There was this young man.

He won the Baidu Star Programming Contest and the third prize in the Google Programming Challenge.

He won the Chinese division champion and the second place in the global final of ACM/ICPC, which is called “Programming Olympics”.

He won first place in China in TopCoder’s computer programming competition.

He has the title of “The first Computer programmer of Chinese college students”, and is also honored as “Lou Master” by students participating in the competition. Mr. Lee has described himself as a pillar of the future development of China’s Internet industry.

His name was Lou Tiancheng.


Lou Tiancheng was born in 1986 to a teacher’s family in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. Born in 1986, Lou Tiancheng was also a child who, like most children, did not know how to love learning and playing.

But Lou Tian Cheng changed completely when he was eight years old.

At that time, Lou Tiancheng also had the same dream in our childhood — to study in Qinghua when we grow up. At the age of eight, he went to Tsinghua University with his parents. In tsinghua University Lou Tiancheng was deeply attracted to Tsinghua University, his parents saw him to see, they asked him: “grow up do you want to tsinghua University to study.” Lou Tiancheng then nodded, not amused parents laughed.

The speaker is careless, the listener is intentional. City from then on, building on the tsinghua university to study, as their goals, go back after he reduced the amount of time to play, but he did not like most people only have three points heat, floor for this dream for many years, even after the later admitted to tsinghua university for many years, building city also ten years like one day every dream for their own efforts.

Loutiancheng’s parents were his life mentors in his childhood. In order to cultivate Lou’s independence, loutiancheng’s parents told him:

“In the future, you will have to rely on yourself to buy a house that your family can’t help you, and you should never let your children think that their parents will carry it for me anyway.”

Loutiancheng parents believe that they should get along with their children as equals. They regard Tiancheng as an adult when they are young. They discuss things with him and listen to his opinions, so that when they grow up, they will have their own opinions. Therefore, from Lou Tiancheng to read 14 middle school, and then read Yao Qizhi’s doctor, are his own choice. Facts also proved that the parents’ open-minded and educational methods were correct.

Lou tiancheng also recalled the influence of his parents’ education on him after he was admitted to Tsinghua University.

“After ten years of hard work, the wish has now come true. In high school, I was able to participate in various programming competitions as I wished, and it was not without the support of my parents, but on the premise that intellectual subjects such as mathematics would not be affected. Such contests are not part of the gaokao and are bound to have an impact on academic performance, making it impossible to participate in contests without parental support. The support of my parents kept me going on the road of competition. “

Lou’s parents’ influence on Lou Tiancheng is undoubtedly lifelong. Such education mode let Lou Tiancheng in the later study, has a great initiative.


It may be hard to imagine Lou Tiancheng, whose programming skills are widely recognized, had never touched a computer before high school.

In March 1998, Lou Tiancheng was recommended to Hangzhou No. 14 Middle School in the second half of the third year in Hangzhou No. 9 Middle School. During the recommended period, Lou Tiancheng had finished the three-year courses in high school in three months.

Surprisingly, he chose computer programming not because he was good at math, but because he was “bad” at it — the intense computations at the end of the math problems always made him make mistakes. Then he changed his mind and thought, “Wouldn’t it be easier and more efficient if the last steps of each problem, such as simple calculation, were done by an error-free machine?” “So he majored in computer science in college.

At that time, no. 14 Middle School set up an information class for these geniuses in order to let them participate in competitions later, which was Lou’s first attempt at coding.

At that time Lou Tiancheng as long as there is free time to run to the computer room, if it is dark computer room is still bright, there is certainly Lou Tiancheng.

Lou Tiancheng is also a person with logical thinking and good at summarizing. This may sound like a fantasy, something you’ve only seen on TV, but don’t believe it. Even when he was playing, he would constantly calculate the probability relationship between the Angle and distance of dribbling the ball to the opponent’s goal line and scoring!

“To the other side of the goal line to the ball (if it is to the goal, it must be as far forward as possible), the Angle of the goal and the ball is becoming larger or smaller; Take the ball forward, is the Angle as big as possible, or as small as possible? After doing the math, I realized that the Angle is maximum when you bring the ball to a certain place, and then it gets smaller further on, and that’s the best place to shoot. The conclusion: the maximum Angle is related to the distance from the goal.” Lou tiancheng said.

After the Lou Tiancheng experience that can not help but let a person feel more legendary.

Lou tiancheng joined the computer team in senior one and successfully won the first prize in the NOIP competition and entered the provincial team.

In his sophomore year of high school, he competed in the NOI (National Competition). In NOI, Lou tiancheng won a gold medal for his country and was selected to the national Training team, which was officially accepted. In the 16th International Informatics Olympiad (IOI), Lou Tiancheng won the gold medal and successfully obtained the admission notice from Tsinghua University.

At this time, Lou Tiancheng’s first dream can be said to be successfully completed, I do not know at that time Lou Tiancheng was excited to jump up, or feel natural, quietly into the next work? We don’t know.


In 2005, Lou tiancheng was officially enrolled in the computer science major of Tsinghua University and successfully entered the Yao Class.

If those who enter Tsinghua are geniuses, then those who enter Yao Class may be considered geniuses among geniuses.

Speaking of yao class reading readers, there should be no understanding, that a little introduction.

Yao Class is led by Academician Yao Qizhi, the only Chinese winner of the Turing Award (Nobel Prize in computer science), and is committed to cultivating world-class innovative computer science talents with the same or even higher competitiveness as students from MIT, Princeton university and other world-class universities.

At the same time, Yao Class is a bold reform and attempt of the undergraduate education reform of Tsinghua University.

Of course there are ways to cultivate genius.

Since the third year of undergraduate study, the students of Yao’s class have been very different from their peers. The teaching materials are from MIT and the teachers are also top professors from all over the world. They pay attention to grasp the forefront of the trend and feel the pulse of The Times in their courses. Yao Qizhi, who introduced many advanced foreign teaching concepts into Tsinghua university, taught 6 courses in person.

When Lou Tiancheng was asked about his college life, Lou recalled:

I took math exams in the morning and wrote programs in the afternoon. In other words, they should have a basic knowledge of mathematics as well as a practical knowledge. That’s what Mr. Yao requires of his students.”

The students in Yao’s class are all very smart and have advantages in mathematics and computer science. But Lou tiancheng believes that hard work and intelligence can compensate each other.

When I was studying in Yao Class, it was very likely that I could not keep up with the progress if I slacked off. The course is so intense and informative that ordinary people may find it hard to imagine. Even for a genius like Lou Tiancheng, it is not easy to complete the minimum requirements.

Another interesting thing, once popular in the streets of The Three Kingdoms killing do you know who invented it? Yes, Lou Tian Cheng!

He was responsible for balancing the game in The Three Kingdoms Killing Group at Tsinghua University and was one of its inventors.

“One of my favorite designs didn’t survive in the game,” he said regrettably. “When you have a lightning card, you lose a lot of health when you meet certain poker suits and points, and it’s easy to kill a character, but if lightning strikes someone who is out of the game, they can come back to life.”

In the beginning, SGS was a social game rather than a strategy game, to give losers something to look forward to, and the game was designed to communicate.

In 2008, Lou Tiancheng was recommended for a doctor’s degree by Tsinghua University, and Lou Tiancai’s doctoral tutor was yao Qizhi, yao class’s teacher.

Academic achievements are bound to bring academic achievements, and academic achievements are bound to bring fruitful results. Loutiancheng, which is about to graduate with a doctorate, has received invitations from academic institutions and enterprises all over the world, including some well-known enterprises such as Facebook and Google.

At the time, it was thought loutian would choose Facebook to live a luxurious life in the US, but the reality was always unexpected. Loutian turned down Facebook’s high salary and green card and went to Google instead.

After boarding a plane to the US, Lou told the camera: “I’m just going to study. I’ll come back.”

Sure enough, Lou left Google three years later to work for Quora, before accepting an offer from Baidu to return to China to work in ARTIFICIAL intelligence.


Artificial intelligence has become an indispensable topic in our modern society. Intelligent assistants on mobile phones in our daily life, cost-saving robots in industry, and even micro-robots can be used in surgery. Our life and artificial intelligence is getting closer and closer, and Lou Tiancheng just saw this road is about to set off the wind to the outlet, so joined Baidu, want to soar.

In 2016, he was invited to join Baidu’s R&D center in the U.S. to work with James Peng, chief architect of Baidu’s driverless car business, to help Baidu’s driverless technology mature.

Peng jun recalled that the first sight of Lou Tiancheng felt a little dull, and after chatting for several times, he found that he and Lou Tiancheng were just like the modern Boya and Zhongzi period.

“He thinks clearly about a lot of things and sees things to the bottom. This is someone who can actually get things done.” Peng jun said.

Kai-fu Lee, then Google’s head of Greater China, said Lou Tiancheng would be a pillar of the future development of China’s Internet industry.

Later, he worked in Baidu autonomous vehicle research and development for one year, and was not satisfied with the development of Baidu autonomous vehicle at that time. Lou Tiancheng and Peng Jun, chief architect of Baidu autonomous vehicle, both left to start a business together and set up Pony.

Lou tiancheng is the chief technology officer (CTO) of Ma Zhi Heng, responsible for all technical direction, while Peng Jun is the CHIEF executive officer (CEO) of Ma Zhi Heng, responsible for general affairs.

Ma Zhixing, a newly founded company, was valued at $90 million.

You may not see Lou Tiancheng team is small, but its energy is not small. Not long ago, Lou Invited his former mentor Yao Qizhi, academician, to serve as the chief consultant of Xiao Ma Zhixing, Jin Ce, gold medal winner and world champion of INTERNATIONAL Informatics Olympiad IOI 2016, Du Yuhao, gold medal winner of International Informatics Olympiad IOI 2016, and others to join Xiao Ma Zhixing. Ma Zhi Xing has a team of more than 50 people.

Now, Pony. Ai has more than half a hundred employees, almost all of them are engineers, not even product managers, and everyone in Pony. Ai is regarded as a player of ten by baidu, Ali, Tencent, and other big companies.


What does it take to succeed?

The most commonly reported answer is: In addition to talent, hard work. Admittedly, Lou Tiancheng has both.

Lou tiancheng once outlined his day at Tsinghua University: when there was no class, he would wake up naturally in the morning, usually around 10 am, and then go straight to the lab or library to study until 12 PM.

If you spend most of your time in the lab or the library, there’s no reason why you can’t succeed.

While everyone puts the name of genius at the top, Lou Tiancheng defines genius itself.

He believed that genius was determined by the heights reached. Some things just a few years ahead of others to do, is not a genius, the real genius is those who have their feet on the ground.

If you stand on tiptoe, you cannot stand long; You cannot walk long if you take long strides. At this time, calm down to do their own, take steady foot every step, is the best way.

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