In 2007, browsers were single-process. Single-process browsers are unstable (plug-ins crash), not smooth, and not secure (plug-ins, page scripts).

To solve these problems, multi-process browsers appeared. Processes communicate with each other through the interprocess communication mechanism (IPC). There are mainly the following processes:

1. Browser process, mainly responsible for interface display, user interaction, sub-process management, and storage.

2. A network process that deals with the server.

3. Render process, responsible for HTML, CSS, JS display, in sandbox mode.

4. The plug-in process is carried out in sandbox mode. The plug-in is placed in a separate process to ensure that the crash of the plug-in does not affect other processes.

5.GPU process to achieve 3D CSS effect.

If two pages are open, how many processes are there?

Typically there are 5 processes: 1 browser process, 1 web process, 1 GPU process, and 2 rendering processes. But there are special cases:

  1. Iframes also run in a separate process if they exist on the page.
  2. If the page has a plug-in, the plug-in also needs to start a separate process.
  3. If you install an extension, the extension will also hog the process.
  4. If two pages belong to the same site, and page B is opened from page A, they will share a rendering process.