
This post was written in 2018 on my personal blog page :), so start digging for gold! Last month, I was doing Java backend development in the company where I worked as an intern. Suddenly, one afternoon when my eyelids were fighting as usual, the front end said to me, “You did not return the number of consecutive check-in days, did you not have the demand to have a good look at the product”, huh? What, open jira and find that the requirements are updated, ok, then I will return a number of days to you!

Train of thought to solve

First of all, here’s the thing. Function is a sign-in to get red envelope activities, but the control cycle is a week, a cycle of 7 days, that is, from Monday to Sunday. Looked at the continuous number of days on the Internet to seek the method, well, may be my way wrong, not appetite, I will write a!

Analysis of the

1. The sign-in record data must be stored in the database, we take it out first, and then do processing;

2. For a 7-day week, write a number for each day rather than a long list of days. 1….. 7.

3. Continuous sign-in, that means that the middle can not be broken, broken is not continuous;

4. Need to know the mark of the current day to judge the condition processing. Second: the current day has been checked in;

Ok ~, after a meal analysis, the question becomes:

Given an array that does not contain repeated numbers and a number whose range is [1,7], find whether there is a continuous interval containing the given number or a number 1 less than the given number. Find the length of the interval (if there is only one number, the length is 1).

Example: array = {1,2,4,5,6}, index = 7

Out: 3

Example: array = {1,2,4}, index = 6

Out: 0


Figure 1 Figure 2


Go directly to code ~

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Index of days logged in
        int[] array = {1.2.4};
        // Computes the current day index
        int currentDayIndex = 7;
        int count = judgeContinueDay(array, currentDayIndex);

    private static int judgeContinueDay(int[] array, int currentDayIndex) {
        /** * Omit */ to determine the value range

        // I didn't check in one day this week
        if (array.length == 0) {
            return 0;
        // Sort first, from smallest to largest
        /** * Note: Use the binarySearch method to find if the array is present. Make sure the array is sorted before using this method. If not found, returns -1 or -(insertion point). * For example, if {1,2,4,7} is sorted, returns -3 (not in the * array, the index will start at 1). The detailed rules can be consulted. * /
        // Whether the current day exists
        int index1 = Arrays.binarySearch(array, currentDayIndex);
        // Whether the previous day of the current day exists
        int index2 = Arrays.binarySearch(array, currentDayIndex - 1);
        int tmpIndex;
        if (index1 < 0 && index2 < 0) { // The signature is terminated for at least one day
            return 0;
        } else if (index1 < 0) { // I haven't signed it today, judging from yesterday
            tmpIndex = index2;
        } else {	// Today is signed, judging from today
            tmpIndex = index1;
        // If you can get here, you must have checked in for at least 1 consecutive day
        int count = 1;
        // If the index is disconnected, it is discontinuous
        for (int i = tmpIndex; i > 0; i--) {
            if (array[i] - 1 == array[i - 1]) {
            } else {
                break; }}returncount; }}Copy the code

One thing to note: the binarySearch method of Arrays and the return value issue is fine.

The end of the

I have little experience in life, and what I write is very basic. Maybe the method is not the best. I just make a record, looking back and witnessing my growth all the way. I hope you don’t hesitate to give me advice!