Product managers have inexplicable feelings towards the products they are responsible for in their work. This is especially true during product work from 0 to 1. The launch of the product means that the newborn means to break out of the shell. Ecstatic product managers pull the operation staff to start the promotion and operation of the product, waiting to change the world

However, there are two more questions product managers may ask themselves before launching.

  • Is the product really what users want?

  • Is this product really what the company needs?

Look at the Internet blue ocean, countless Internet products. Standing at the top of the number of users of the product, must be to solve the user needs of a certain industry. The range of user needs is not only vertical users, user profiles cover a wide range, including a variety of age, occupation, unlimited gender

With products like Didi Dache and Meituan-Dianping, everyone has such needs: taking a taxi, organizing a group online, ordering take-out food.

Based on the depth of demand and the size of the user market, product managers can roughly estimate how valuable such a market will be and how big the enterprise can be.

Of course, in addition to good market value, to solve the needs of users, the involvement of the capital market in the Internet is also very necessary. Because of the low threshold for users to get started with Internet products, subsidies and income activities can promote users to expand in large quantities.

After solving their own needs, users can also make a profit. Good product + good revenue + good user experience have become the elements, as if without the intervention of capital, it is impossible to achieve such a “trinity”.

Do users really need this product?

Take a look at the sea of the Internet and you’ll find the top ones in the appstore. In addition to game products, other products are to solve the core needs of users. Or the product has great highlights and features compared to other products, here are the core needs: eat, drink, talk and so on. Different dimensions have different distributions.

But such core needs to incubate Internet products is the most enviable time, because now Internet entrepreneurship is no longer as it used to be, you found a traditional demand, make an APP can attract the first batch of seed users.

Once upon a time, you could get your first users by building a running app. Because the GPS and gravity sensing provided by the phone, the APP can quickly record the user’s running and walking data. This product is Keep

In the past, ordering takeout food was done by phone. Suddenly, an app opened up such a business model, attracting users to order food on the app. Is this product hungry

At a time when free voice calls were a desire, an app allowed users to stay in touch without using a phone. The product is wechat

Countless products are in the mobile Internet dividend, the birth of products. These days, even if you see that this might be a core need for a “mass” audience, you don’t have the opportunity to take the lead. Because someone must have figured it out and made it into an industry unicorn.

Therefore, after the mobile Internet dividend, vertical industry, vertical content and vertical user products gradually become the second batch of dividend. Since not everyone needs this requirement, I make a product that a “certain group” of people need.

If that particular group of people is big enough and potential enough to spend, this could be the next unicorn

Similar: Zhihu, PMcaff, PMTalk, Open Source China, etc., are all community products built for that specific group of people.

Increasingly, verticals are no longer enough, but segments are needed. PMTalk and PMcaff, listed above, are such subdivisions.

It could be the unicorn of the future, as long as the chosen segment is growing and the future consumer base is large enough.

So, go back and look at the product you’re in charge of and see which of these scenarios you’re cutting into. At present, the possibility of products in the segmented field will be higher, because the segmented field will require less technology or business, and the dependence of technical talents will be reduced.

Products targeted at core needs, such as eating, drinking, and talking pain points. It’s hard to become a hit unless you spend a lot of research and development to create a new technology that gives users a revolutionary experience.

Is your product in demand?

Many zero-to-one products are based on what the company is currently doing. In other words, by all means, start with MVP1.0.

But over time, the business finds it unworkable or difficult to make money and decides to abandon it. As a result, the product becomes a ruin, which is a relatively normal failure of the product rhythm.

In a few cases, maybe companies don’t even know what their business is, right? For this reason, some possible products have been tried out in parallel. With the development of the enterprise, the previous products may also be abandoned or reconstructed.

This is how I interpret the title, especially when it comes to product newbies choosing product opportunities or product lines. Consider the question, does the organization or team responsible for the product business direction have sufficient enterprise resources, and what is its current status?

The so-called resources of the enterprise: leadership recognition, upper management positioning of its product line

Every product manager wants the product he or she is responsible for to be killed before launch or shortly after launch, but the problem can be far beyond a professional’s control.

I know, every product manager is looking forward to their “children” can be a bo, maybe can get the first bucket of gold, maybe can get the first batch of seed users, maybe can take investment….

But if I had to measure it in one word, it would be: luck. Luck determines the probability of such a scenario.

However, I suggest that the new mentality of product relief, a product is not online or online lost. Your experience is there. The cases and experience in the middle are accumulated, so we should pay more attention to the process of this matter, believe in our own product solutions, and think: “We just don’t have the opportunity to slip away, and we will change the world next time!”

Well, today’s share is here, I will stick to two original work cases every week ~

Recommended reading:

Do it for a year and recruit 100 product managers

My first book. Here it is