1. The background

Using code analysis tool PMD to check Android Java code defects, this article is a tidy up.


PMD is a static source code analyzer. It finds common programming flaws such as unused variables, empty catch blocks, unnecessary object creation, and so on. It focuses on Java and Apex, but supports six other languages. PMD has a number of built-in checks (in PMD terminology, rules) that are documented in the rule reference for each language. We also support extensive apis to write your own rules, which you can execute using Java or as self-contained XPath queries. PMD is most useful when integrated into the build process. It can then be used as a quality gate to enforce coding standards for the code base. Among other things, PMD can run:

  • As a goal for Maven
  • As an Ant task
  • As a Gradle task
  • From the command line

Website address PMD. Making. IO/PMD/index. H…

Using PMD cli Demo github.com/vir56k/demo…

Gradle using PMD Demo github.com/vir56k/demo…

2. Run the PMD command

2.1 Understand the user manual first

PMD. Making. IO/PMD/pmd_use…

2.2 download

Go to the official website, download the zip package, unzip the download address github.com/pmd/pmd/rel…

2.3 Command Line Format for Performing Detection

./run.sh pmd -d .. /.. /.. /src/main/java/ -f text -R rulesets/java/basic.xmlCopy the code

2.4 My script

${CUR} basepath=$(CD 'dirname' $0 '; PWD) echo Parent directory of the currently executed script file :${basepath} PMD_HOME=$basepath/pmd-bin-6.12.0 echo PMD_HOME:${PMD_HOME} PROJ_DIR=$(CD) ${basepath}; cd .. /.. /; pwd) echo PROJ_DIR:${PROJ_DIR} SRC=${PROJ_DIR}/app/src/main/java FORMAT=html RULE=rulesets/java/basic.xml ${PMD_HOME}/bin/run.sh pmd -d ${SRC} -f ${FORMAT} -R ${RULE}Copy the code

3. Use PMD in Gradle mode

3.1 Referencing Plug-ins

apply plugin: ‘pmd’

3.2 writing task

def configDir = "${project.rootDir}/scripts"
def reportsDir = "${project.buildDir}/reports"

  task pmd(type: Pmd) {
      ignoreFailures = true
      ruleSetFiles = files("$configDir/pmd/pmd-ruleset.xml")
      ruleSets = []

      source 'src'
      include '**/*.java'
      exclude '**/gen/**'

      reports {
          xml.enabled = false
          html.enabled = true
          xml {
              destination "$reportsDir/pmd/pmd.xml"
          html {
              destination "$reportsDir/pmd/pmd.html"
Copy the code

3.3 Associating a Task with a Check Task

check.dependsOn 'pmd'
Copy the code

3.4 to perform the check

./gradlew check
Copy the code

Check the report

Located in: Build /reports/ PMD folder


4. Reference

PMD. Making. IO/PMD/index. H…