Chapter 8 generics

In the general case of classes and functions, we only need to use concrete types: either primitive types or custom classes. But in the case of collection classes, we often need to write code that can be applied to multiple types. The simplest and most primitive approach is to write a rigid set of code for each type. In doing so, code reuse is low and abstraction is poor. Can we also abstract “type” into parameters? Yes, of course.

The introduction of generics in Java 5 implements “Parameterized types.” A parameterized type, as the name suggests, is a type parameterized from a specific type, similar to a variable parameter in a method. In this case, the type is also defined as a parameter, which we call a type parameter, and then passed in the specific type (type argument) when used.

As we know, in mathematics a functional is a function with a function as its independent variable. By analogy, generics in programming are types that take types as variables, that is, parameterized types. Such variable Parameters are called Type Parameters.

In this chapter, we’ll take a look at Kotlin generics.

8.1 Why generics

Java Programming Minds (4th edition) notes that there are many reasons for generics, but one of the most notable is the creation of container classes (collection classes).

The collection class is one of the most common classes we use when writing code. Let’s take a look at how our collection class held objects before generics. In Java, the Object class is the root class of all classes. For the universality of the set class, the type of the element is defined as Object. When the element is put into a specific type, the corresponding cast is performed.

Here is a sample code:

class RawArrayList {
    public int length = 0;
    private Object[] elements; // Define the type of the element as Object

    public RawArrayList(int length) {
        this.length = length;
        this.elements = new Object[length];

    public Object get(int index) {
        return elements[index];

    public void add(int index, Object element) { elements[index] = element; }}Copy the code

A simple test code is shown below

public class RawTypeDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        RawArrayList rawArrayList = new RawArrayList(4);

        String a = (String)rawArrayList.get(0); 

        String b = (String)rawArrayList.get(1);


        int c = (int)rawArrayList.get(2);
        int d = (int)rawArrayList.get(3);

        String x = (String)rawArrayList.get(2); //Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.StringSystem.out.println(x); }}Copy the code

We can see that in the collection class implemented using raw types, we use the Object[] array. There are two problems with this implementation:

  1. When we add object elements to a collection, we do not check the type of the element, which means that the compiler does not give an error when we add any object to the collection.
  2. When we get a value from a collection, we can’t all use Object. We need to cast it. This conversion process is error-prone because it adds elements without any type restrictions or checking. For example in the code above:

String x = (String)rawArrayList.get(2); //Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.StringCopy the code

For this line of code, no errors are reported at compile time, but a conversion error is thrown at run time. Can the compiler handle such boilerplate conversion code? When we add elements to the rawArrayList

rawArrayList.add(0."a");Copy the code

If the element type is String, the element type must be String.

 String a = (String)rawArrayList.get(0);Copy the code

This type safety problem can be solved by storing the information of the element type String in a “type parameter” and introducing the corresponding type checking and automatic conversion mechanism at the compiler level. This is the basic idea behind the introduction of generics.

The main advantage of generics is that they let the compiler track parameter types, perform type checking, and type conversions. Because it’s up to the compiler to make sure the conversion doesn’t fail. Run-time errors can be difficult to locate and debug if we rely on ourselves to track object types and perform conversions, but with generics, the compiler can help us perform a lot of type checking and detect more compile-time errors. In this respect, generics are ideologically similar to the null-pointer safety implementation of nullable types we discussed in Chapter 3.

8.2 Use generics on classes, interfaces, and functions

Generic classes, generic interfaces, and generic methods have the advantages of reusability, type safety, and efficiency. Generics are used extensively in the collection class API. In Java, we can define generic parameters for classes, interfaces, and methods, and Kotlin supports that as well. In this section, we introduce generic interfaces, generic classes, and generic functions in Kotlin.

8.2.1 Generic interfaces

Let’s take a simple example of a Kotlin generic interface.

interface Generator<T> { // Put the type argument after the interface name: 
    operator fun next(a): T  // Use type T directly in the interface function
}Copy the code

The test code

fun testGenerator(a) {
    val gen = object : Generator<Int> { // Object expression
        override fun next(a): Int {
            return Random().nextInt(10)
}Copy the code

Here we declare a Generator implementation class using the object keyword and implement the next() function in the lambda expression.

Kotlin’s definition of the Map and MutableMap interfaces is also a typical example of a generic interface.

public interface Map<K, out V> {...public fun containsKey(key: K): Boolean
    public fun containsValue(value: @UnsafeVariance V): Boolean
    public operator fun get(key: K): V? .public val keys: Set<K>
    public val values: Collection<V>
    public val entries: Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>

public interface MutableMap<K, V> : Map<K, V> {
    public fun put(key: K, value: V): V?
    public fun remove(key: K): V?
    public fun putAll(from: Map<out K, V>): Unit. }Copy the code

For example, we use the mutableMapOf function to instantiate a mutableMap

>>> val map = mutableMapOf<Int,String>(1 to "a".2 to "b".3 to "c")
>>> map
{1=a, 2=b, 3=c}Copy the code

Where, the mutableMapOf function is signed as follows

fun <K, V> mutableMapOf(vararg pairs: Pair<K, V>): MutableMap<K, V>Copy the code

Here the type arguments K, V are replaced by an actual type argument when the generic type is instantiated and used. In mutableMapOf<Int,String>, the placement of K and V is replaced by the concrete Int and String types.

Generics can be used to restrict the types of objects held by collection classes, making them safer. When we put an object of the wrong type into a collection class, the compiler will report an error:

>>> map.put("5"."e")
error: type mismatch: inferred type is String but Int was expected
        ^Copy the code

Kotlin has type inference, and some type parameters can be omitted. MutableMapOf <Int,String> the type argument <Int,String> can be omitted:

>>> val map = mutableMapOf(1 to "a".2 to "b".3 to "c")
>>> map
{1=a, 2=b, 3=c}Copy the code

8.2.2 generic class

We simply declare a Container class with type parameters

class Container<K, V>(var key: K, var value: V)Copy the code

For testing purposes, we rewrite the toString() function

class Container<K, V>(var key: K, var value: V){ // Declare the generic parameter 
         after the class name. Multiple generics are separated by commas
    override fun toString(a): String {
        return "Container(key=$key, value=$value)"}}Copy the code

The test code

fun testContainer(a) {
    val container = Container<Int, String>(1."A") // 
         is specified as 
    println(container) // container = Container(key=1, value=A)
}Copy the code

8.2.3 Generic functions

In both generic interfaces and generic classes, we declare generic parameters after the class name and interface name. In fact, we can also declare generic parameters directly in a function in a class or interface, or directly in a package-level function. An example of this code is as follows

class GenericClass {
    fun <T> console(t: T) { // A generic function in a class
interface GenericInterface {
    fun <T> console(t: T) // Generic functions in the interface
fun <T : Comparable<T>> gt(x: T, y: T): Boolean { // Generic functions in packages
    return x > y
}Copy the code

8.3 Type upper bound

In the above example, we have seen that gt(x:T, y:T) has a T: Comparable

in its signature.

fun <T : Comparable<T>> gt(x: T, y: T): BooleanCopy the code

The T: Comparable<T> here means that Comparable<T> is an upper bound of type T. This tells the compiler that the type parameter T represents classes that implement the Comparable<T> interface, which tells the compiler that they implement the compareTo method. Without this type upper bound declaration, we would not be able to use the compareTo (>) operator directly. That is, the following code does not compile

fun <T> gt(x: T, y: T): Boolean {
    return x > y // Failed to compile
}Copy the code

8.4 Covariant and contravariant

Wildcards for Java generics take two forms:

  • Subtype upper bound qualifier ? extends T Specifies an upper limit for type parameters (the type must be type T or a subtype of it)
  • Supertype lower bound qualifier ? super TSpecifies a lower limit for type parameters (the type must be type T or its parent)

We call this Type Wildcard. Wildcards play an important role in the type system, providing a useful type range for the set of types specified by a generic class.

The Number type (F for short) is the parent of the Integer type (C for short). The parent-child type relationship is denoted as: C => F (C inherits F); The generic type information represented by List<Number> and List<Integer> is abbreviated as F (f) and f(C) respectively.

So we can describe covariant and contravariant as follows:

When C => F, if F (C) => F (F), then F is called covariant;

When C => F, if F (F) => F (C), then F is called contravariant. If neither relation is true then it is called invariant.

Covariant and contravariant can be illustrated briefly in the figure below

Both covariant and inverse covariant are type safe.

8.4.1 covariance

Arrays are covariant in Java, and the following code should compile and run correctly:

        Integer[] ints = new Integer[3];
        ints[0] = 0;
        ints[1] = 1;
        ints[2] = 2;
        Number[] numbers = new Number[3];
        numbers = ints;
        for (Number n : numbers) {
        }Copy the code

In Java, because Integer is a subtype of Number, and the array type Integer[] is also a subtype of Number[], an Integer[] value can be supplied anywhere a Number[] value is needed. What array covariant means in Java can be briefly illustrated in the following figure

Generics in Java are non-covariant. As shown in the figure below

That is, List<Integer> is not a subtype of List<Number>, and attempting to supply List<Integer> where List<Number> is required is a type error. The compiler will directly error the following code:

        List<Integer> integerList = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Number> numberList = new ArrayList<>();
        numberList = integerList; // Compilation error: type incompatible
Copy the code

The compiler displays the following error message:

The different behavior of generics and arrays in Java does cause a lot of confusion. Even if we use a wildcard, write it like this:

List<? extends Number> list = new ArrayList<Number>();  
list.add(new Integer(1)); //error  Copy the code

Still error:

This often confuses us: why can objects of Number be instantiated by Integer, but objects of ArrayList<Number> not ArrayList<Integer>? The list of <? Extends Number> declares that its element is Number or a derived class of Number. Why not add Integer? To understand these issues, we need to understand contravariant and covariant Java and the use of wildcards in generics.

List<? extends Number> list = new ArrayList<>();  Copy the code

The subtype C here is the Number class and its subclasses (for example, Number, Integer, Float, and so on), representing the Number class or its subclasses. The superclass F is the upper bound wildcard:? Extends the Number.

When C => F, this relation holds: F (C) => F (F), this is covariant. Let’s specify f of f as List<? Extends Number>, f(C) concretes to List<Integer>, List<Float>, etc. Covariant means: List<? Extends Number> is the parent of List<Integer>, List<Float>, and so on. As shown in the figure below

Code sample

List<? extends Number> list1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();  
List<? extends Number> list2 = new ArrayList<Float>();  Copy the code

However, you cannot add any objects to list1 and List2 except null.

        list1.add(null); // ok
        list2.add(null);// ok
        list1.add(new Integer(1)); // error
        list2.add(new Float(1.1f)); // errorCopy the code


can add Interger and its subclasses; List

you can add Float and its subclasses; List

, List

, etc. Subtype of extends Number>.

Now the question is, what if I could subclass Float to List<? Extends Number>, then can subclasses of Integer be added to List<? Extends Number>, then List<? Extends Number> holds objects of various subtypes of Number (Byte, Integer, Float, Double, etc.). And at this point, when we use the list again, the element types will be confused. We don’t know which element will be Integer or Float. Java, to protect its type consistency, disallows requests to List<? Extends Number> adds arbitrary objects, although null objects can be added.

8.4.2 inverter

Let’s start with a code example

List<? super Number> list = new ArrayList<Object> ();Copy the code

What is the subtype C here? Super Number, F is the parent type of Number (for example, Object).

When C => F, F (F) => F (C), this is inverse. Let’s specify f of C as List<? Super Number>, f(f) is specified as List<Object>. Contravariant means List<? Super Number> is the parent of List<Object>. As shown in the figure below

Code examples:

List<? super Number> list3 = new ArrayList<Number>();  
List<? super Number> list4 = new ArrayList<Object>();  
list3.add(new Integer(3));  
list4.add(new Integer(4));  Copy the code

In an inverse type, we can add elements to it. For example, we can call List<? Add Number and its subclass object to the super Number > list4 variable.

8.4.3 PECS

Now the question arises: When do we use extends and when do we use super? Effective Java provides the answer:

PECS: producer-extends, consumer-super

The following examples illustrate the specific meaning of PECS.

First, we declare a simple Stack generic class as follows

public class Stack<E>{  
    public Stack(a);  
    public void push(E e):  
    public E pop(a);  
    public boolean isEmpty(a);  
}  Copy the code

To implement the pushAll(Iterable<E> SRC) method, push the SRC elements one by one

public void pushAll(Iterable<E> src){  
    for(E e : src)  
}  Copy the code

Given a Stack<Number> object instantiated by the type argument E to Number, SRC has Iterable<Integer> and Iterable<Float>, The type mismatch occurs when the pushAll method is called because generics are immutable in Java and neither Iterable<Integer> nor Iterable<Float> is a subtype of Iterable<Number>.

Therefore, the pushAll(Iterable<E> SRC) method signature should be changed

// Wildcard type for parameter that serves as an E producer  
public void pushAll(Iterable<? extends E> src) {  
    for (E e : src)   // out T, reads data from SRC, producer-extends
}  Copy the code

This enables covariant generics. At the same time, the data we read from SRC is guaranteed to be objects of type E and its subtypes.

Now let’s look at the popAll(Collection<E> DST) method, which takes the elements of the Stack and adds them to DST in sequence, without using wildcards:

// popAll method without wildcard type - deficient!  
public void popAll(Collection<E> dst) {  
    while(! isEmpty()) dst.add(pop()); }Copy the code

Similarly, if there is an Object Stack that instantiates Stack<Number>, DST is Collection<Object>; Calling popAll causes a Type mismatch error because Collection<Object> is not a subtype of Collection<Number>.

Therefore, the popAll(Collection<E> DST) method should be changed to:

// Wildcard type for parameter that serves as an E consumer  
public void popAll(Collection<? super E> dst) {  // Ensure that elements in DST are of type E or a parent of type E
    while(! isEmpty()) dst.add(pop());// in T, write data to DST, consumer-super
}  Copy the code

Because pop() returns data of type E, and all elements in DST are of type E or a parent of type E, it is safe to write data of type E.

Naftalin and Wadler called PECS the Get and Put Principle.

PECS is perfectly illustrated in the copy method for Java.util. Collections (JDK1.7) :

public static <T> void copy(List<? super T> dest, List<? extends T> src) {  
    int srcSize = src.size();  
    if (srcSize > dest.size())  
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Source does not fit in dest");  
    if (srcSize < COPY_THRESHOLD ||  
        (src instanceof RandomAccess && dest instanceof RandomAccess)) {  
        for (int i=0; i<srcSize; i++)  
            dest.set(i, src.get(i));  
    } else {  
        ListIterator<? super T> di=dest.listIterator();   // in T, write dest data
        ListIterator<? extends T> si=src.listIterator();   // out T, read SRC data
        for (int i=0; i<srcSize; i++) {; di.set(; }}}Copy the code

8.5 Out T and in T

As mentioned above, in Java generics, there is such a thing as a wildcard. Extends T specifies the upper limit of a type parameter, using? Super T Specifies the lower limit of type parameters.

Kotlin discarded this and implemented PECS rules directly. Kotlin introduced the projection type out T for producer objects and the projection type in T for consumer objects. Kotlin uses projected types out T and in T to achieve the same function for type wildcards.

Let’s explain this briefly with a code example:

public static <T> void copy(List<? super T> dest, List<? extends T> src) {... ListIterator<?super T> di=dest.listIterator();   // in T, write dest data
        ListIterator<? extends T> si=src.listIterator();   // out T, read SRC data. }Copy the code

dest is the object that consumes the data. The data is written to the dest object, which is “eaten” (in T in Kotlin).

SRC is the object that produces the data. SRC “spits out” the data (called out T in Kotlin).

In Kotlin, we call those objects that are only type-safe when reading data producers, marked with out T; Objects that are only type-safe when writing data are called consumers, marked with in T.

If you find it too hard to understand, remember it this way:

Out T is equivalent to? Extends T in T is equivalent to? super T

8.6 Type Erasure

Both Java and Kotlin’s generic implementations use runtime type erasure. That is, information about these type parameters will be erased at run time.

Generics are implemented at the compiler level. The generated class bytecode file does not contain the type information in the generic. For example, types such as List<Object> and List<String> defined in code become lists when compiled. All the JVM sees is the List, and the type information added by generics is invisible to the JVM.

Many strange features about generics are related to the existence of this type erasure, such as the fact that generic classes do not have their own Class objects. For example, there is no List<String>. Class or List<Integer>. Class in Java, only list.class. Correspondingly, there is no MutableList<Fruit>::class in Kotlin, but only MutableList::class.

The basic process for type erasure is also simple:

  • First, find the concrete class to replace the type parameter. This concrete class is usually Object. If an upper bound is specified for a type parameter, this upper bound is used.
  • Second, replace all the type arguments in your code with concrete classes. Also remove the occurrence of type declarations, that is, remove the <> content. For example, T get() becomes Object get(), and List

    becomes List.
  • Finally, generate some bridge methods as needed. This is because classes that erase types may lack some necessary methods. At this point, the compiler generates these methods dynamically.

Once you understand the type erasure mechanism, it becomes clear that the compiler does all the type checking. The compiler forbids the use of certain generics precisely to ensure type safety.

The summary of this chapter

Generics are a very useful thing. Especially in collection classes. We can find a lot of generic code. With generics, we can have more powerful and secure type checking, no manual type conversions, and the ability to develop more generic algorithms.