For developers, to build the development environment is the first step in all the sectors of development, however under the Windows environment, installation tools, software version is multifarious, and easy to download software to the virus, so for beginners, download the correct software development, build good development environment or skilled. Has the certain difficulty.
Chocolate Package Manager happens to be one of the best and easiest ways to build a development environment in a Windows environment.

About the package manager

Package manager, also known as software package management system, is a combination of tools that automatically installs, configures, uninstalls and upgrades software packages in computers. It is widely used in the installation and management of various system software and application software. (Quoted from Baidu Baike)

About Chocolate Package Manager

The website address:;
Chocolate is an automated package manager for Windows that allows you to download all the apps listed on the Chocolate installation list and automatically install, upgrade, and uninstall all of them by typing a simple command.

How to use Chocolate

1. Install
Chocolate can be installed using CMD or Powershell. This section uses the CMD command line tool as an example. The operations for Powershell are the same.

First, go to the Chocolate website and copy the CMD setup command.
CMD installation instructions:

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command “iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(‘’))” && SET PATH=%PATH%; %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

Then, open CMD as an administrator, copy the installation command to CMD, and press Enter to install.

When the installation is complete, you will be prompted to check whether the installation is successful by typing Choco’s commands.

2. Run commands
Chocolate’s command list

Choco install Tim! Choco install Tim! Choco install Tim!

Chocolate allows you to install Git, Node, and other development software.

The installation package list address is