a paper necessary good!! 🐾

4.Chromoji - Emoji for Google Chrome

The blogger often uses Linux system, installed sogou pinyin…. But no memes, huh?? This way to write things more boring 🎃


If you use Github a lot, this extension is super handy.

5.GitHub Hovercard

Also a great github plugin at 👍


Front-end engineer must have!! Can be used to automatically refresh the page if the code changes, conscience recommend 7.Imagus

Mouse over the picture will become larger.. 8. Nuggets can see the most popular items on Github

9.Vue.js devtools

But more introduction, write vUE must use ah ~😑

React Developer Tools

2018.9.4 update

10 Infinity New Tab

11 SetupVPN - Lifetime Free VPN

2018.9.20 Update I always feel that there are many bookmarks and it is difficult to find, jianyou recommended is too great ~~

12 Bookmark Search

13 SwitchyOmega