Awesome GitHub Repo this post looks at the GitHub projects that went viral in December.

Awesome GitHub Repo is a collection of high quality, interesting open source projects on GitHub and organizes them into categories.

The open source set of projects is not simply categorized by programming language, but by more interesting categories such as: fun projects, sand sculpture projects, field projects, learning projects, utility tools, etc.

At the same time, welcome readers Star project, and recommend excellent fun open source projects.


01. Annoying IT stickers

This open source project offers some OF the most annoying IT stickers in the world. Please pay attention to the stickers below.

Open source:…

02. New generation crawler platform

The crawler platform is a highly flexible and configurable crawler platform defined by flow chart. A new generation of crawler platform defines the crawler process in a graphical way, and crawler can be completed without writing codes.

Open source:…

03. Developer technology roadmap

Technology is changing fast, and so is the industry. Is there a constantly updated guide that points the way to technological advancement? This GitHub project is preparing a detailed technology roadmap for front-end, back-end, DevOps, and more.

Open source:…

For example, here is the technical path of back-end engineers:

04. YOLOv5

Object Detection, one of the core problems in the field of computer vision, is to find out all the objects of interest in the image and determine their category and location.

YOLOv5 🚀 is a series of target inspection models pre-trained on COCO datasets and represents Ultralytics’ open source research into future visual AI approaches, combining lessons learned and best practices learned over thousands of hours of research and development.

Open source:…

Teach yourself the way to code

AI Lab, Treasure Video, Data Structure, Learning Guide, Machine learning, Deep Learning, Web crawler, Dachang Face Book, Procedural Life, Resource Sharing.

Open source:…

06. Workflow scheduling system

A distributed and easily extensible visual DAG workflow task scheduling system. It is committed to solving the complicated dependency relationship in the data processing process, so that the scheduling system can be used out of the box in the data processing process.

Open source:…

07. Powerful dynamic thread pools

Powerful dynamic thread pool, with monitoring and alarm function (no dependency on middleware), fully following alibaba coding specification. Hippo4J is based on the Thread pool design concept of Meituan.hippo4j to enhance dynamic callback, monitoring, and alerting capabilities for thread pools. Deploy based on C/S architecture.

Open source:…


08. Background management system

The project is based on the back-end management system of Spring Boot 2.1.0, Jpa, Spring Security, Redis and Vue. The project adopts modular development mode, RBAC is adopted for permission control, data dictionary and data permission management are supported, and one-click generation of front-end and back-end codes is supported. Dynamic routing is supported.

Open source:…

Please visit GitHub and recommend a fun and interesting open source project every day. GitHub project:


Recommended reading

1. What are the fun projects on GitHub?

2. Recommend a NetEase cloud player with high appearance level

3. Baidu Cloud High imitation project based on Spring Boot

4. Check baidu’s 4 awesome open source projects