On June 10, 2018, the Choerodon Toothfish released version 0.6. Version 0.6 mainly adds agile management services, optimizes existing services, and fixes some bugs.

Agile management

Agile management services are used to manage project requirements, planning, and execution, including problem management, backlog, release, active sprints, module management, and so on.

  • Problem management: Users can manage problems in projects by modules, fix versions, tags, epics, sprints, etc., supporting problem query, creation, editing, collaborative processing, and adding sub-tasks.
  • To-do list: Manage epics, releases, and sprints, and users can build a new backlog or process existing backlog, including creating, sorting, and filtering.
  • Release: Manage tracking project releases, viewing release status, editing release details, and releasing a release.
  • Sprints live: Watch and manage work through kanban, show what sprints the team is currently working on, support problem creation, update, filter, delete, and time tracking, support problem status changes, and custom configuration of columns.
  • Module management: Manage project problems by modules, such as “back-end tasks” and “infrastructure”.

Continuous delivery

Continuous delivery service adds the following features:

  • Add release management, including app distribution and app marketplace.
  • In network/domain name management, add network/domain name status and operation type and status to track the running status of the network/domain name.
  • Add a container log to keep track of container health.
  • Add a resource object consistency mechanism and a message sending failure and timeout acknowledgement mechanism on the environment client.

In the meantime, in continuous delivery, version 0.6 also has some enhancements:

  • Reconstructed the application deployment page, removed the instance view function, and added the application instance page.
  • Distinguish its own port from the target port in network management.
  • Improved application deployment mode from vertical step bar to horizontal step bar.
  • Improved instance user experience makes it more concise and intuitive.
  • Modify three predefined application templates to enable version generation and deployment.

In addition, there are other enhancements, such as:

  • Improved values replacement and YAML theme color matching for better user experience.
  • Modify some apis based on more formal naming conventions.
  • Refactor gitlab-service to modify the transmission pattern.
  • Optimized instance sweep mechanism for first deployment with HELM.

Microservices development framework

The microservices development framework adds the following features:

  • Added Root administrator to manage platform Settings and all organizations and projects on the platform.
  • New Users Can modify the profile picture, user name, and email address, and optimize the user center page. Added the micro-service route management function to visually manage back-end routes of micro-services.
  • LDAP supports user-defined user attributes, page test connection, and user synchronization. Currently, two Directory types are supported: OpenLdap and Microsoft Active Directory.
  • Authentication service Add Redis as the storage login session to ensure user sessions when the authentication service enables multiple instances.

At the same time, in the microservices development framework, version 0.6 also enhanced some functions:

  • Platform authority check logic perfect.
  • The registry supports service registration of a specified namespace.
  • Menu icon replacement, text spacing adjustment.
  • Page icon spacing is unified, add prompt copy, button operation prompt copy optimization.
  • A deletion confirmation message is added to reduce the chance of incorrect deletion.

Finally, version 0.6 also fixes bugs in version 0.5.

  • Fixed an issue where project code was not unique within the organization but globally unique when creating projects under the organization.
  • Fixed the problem that the labels of existing roles will be cleared when new roles are assigned.
  • Fixed registry sending event exception, kafka messages do not have time stamps.
  • Fixed issue where manager-service sometimes fails to refresh permissions.
  • Fixed an issue where the Firefox menu configuration function could not be used.
  • Fixed an issue where members could not be viewed by role in role assignment.
  • Remove incorrect permissions encoding from the page, which causes the page to not have the permissions it should have.
  • Fixed an issue where one custom directory would disappear when placed under another custom directory in menu configuration.
  • Repair branch management version of the logic error and error prompt.
  • Fixed url double slash causing code base unable to pull.
  • Fix tag list cannot be paginated.
  • Fixed object status inconsistency after Devops and Choerodon-Agent restart.
  • Fixed an issue where the organization administrator was not in the GitLab Template Group.

For more details, see Rlease-Notes.

We welcome feedback and contributions from our GitHub and the Toothfish community to help Choerodon continue to grow, and we will continue to iterate and improve, so stay tuned.