
Recently around a lot of good colleagues to play job-hopping, chat when always mentioned the interview process, mentioned the most is the interviewer asked source. Many people on the Internet think that the big factory interview to build rockets and cannons, into the work of dry screw, I believe that many partners also have this question. Then why does big factory still like to ask source code?

Personal understanding

The following is a purely personal thought,

  • Say cruelly:Natural selection is the survival of the fittest. He who does not advance loses ground
  • General situation:At present, many people with 4-5 years of experience are still engaged in the first and second years of their own work. Obviously, they have mastered the things in the first two years, but they have been doing THE CV method since then. The chance of wanting to change jobs and enter big factories is almost zero by virtue of these, and then they find that there is a gap between themselves and the requirements of big factories. Big factories tend to look at whether you meet the requirements of technology has nothing to do with the number of years.
  • Excellent role models:Some of them don’t have very long working experience, but the depth and breadth of their technical accumulation is amazing. They spend more time thinking and learning, and are stable in big factories. Such friends believe that they can mix well anywhere, and the number 35 has nothing to do with them
  • How to screen:And how to quickly determine a person’s level through the interview? It is obvious that the big factory wants more advanced +, then the usual business code can not explain what, at this time, we will examine our ability from the following directions
  • 1. Solid foundation:We will ask some general basic questions from shallow to deep to see if our foundation is solid and deep. Sometimes we will ask some interview questions for us to do (basic interview questions feel meaningless).
  • 2. Scenario-project:Give some business scenarios, or ask questions encountered in the project, inspect our adaptability, the accumulation of project experience and the ability to deal with complex scenes. Sometimes it also depends on your overall control of the project and whether you have certain organizational management ability
  • 3.This is also the common routine of some big companies, if it is a temporary topic, sometimes we do not have to write out completely to run (of course, this ability is the best), more is to examine whether your thinking logic is clear
  • 4. The source code:Algorithms are not required to ask, but the source code is almost mandatory, first read the source code can reflect us:

    (1) Love learning and have the spirit of exploring technology

    (2) see more source code, code quality will be better and better

    (3) The source code has a lot of excellent architecture, design patterns, thinking logic…

    So don’t think the interviewer is asking you the source code question just to be “X”, they are looking at the ability behind the source code that five or ten years of writing business code might not have

How to read source code

  • There is a certain accumulation:You even js foundation has not played well, in order to see the source code to see the source code is certainly not, will only be a face meng force, at least 1 years + front-end foundation, try to see the source code
  • From simple to complex:We should not look at their source code just because Vue React is popular. We can choose the small library that we usually use,underscorejsOr commonly used ES6 in some advanced method of source code implementation, slowly our programming thinking will be able to keep up, chew unmoved can first search some good source code analysis article, follow others step by step to learn, until their own simple source code is not difficult to try again interested in their own source code
  • See over and over again:Look at the source code sometimes the first time to see a face meng force only about, over a period of time to find a lot of clear, some clever tricks and even projects can be used, be sure to see more, every time there will be new discoveries (personal experience)
  • Often ask How? :When we will look at the source code, in the project, to always be curious, when using components or libraries to think about how to achieve, so that we will have the motivation to learn to see other people’s source code, while using while looking at the source code will have a deeper understanding, is also the most ideal, not to interview to see the source code
  • Take notes - Summary:Whether I’m learning something new or looking at source code, I take notes. I have clever logic, design patterns, and good methods to take notes. I always think that a good memory is better than bad writing, and then often come out to see, the project is used, this is to see the source code should eventually have the effect, the ultimate benefit is certainly our own.

Study notes sample


He who does not advance will fall back, so we should have a sense of crisis.

The same is true until the age of 35, ordinary people write business code paddling, role models in-depth learning to broaden their horizons, promotion to management.

This is why everyone says that 35 years old is the threshold of programmers, many people can not pass, in fact, all walks of life is such that there will be a hurdle, the company will always be short of senior talents, only in this way after the storm, still shining not eliminated by the company and not eliminated by the society.

There is no end to learning. Big factory just through a certain way – source code, to understand your technical depth, learning ability, future development, even went into the screw, you are also the best screw that one, of course, will not give you the rocket money to make you screw, they are not stupid, so learn more, there will be no harm.

Life is like XX, if you can’t resist, enjoy it.