Next, this article explains how to use Flutter to draw pie charts
Define PieChart & PiePart
The first step defines the PieChart and PiePart classes. The PieChart is the entire PieChart control with datas and legends properties that represent the PieChart data and the identity of each section. PiePart represents a part of the pie chart, with color, startAngle and sweepAngle attributes, representing the color, starting radian value and occupying the radian value of the circle respectively. The PeiChartPainter class implements the concrete drawing methods.
class PiePart {
double sweepAngle;
final Color color;
final double startAngle;
PiePart( this.startAngle, this.sweepAngle, this.color, ); } class PieChart extends StatefulWidget { final List<double> datas; final List<String> legends; const PieChart({ @required this.datas, @required this.legends, }); @override _PieChartState createState() => _PieChartState(); } class _PieChartState extends State<PieChart> with TickerProviderStateMixin { double _total = 0.0; final List<PiePart> _parts = <PiePart>[]; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Container( width: 300. height: 300. child: CustomPaint( painter: PeiChartPainter( total: _total, parts: _parts, datas: widget.datas, legends: widget.legends ), ), ), ]. ); } } class PeiChartPainter extends CustomPainter { final double total; final List<double> datas; final List<PiePart> parts; final List<String> legends; PeiChartPainter({ @required, @required this.datas, @required, @required this.legends, }); @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { // TODO } @override bool shouldRepaint(PeiChartPainter oldDelegate) => true; } Copy the code
Draw round box
Draw the circle of the chart first. Add the drawCircle method to PeiChartPainter to draw a hollow circle with the center of the circle and the radius of the circle.
void drawCircle(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
final sw = size.width;
final sh = size.height;
// Determine the radius of the circle
final double radius = math.min(sw, sh) / 2;
// Define the center point final Offset center = Offset(sw / 2, sh / 2); // Define the draw property of the circle final paint = Paint() = PaintingStyle.stroke ..color = Colors.grey ..strokeWidth = 1.0; // Draw with Canvas drawCircle canvas.drawCircle(center, radius, paint); } @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { drawCircle(canvas, size); } Copy the code
Draw the logo
This step requires initializing the data in _PieChartState and then drawing the identifiers for each data in the following steps
- Figure out what percentage of the sum each piece of data represents
- Calculate the radian value of the data occupied circle based on the proportion
- Calculate the starting radian value of the next data based on the radian value occupied by the previous data
- Based on the calculated starting radian value and occupied radian value
object - use
Object draw identifier
class _PieChartState extends State<PieChart> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
double _total = 0.0;
final List<PiePart> _parts = <PiePart>[];
void initState() { super.initState(); List<double> datas = widget.datas; // Calculate the sum of data _total = datas.reduce((a, b) => a + b); // Define an initial variable double startAngle = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { final data = datas[i]; // Calculate the radian value of each data final angle = (data / _total) * -math.pi * 2; PiePart peiPart; if (i > 0) { // The starting radian value of the next data is equal to the sum of the previous data radians double lastSweepAngle = _parts[i - 1].sweepAngle; startAngle += lastSweepAngle; peiPart = PiePart(startAngle, angle, colors[i]); } else { // The initial radian of the first datum is 0.0 peiPart = PiePart(0.0, angle, colors[i]); } // Add to array _parts.add(peiPart); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Container( width: 300. height: 300. child: CustomPaint( // Pass the data to PeiChartPainter painter: PeiChartPainter( total: _total, parts: _parts, datas: widget.datas, legends: widget.legends, ), ), ), ]. ); } } Copy the code
Add the drawLegends method on PeiChartPainter to draw the corresponding identifiers for each part of the round frame.
void drawLegends(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
final sw = size.width;
final sh = size.height;
final double radius = math.min(sw, sh) / 2;
final double fontSize = 12.0;
for (int i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { final PiePart part = parts[i]; final String legend = legends[i]; // Get the middle radian value of each part by adding half of its own radian value to the initial radian value of each part final radians = part.startAngle + part.sweepAngle / 2; // According to the trigonometric function to calculate the mark text x and Y position, need to add the width and height of half of the Canvas coordinate double x = math.cos(radians) * (radius + 32) + sw / 2 - fontSize; double y = math.sin(radians) * (radius + 32) + sh / 2; final offset = Offset(x, y); // Use TextPainter to draw text identifiers TextPainter( textAlign:, text: TextSpan( text: legend, style: TextStyle( fontSize: fontSize, color:, ), ), textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, ) ..layout( minWidth: 0. maxWidth: size.width, ) ..paint(canvas, offset); } } @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { drawCircle(canvas, size); drawLegends(canvas, size); } Copy the code
The trigonometric function used to calculate the position of the text is
Draw arcs corresponding to data
Add the drawParts method to PeiChartPainter to draw the arc for each data.
void drawParts(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
final sw = size.width;
final sh = size.height;
final double fontSize = 10.0;
final double radius = math.min(sw, sh) / 2;
final Offset center = Offset(sw / 2, sh / 2); // Create a rectangle that follows the arc final rect = Rect.fromCenter( center: center, width: radius * 2. height: radius * 2. ); // Set the draw property final paint = Paint() ..strokeWidth = 0.0 ..isAntiAlias = true = PaintingStyle.fill; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { final PiePart part = parts[i]; // Set the color of each section paint.color = part.color; // Draw the arc using the drawArc method. The parameters are rectangle, initial radian value, occupied radian value, whether to draw from the center point, and draw properties canvas.drawArc(rect, part.startAngle, part.sweepAngle, true, paint); final double data = datas[i]; // Calculate the proportion of each part final String percent = (data / total * 100).toStringAsFixed(1); final double radians = part.startAngle + part.sweepAngle / 2; // Use trigonometry to calculate text position double x = math.cos(radians) * radius / 2 + sw / 2 - fontSize * 3; double y = math.sin(radians) * radius / 2 + sh / 2; final Offset offset = Offset(x, y); // Use TextPainter to draw text identifiers TextPainter( textAlign: TextAlign.start, text: TextSpan( text: '$data $percent% '. style: TextStyle( fontSize: fontSize, color: Colors.white, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ), textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, ) ..layout( minWidth: 0. maxWidth: size.width, ) ..paint(canvas, offset); } } @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { drawCircle(canvas, size); drawLegends(canvas, size); drawParts(canvas, size); } Copy the code
Add animation
Finally, add a growing animation effect to the pie chart by adding the controller _controller for the animation and the _animateDatas array for the animation data to the _PieChartState. Initialize the animation controller in initState and populate the _animateDatas array. Then create two tween animations of type double and pass the values to PeiChartPainter.
class _PieChartState extends State<PieChart> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
double _total = 0.0;
AnimationController _controller;
List<double> _animateDatas = [];
final List<PiePart> _parts = <PiePart>[];
@override void initState() { super.initState(); // Initialize the animation controller _controller = AnimationController( duration: Duration(milliseconds: 3000), vsync: this. ); List<double> datas = widget.datas; // Calculate the sum of data _total = datas.reduce((a, b) => a + b); // Set a start variable double startAngle = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { // Populate the animation array _animateDatas.add(0.0); final data = datas[i]; // Calculate the radian value of each data final angle = (data / _total) * -math.pi * 2; PiePart peiPart; if (i > 0) { // The starting radian value of the next data is equal to the sum of the previous radians double lastSweepAngle = _parts[i - 1].sweepAngle; startAngle += lastSweepAngle; peiPart = PiePart(startAngle, angle, colors[i]); } else { // The initial radian of the first datum is 0.0 peiPart = PiePart(0.0, angle, colors[i]); } // Add to array _parts.add(peiPart); CurvedAnimation curvedAnimation = CurvedAnimation( parent: _controller, curve: Curves.ease, ); // Create a curved tween animation final partTween = Tween<double>(begin: 0.0, end: peiPart.sweepAngle); Animation<double> animation = partTween.animate(curvedAnimation); // Create tween animation for text final percentTween = Tween<double>(begin: 0.0, end: data); Animation<double> percentAnimation = percentTween.animate(curvedAnimation); // Keep changing the data values after the animation starts _controller.addListener(() { _parts[i].sweepAngle = animation.value; _animateDatas[i] = double.parse(percentAnimation.value.toStringAsFixed(1)); setState(() {}); }); // Start animation _controller.forward(); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Container( width: 300. height: 300. child: CustomPaint( // Pass the data to PeiChartPainter painter: PeiChartPainter( total: _total, parts: _parts, datas: _animateDatas, legends: widget.legends, ), ), ), SizedBox(height: 80), Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color:, shape:, ), child: IconButton( color: Colors.white, icon: Icon(Icons.refresh), onPressed: () { _controller.reset(); _controller.forward(); }, ), ), ]. ); } } Copy the code
At this point the entire pie chart drawing is complete, the incoming data can be used
datas: []. legends: ['δΈζ'.'δΊζ'.'march'.'in April'.'may'].);
Copy the code
Full code address: pie_chart.dart
This article explains how to draw a pie chart using Flutter, using a bit of trigonometry. The key point is to calculate the radian value of each piece of data covering the entire circle and the starting radian value of the data. The AnimationController is used to continuously update the drawing data after the animation is started, which is then passed to the PeiChartPainter.
I am going to write a series of articles on Flutter charting to share this knowledge. This article is the second in a series of six.
- Chart using Flutter (I) bar chart
- Chart using Flutter (2) Pie chart
- Chart (3) line chart using Flutter
- Plotting with Flutter (IV) radar charts
- Use Flutter to chart (v) loops
- Chart using Flutter (vi) bar chart
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