Call, apply, bind, etc

All three of these are there to change the direction of this, so it’s going to be a little bit different, so let’s look at a picture

The use of the call

1var a = {

2    des:'Lovely you'


4function fn(age,name{

5        console.log(age,name,this.des)


7/ / execution,18.Alipay);

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The execution result
Let’s mock a call
 1Function.prototype.myCall = function(context{

2    // Get the first argument, the object passed by the user

3  var context = context || window;

4  // Get the rest of the parameters except for the first object

5  var args = [...arguments].slice(1);

6  // Mount the current function on the passed object

7  context.fn = this;

8  // Execute the mounted function

9  varresult = context.fn(... args);

10  // Delete the mount object

11  delete context.fn;

12  // Returns the execution result

13  return result;


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Look at “Call”, then look at “apply”, the principle is the same

1var a = {

2  des'Handsome You'


4function fn (age, name{

5    console.log(age, name, this.des)


7The second argument to apply is an array

8fn.apply(a, [18.'WeChat'])

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The execution result
Again, let’s emulate an implementation of Apply
 1Function.prototype.myApply = function(context{

2      // Get the first argument object

3        var context = context || window;

4      // Get the rest of the parameters except the first one

5      var args = arguments.slice(1) [0];

6      // Mount the current function to the passed object

7      context.fn = this;

8      // Execute the function

9      varresult = context.fn(... args);

10      // Delete the mount object

11      delete context.fn;

12      // Return the result

13      return result;


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The execution result

The use of the bind

1let a = {

2    des'Perfect you'


4function fn (age, name{

5        console.log(age,name,this.des)


7⚠️bind returns a function, so you need to add () to it

8fn.bind(a,18.Yu 'e Bao) ();

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The execution result
Again, let’s copy a bind implementation
 1Function.prototype.Mybind = function (context{

2        // First you need to check whether the call is correct

3      if(typeof this! = ='function') {

4          throw new TypeError('Error');

5    }

6      // Store the current function

7      var _this = this;

8      // Get parameters

9      var args = [...arguments].slice(1);

10      // Return a function

11      return function F ({

12      // Need to consider whether the new case

13      if(this instanceof F) {

14            return new_this(... args,... arguments)

15      }

16      // Otherwise, apply returns the result

17      return_this.apply(context,args.concat(... arguments));

18        }


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The execution result

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