Technical work, should be praised and then see, form a habitCopy the code

RocketMQ use tutorial related series of directories

Section 1: Server preparation

Install two VMS, one master and one slave.

IP hostname mastername rocketmq-nameserver2 rocketmq-master1-slave1 rocketmq-nameserver1 rocketmq-master1

Install virtual machine portal –>

Section 2: Installation and Configuration (Salve)

RocketMQ has already been installed on one server, so the Salve server ( only needs to install slave nodes.

Note: If you don’t know how rocketMQ is installed, portal –> Chapter 1: rocketMQ Installation

Create a directory on the Salve server where the installation files are stored

mkdir server
Copy the code

Copy the installation files to the Salve server and unzip the installation

SCP rocketmq - all - 4.5.1 - bin - release. Zip / usr/local/server /Copy the code

Unzip rocketmq - all - 4.5.1 - bin - release. ZipCopy the code


Mkdir mq mv rocketmq-all-4.5.1-bin-release MQ/rocketMQCopy the code

Create the RocketMQ storage directory

The existing directory structure looks like this

Creating a Storage Directory

mkdir logs
mkdir store
cd store
mkdir commitlog
mkdir consumequeue
mkdir index
Copy the code

Changing a Log Path

Go to the conf directory and replace ${user.home} in all XML files to ensure that the log path is correct


Sed -i batch replacement

Sed -i 'new string original string s # # # g' replacement file sed -i 's # # ${user. Home} / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq# g' *. XMLCopy the code


The replacement succeeded


Modify runbroker. Sh

Adjust the memory size (for demonstration purposes only, the actual memory size depends on the production environment)

cd ..
cd bin/
Copy the code



Adjust to 1 g

Modify the runserver then executes. Sh

Adjust the memory size (for demonstration purposes only, the actual memory size depends on the production environment)

Copy the code

Section 3: Configuration

Configure hosts

Configure the mapping between addresses and IP addresses in the host file

Add the following mapping to the /etc/hosts file of the two hosts

Vim /etc/hosts Rocketmq-nameserver1 Rocketmq-master1 Rocketmq-nameserver2 rocketmq master1 -- slave1Copy the code

After the configuration is complete, restart the NIC

systemctl restart network
Copy the code

Rocketmq environment variable configuration

vim /etc/profile
Copy the code

Add the following command at the end of the profile file

#set rocketmq
Copy the code

Input: wq! Save and exit to make the configuration take effect immediately:

source /etc/profile
Copy the code

The JDK installation

Centos installation open-jdk8–> portal

Modify the master server configuration


None example Disable the Namesrv service

Enter bin sh mqshutdown namesrvCopy the code

Closing the Broker service

sh mqshutdown broker
Copy the code

Through the JPS verification

A master-slave configuration


cd /usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/conf
cd 2m-2s-async/
Copy the code


BrokerName =broker- A #0 = Master >0 = Slave brokerId=0 #nameServer address, semicolon split namesrvAddr= RocketMQ-Nameserver1:9876; Rocketmq-nameserver2:9876 # Create a topic that does not exist on the server. DefaultTopicQueueNums =4 # Allow the Broker to automatically create subscription groups. Online closed autoCreateSubscriptionGroup = true # Broker foreign service listening on port listenPort = 10911 # delete files point in time, the default 4 am deleteWhen = 4 # document retention time, MapedFileSizeCommitLog =1073741824 #ConsumeQueue by default, 30W files are stored in each file. Adjust according to the business situation mapedFileSizeConsumeQueue = 120000 # 300000 # destroyMapedFileIntervalForcibly = redeleteHangedFileInterval = 120000 # test physical file disk space diskMaxUsedSpaceRatio = 88 # storage paths storePathRootDir = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store # commitLog storage paths StorePathCommitLog = / usr/local/server/mq queue storage/rocketmq/store/commitlog # consumption path storage paths StorePathConsumeQueue = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store/consumequeue # message index storage paths StorePathIndex = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store/index # checkpoint file storage path StoreCheckpoint = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store/checkpoint # abort file storage path AbortFile = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store / # abort message limit maxMessageSize = 65536 # flushCommitLogLeastPages = 4 #flushConsumeQueueLeastPages=2 #flushCommitLogThoroughInterval=10000 #flushConsumeQueueThoroughInterval=60000 #Broker Role #- ASYNC_MASTER Asynchronous replication Master #- SYNC_MASTER Synchronous double write Master #- SLAVE brokerRole=ASYNC_MASTER # Flush ASYNC_FLUSH #- SYNC_FLUSH synchronous brush plate flushDiskType = # ASYNC_FLUSH checkTransactionMessageEnable = false number # # message thread pool sendMessageThreadPoolNums = 128 # message thread pool number # pullMessageThreadPoolNums = 128Copy the code


BrokerClusterName = xuZHU_cluster brokerClusterName= brokerClusterName BrokerRole to determine who is master and who is from brokerName=broker-a #nameServer address namesrvAddr= RocketMQ-Nameserver1:9876; Rocketmx-nameserver 2:9876 #brokerID 0 is master, >0 is slave brokerID =0 # Master, Asynchronous copy brokerRole=ASYNC_MASTER # flush mode, FlushDiskType =ASYNC_FLUSHCopy the code

From machine:

Modify the broker – a – supachai panitchpakdi roperties

Copy the code

Modify, save

BrokerName =broker- A #0 = Master >0 = Slave brokerId=1 #nameServer address, semicolon split namesrvAddr= RocketMQ-Nameserver1:9876; Rocketmq-nameserver2:9876 # Create a topic that does not exist on the server. DefaultTopicQueueNums =4 # Allow the Broker to automatically create subscription groups. Online closed autoCreateSubscriptionGroup = true # Broker foreign service listening on port listenPort = 10911 # delete files point in time, the default 4 am deleteWhen = 4 # document retention time, MapedFileSizeCommitLog =1073741824 #ConsumeQueue by default, 30W files are stored in each file. Adjust according to the business situation mapedFileSizeConsumeQueue = 120000 # 300000 # destroyMapedFileIntervalForcibly = redeleteHangedFileInterval = 120000 # test physical file disk space diskMaxUsedSpaceRatio = 88 # storage paths storePathRootDir = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store # commitLog storage paths StorePathCommitLog = / usr/local/server/mq queue storage/rocketmq/store/commitlog # consumption path storage paths StorePathConsumeQueue = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store/consumequeue # message index storage paths StorePathIndex = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store/index # checkpoint file storage path StoreCheckpoint = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store/checkpoint # abort file storage path AbortFile = / usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/store / # abort message limit maxMessageSize = 65536 # flushCommitLogLeastPages = 4 #flushConsumeQueueLeastPages=2 #flushCommitLogThoroughInterval=10000 #flushConsumeQueueThoroughInterval=60000 #Broker Role #- ASYNC_MASTER Asynchronous replication Master #- SYNC_MASTER Synchronous double write Master #- SLAVE brokerRole=SLAVE # Flush Flush Asynchronous flush #- SYNC_FLUSH synchronous brush plate flushDiskType = # ASYNC_FLUSH checkTransactionMessageEnable = false number # # message thread pool sendMessageThreadPoolNums = 128 # message thread pool number # pullMessageThreadPoolNums = 128Copy the code


BrokerClusterName = xuZHU_cluster brokerClusterName= brokerClusterName BrokerRole to determine who is master and who is from brokerName=broker-a #nameServer address namesrvAddr= RocketMQ-Nameserver1:9876; Rocketmq-nameserver 2:9876 #brokerID 0 is master, >0 is brokerID =1 # Role is brokerRole=SLAVE # Flush mode, flushDiskType=ASYNC_FLUSHCopy the code

Section 4: Start namesRV and master/slave Brokers

The master and slave hosts go to the bin directory

Start namesRV of master and slave hosts

nohup sh mqnamesrv > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Copy the code

Start the broker for the master host

nohup sh mqbroker -c /usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/conf/2m-2s-async/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Copy the code

Start the broker for the slave host again

nohup sh mqbroker -c /usr/local/server/mq/rocketmq/conf/2m-2s-async/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Copy the code

Section 5: Viewing cluster monitoring platform

Start the

Check whether docker container Rocketmq-console-ng exists in advance. If so, delete it first

For those of you who are not familiar with Docker, portal -> Docker is used to manipulate container commands

If the RocketMQ-Console image has not been downloaded, portal –>RocketMQ cluster monitoring platform RocketMQ-Console is set up

Docker run - e "JAVA_OPTS = - Drocketmq. Namesrv. Addr =; - Dcom. Rocketmq. SendMessageWithVIPChannel = false "-p 8080-8080 - t - name rocketmq - the console - ng styletang/rocketmq-console-ngCopy the code