PK Creative Spring Festival, I am participating in the “Spring Festival Creative Submission Contest”, please see: Spring Festival Creative Submission Contest “,


After last time using Python Turtle to draw red envelope cover, out of control, today I will draw a dumpling, Chinese New Year, come to eat golden dumplings. Effect:

Began to draw

Add background

A New Year or the red background is the most beautiful, this time still use the last background pictures, interested can download their favorite background pictures from the Internet, remember the picture format is PNG and GIF format, or it will report an error

Copy the code

I used a background image that you can download and use directly


Let’s simply analyze the shape of the dumpling, the main body is an ellipse, and some dumplings of the painting, the painting of the dumpling is a semicircle, the main ellipse, we can use two ellipses to synthesize, that is, the whole dumpling has many semicircles. Turtle’s circle function takes two parameters, the first parameter is radius, which indicates the size of the circle to be drawn, and the other parameter indicates the radian of the circle. This allows us to draw not only a perfect circle, but also various ellipses.

Draw the main body

For the body of the dumpling, draw a lower arc with a radius of 200 and a radian of 100 and fill it with gold color

# Draw the first half circle turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-100, 0) turtle.left(-50) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("#FFCC33") turtle.begin_fill(), 100) turtle.end_fill()Copy the code

As is shown in

Draw the symmetrical upper half of the arc, with a radius of 200 and a radian of 100, and pay attention to the position and Angle at which the brush starts

Let’s just look at the code

Turtle.penup () turtle.goto(-100, 0) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("#FFCC33") turtle.begin_fill(), 100) turtle.end_fill()Copy the code

So let’s run it again and look at the picture

Here the main body of the dumpling is good, the following is to draw the dumpling lace.

Let’s go back to the origin (-100, 0), adjust the Angle of the brush, set the radius and radian of the edge, look at the first edge, we fill the dumpling lace with different colors. Here we set the radius of 🌹 to 27 and the radian to 180, which is a semicircle.

# Draw the lace turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-100, 0) turtle.right(180) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("#CC9933") turtle.begin_fill(), 180) turtle.end_fill()Copy the code

Look at the effect of the first lace

Next, I drew the other LACES in turn. The second one was a little special and needed to move the coordinate of the brush. I took the code of the second lace out separately

turtle.goto(-56, 31)
turtle.begin_fill(), 180)
Copy the code

The rest of the lace can be made into a loop, the body of the loop code is as follows:

turtle.begin_fill(), 180)
Copy the code

The results

If you are interested in Python, you will get a little bit of inspiration


Turtle drawing is the main of the coordinates of the screen, and the steering Angle of the brush to clear, want to draw a perfect graphics, through accurate calculation, I drew this lace is slightly coarse, is my circle radius, and coordinate calculation, is not conducive to the whole of the fine, accurate to decimal point, but in the notebook sketches also cost me a lot of paper, During the holidays move brain move hands, is also very good, at home when drawing this, also caused the interest of primary school students, they do not write homework, around my computer, see with gusto, but also put forward interesting questions, this is also a contribution to the flowers of the motherland.