In the previous chapter [Chapter 39: When we create a task, the task is automatically persisted to the database by the Quartz timing task framework. We use a dataSource hosted by the SpringBoot project to provide the dataSource. Of course, we can also use quartz internal configuration dataSource. Our title refers to the distributed multi-node task, so what is multi-node? Can I automatically migrate tasks to available distributed nodes when a node fails or stops manually?

Objective in this chapter

  1. The distributed scheduling task configuration is complete. When a node is shut down, other nodes automatically take over the scheduling task.
  2. Custom parameters are passed when creating a task to facilitate the processing of subsequent service logic.

Build the project

Note: The project in this chapter needs to be completed together with the previous chapter. It should be noted that the full path of the task will be saved when the task is persisted to the database, such as: Com. Hengyu. Chapter39. Timers. GoodStockCheckTimer, quartz when run the task according to the task in the full path to follow, if not consistent will tip can’t find the specified class, package when creating the project in this chapter we need the same with the last chapter.

Instead of creating a new project, we will copy the source code of the previous chapter and name the new project Chapter40

Configure distribution

Let’s take a look at the distribution-related configuration, which we’ve already configured for distribution in the configuration file Quartz. Distributed related configuration:

1. Org. Quartz. The scheduler. InstanceId: If you manually specify the instance number of the timed task, you need to ensure that each node is unique. Because Quartz does not allow two nodes with the same instanceId, we specify Auto here, and we leave the task of generating the number to Quartz.

2. Org. Quartz. JobStore. IsClustered: this property is the real opens the timing task distributed configuration, when we configure to true quartz framework is called ClusterManager to initialize the distributed nodes.

3. Org. Quartz. JobStore. ClusterCheckinInterval: configure the inspection interval of distributed nodes, unit: ms. Here is the configuration information for the Quartz. Properties configuration file:

The scheduler instance name
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = quartzScheduler

The scheduler instance number is automatically generated
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO

Persistent configuration
org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX

MySQL database
org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate

# Quartz table prefix name
org.quartz.jobStore.tablePrefix = QRTZ_

Enable distributed deployment
org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered = true
# Configure whether to use
org.quartz.jobStore.useProperties = false

# Distributed node validity check interval, in milliseconds
org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval = 10000

Thread pool implementation class
org.quartz.threadPool.class = org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool

# Maximum number of concurrent threads to execute
org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 10

# Thread priority
org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority = 5

The task will not be executed after being configured as a daemon thread

Configure whether to enable automatic loading of scheduled tasks in the database. Default is true
org.quartz.threadPool.threadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread = trueCopy the code

When we start the task node, according to org. Quartz. The threadPool. ThreadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread attribute configuration is automatically loaded task, The default is true to automatically load tasks within the database to nodes.

Test distribution

Previous chapter Project node name: Quartz -cluster-node-first This chapter project node name: Quartz -cluster-node-second

Because our Motion-cluster-Node-First scheduled commodity inventory check task is executed every 30 seconds, the task will not be cleared unless manually cleared. Before running the project test, you need to change the port number and project name of the applica.yml configuration file. Ensure that the port numbers of Quartz -cluster-node-second and Quartz -cluster-node-first are different and can be run at the same time.

        name: quzrtz-cluster-node-second
  port: 8082Copy the code

The corresponding console output is then modified in order to distinguish between specific nodes that perform tasks.

Chapter40Application Startup class change log output:"【【【【【【 Scheduled task distributed node- Quartz -cluster-node-second started 】】】】】】"); GoodAddTimer Logs about adding tasks to goods: Logger. info("Distributed node Quartz cluster-node-second, execute task after commodity is added, task time: {}",new Date()); GoodStockCheckTimer Log output of the inventory check task:"Distributed node Quartz cluster-node-second, perform inventory check scheduled task, execution time: {}",new Date());Copy the code

Let’s start the chapter project and see the console output as follows:

The 2017-11-12 10:28:39. 11048-969 the INFO [main] c. engyu. Chapter39. Chapter40Application: 【【【【【【 Scheduled task distributed node- Quartz -cluster-node-second started 】】】】】】 2017-11-12 10:28:41.930 INFO 11048 -- [lerFactoryBean]] o.s.s.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean : Starting Quartz Scheduler now, After delay of 2 seconds 10:28:41 2017-11-12. 11048-959 the INFO [lerFactoryBean]] org. Quartz. Core. QuartzScheduler: Scheduler schedulerFactoryBean_$_yuqiyu1510453719308Started. The 2017-11-12 10:28:51. 11048-963 the INFO / _ClusterManager O.S.S.Q uartz. LocalDataSourceJobStore: ClusterManager: Detected 1 failed or lua lua instances. 2017-11-12 10:28:51.963 INFO lua lua lua -- [_ClusterManager] o.s.s.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore : ClusterManager: Scanningfor instance "yuqiyu1510450938654"2017-11-12 10:28:51.967 INFO 11048 -- [_ClusterManager] o.s.s.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore : ClusterManager: ...... Freed 1 acquired the trigger (s). The 2017-11-12 10:29:00. 11048-024 the INFO] [ryBean_Worker - 1 C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: Executes the scheduled inventory check task at Sun Nov 12 10:29:00 CST 2017Copy the code

You can see that the instanceId automatically assigned after the project is started is yuQIYU1510450938654, and the generated rule is the name of the current user + time stamp. Then the ClusterManager distributed manager automatically steps in to scan for matching trigger tasks, and if there are, the task logic will be automatically executed. The commodity inventory check timing task is indeed output by Quartz -cluster-node-second.

Test task automatic drift

We also need to modify the output of Quartz cluster-node-first as follows:

Chapter39Application Startup class change log output:"【【【【【【 Scheduled task distributed node- Quartz -cluster-node-first started 】】】】】】"); GoodAddTimer Logs about adding tasks to goods: Logger. info("Distributed node Quartz cluster-node-first, execute task after commodity is added, task time: {}",new Date()); GoodStockCheckTimer Log output of the inventory check task:"Distributed node Quartz cluster-node-first, perform inventory check scheduled task, execution time: {}",new Date());Copy the code

Next we start Quartz cluster-node-first and check the console output:

The 2017-11-12 10:34:09. 192-750 the INFO [main] c. engyu. Chapter39. Chapter39Application: 【【【【【【 Timed task distributed node- Quartz -cluster-node-first started 】】】】】】 2017-11-12 10:34:11.690 INFO 192 -- [lerFactoryBean]] o.s.s.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean : Starting Quartz Scheduler now, After delay of 2 seconds 10:34:11 2017-11-12. 192-714 the INFO [lerFactoryBean]] org. Quartz. Core. QuartzScheduler: Scheduler schedulerFactoryBean_$_yuqiyu1510454049066 started.Copy the code

After the project was started, the timed node did not instantiate ClusterManager to complete the initialization of distributed nodes, because Quartz detected that other nodes were processing tasks, which also ensured the uniqueness of task execution.

Close the quartz – cluster – node – second

When we shut down the Motion-cluster-node-second project, it is expected that motion-cluster-node-first will automatically take over the tasks in the database to complete the automatic drift of task execution. Let’s look at the console output of Quartz cluster-node-First:

The 2017-11-12 10:34:09. 192-750 the INFO [main] c. engyu. Chapter39. Chapter39Application: 【【【【【【 Timed task distributed node- Quartz -cluster-node-first started 】】】】】】 2017-11-12 10:34:11.690 INFO 192 -- [lerFactoryBean]] o.s.s.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean : Starting Quartz Scheduler now, After delay of 2 seconds 10:34:11 2017-11-12. 192-714 the INFO [lerFactoryBean]] org. Quartz. Core. QuartzScheduler: Scheduler schedulerFactoryBean_$_yuqiyu1510454049066Started. The 2017-11-12 10:41:11. 192-793 the INFO / _ClusterManager O.S.S.Q uartz. LocalDataSourceJobStore: ClusterManager: Detected 1 failed or lua lua instances. 2017-11-12 10:41:11.793 INFO 192 -- [_ClusterManager] o.s.s.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore : ClusterManager: Scanningfor instance "yuqiyu1510453719308"'s failed to progress in jobs. 2017-11-12 10:41:11. 192-797 the INFO / _ClusterManager O.S.S.Q uartz. LocalDataSourceJobStore : ClusterManager: ...... Freed 1 acquired the trigger (s). The 2017-11-12 10:41:11. 192-834 the INFO] [ryBean_Worker - 1 C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-first: An inventory check task can be executed at Sun Nov 12 10:41:11 CST 2017Copy the code

The console has output persistent timed tasks. The output node is Quartz cluster-node-first. As expected, the node quartz cluster-node-first automatically takes over Quartz cluster-node-second. And the process must have a time interval, the interval can be modified quartz. The properties in the configuration file attributes org. Quartz. JobStore. Adjusted clusterCheckinInterval.

Close the quartz – cluster – node – first

We can also start the Quartz cluster-node-second task node and then shut down the Quartz cluster-node-first task node and check the output of the Quartz cluster-node-second console:

The 2017-11-12 10:53:31. 3268-010 the INFO [main] c. engyu. Chapter39. Chapter40Application: 【【【【【【 Timed task distributed node- Quartz -cluster-node-second started 】】】】】】 2017-11-12 10:53:32.967 INFO 3268 -- [lerFactoryBean]] o.s.s.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean : Starting Quartz Scheduler now, After delay of 2 seconds 10:53:32 2017-11-12. 3268-992 the INFO [lerFactoryBean]] org. Quartz. Core. QuartzScheduler: Scheduler schedulerFactoryBean_$_yuqiyu1510455210493Started. The 2017-11-12 10:53:52. 3268-999 the INFO / _ClusterManager O.S.S.Q uartz. LocalDataSourceJobStore: ClusterManager: Detected 1 failed or lua lua instances. 2017-11-12 10:53:52.999 INFO 3268 -- [_ClusterManager] o.s.s.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore : ClusterManager: Scanningfor instance "yuqiyu1510454049066"'s failed to progress in jobs. 2017-11-12 10:53:53. 3268-003 the INFO / _ClusterManager O.S.S.Q uartz. LocalDataSourceJobStore  : ClusterManager: ...... Freed 1 acquired the trigger (s). The 2017-11-12 10:54:00. 3268-020 the INFO] [ryBean_Worker - 1 C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: Executes the scheduled inventory check task at Sun Nov 12 10:54:00 CST 2017Copy the code

The result is automatic drift that can do the same.

If two nodes are started at the same time, the one that registers the node information to the database first gets priority.

Pass parameters to the task

When we usually use tasks, if it is highly targeted business logic, we must need specific parameters to complete the implementation of business logic.

Below, we will simulate the scene of commodity killing in seconds. When we add a commodity, we will automatically add a reminder of commodity killing in five minutes in advance, and send a reminder message to users concerned about the commodity. We add a second kill alert task to node Quartz -cluster-node-first, as shown below:

package com.hengyu.chapter39.timers; import org.quartz.JobDataMap; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.QuartzJobBean; / * * * * goods seconds kill remind timer users to focus on the seconds kill goods push notifications * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * * @ author heng yu young * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * the Date: 2017/11/12 * Time: 9:23 * Code cloud: * ======================== */ public class GoodSecKillRemindTimer extends QuartzJobBean { /** * logback */ private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GoodSecKillRemindTimer.class); /** * Task specifying logic * @param jobExecutionContext * @throws JobExecutionException */ @override protected void ExecuteInternal (JobExecutionContext JobExecutionContext) throws JobExecutionException {// Obtains JobDataMap, the data set in the task details dataMap = jobExecutionContext.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap(); Long goodId = datamap.getLong ("goodId");"Distributed node Quartz cluster-node-first, started to process seckill goods: {}, pay attention to user push messages.",goodId);

}Copy the code

In the second kill reminder task logic, we obtain the set of parameters to be passed during task creation by obtaining JobDataMap set of JobDetail. Here, we stipulate goodId as the number of commodity, which will be passed to JobDataMap during task creation. Quartz automatically passes the parameters to the task logic when executing the task, and we can obtain the corresponding parameter values through JobDataMap.

Set the second kill alert task

We find a node project quartz – cluster – the GoodInfoService node – first, write methods buildGoodSecKillRemindTimer set seconds kill remind tasks, as shown below:

/ * * * build commodity seconds kill remind timing task execution * * set five minutes @ throws the Exception * / public void buildGoodSecKillRemindTimer (Long goodId) throws Exception {// Task name String name = uuid.randomuuid ().toString(); / / task belongs to group String group = GoodSecKillRemindTimer. Class. The getName (); Long startTime = System.currentTimemillis () + 1000 * 5 * 60; JobDetail jobDetail = JobBuilder .newJob(GoodSecKillRemindTimer.class) .withIdentity(name,group) .build(); Jobdetail.getjobdatamap ().put()"goodId",goodId); / / create a task Trigger Trigger the Trigger. = TriggerBuilder newTrigger () withIdentity (name, group). StartAt (new Date (startTime)). The build (); Scheduler. scheduleJob(jobDetail,trigger); }Copy the code

We simulate the second kill reminder time is 5 minutes after adding goods. We can get the task data set by calling getJobDataMap method of jobDetail instance, and set the specified key value by calling PUT method directly. This collection inherits The StringKeyDirtyFlagMap and implements Serializable serialization since the data needs to be serialized into the database’s QrTZ_JOB_DETAILS table. Modify save goods method, add call kill alert task:

/** * Save basic commodity information * @param good commodity instance * @return*/ public Long saveGood(GoodInfoEntity good) throws Exception {; // Build create commodity timing task buildCreateGoodTimer(); // Build inventory timed task buildGoodStockTimer(); / / build commodity description to remind timing task buildGoodSecKillRemindTimer (good) getId ());return good.getId();
    }Copy the code

Adding test goods

Below we call node quartz – cluster – node – first test Chapter39ApplicationTests. AddGood method of finished goods to add, as a result of our quartz – cluster – node – the second project didn’t stop, So let’s look at the output on the console of the Quartz cluster-node-second project:

The 11:45:00 2017-11-12. 11652-008 the INFO [ryBean_Worker - 5] C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: performs scheduled inventory check tasks. Execution time: Sun Nov 12 11:45:00 CST 2017 11:45:30 2017-11-12. 11652-013 the INFO [ryBean_Worker - 6] C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: performs scheduled inventory check tasks. Execution time: Sun Nov 12 11:45:30 CST 2017 2017-11-12 11:45:48.230 INFO 11652 -- [rybean_worker-7] c.hengyu.chapter39.timers.GoodAddTimer : Distributed node Quartz cluster-node-second, execute the task after commodity is added. Task time: Sun Nov 12 11:45:48 CST 2017 11:46:00 2017-11-12. 11652-008 the INFO [ryBean_Worker - 8] C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: performs scheduled inventory check tasks. Execution time: Sun Nov 12 11:46:00 CST 2017 11:46:30 2017-11-12. 11652-016 the INFO [ryBean_Worker - 9] C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: performs scheduled inventory check tasks. Execution time: Sun Nov 12 11:46:30 CST 2017 11:47:00 2017-11-12. 11652-011 the INFO [10] yBean_Worker - C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: performs scheduled inventory check tasks. Execution time: Sun Nov 12 11:47:00 CST 2017 11:47:30 2017-11-12. 11652-028 the INFO] [ryBean_Worker - 1 C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: performs scheduled inventory check tasks. Execution time: Sun Nov 12 11:47:30 CST 2017 11:48:00 2017-11-12. 11652-014 the INFO [ryBean_Worker - 2] C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: performs scheduled inventory check tasks. Execution time: Sun Nov 12 11:48:00 CST 2017 11:48:30 2017-11-12. 11652-013 the INFO [ryBean_Worker - 3] C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: performs scheduled inventory check tasks. Execution time: Sun Nov 12 11:48:30 CST 2017 11:49:00 2017-11-12. 11652-010 the INFO [ryBean_Worker - 4] C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: performs scheduled inventory check tasks. Execution time: Sun Nov 12 11:49:00 CST 2017 11:49:30 2017-11-12. 11652-028 the INFO [ryBean_Worker - 5] C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: performs scheduled inventory check tasks. Execution time: Sun Nov 12 11:49:30 CST 2017 2017-11-12 11:49:48.290 INFO 11652 -- [rybean_worker-6] c.h.c.timers.GoodSecKillRemindTimer : Distributed node Quartz cluster-node-second, which starts processing the second kill item: 15, focus on the user push message. The 2017-11-12 11:50:00. 11652-008 the INFO [ryBean_Worker] C.H.C.T imers. GoodStockCheckTimer: Distributed node Quartz-cluster-node-second: The scheduled inventory check task is executed at Sun Nov 12 11:50:00 CST 2017Copy the code

The second kill task was executed five minutes after adding finished goods, and we normally output the parameter of passing goodId item number, and the second kill reminder task was automatically released after executing once.


This chapter is mainly combined with the previous chapter to complete the distributed task explanation, complete the automatic drift of the scheduled task test persistence, and how to pass parameters to the scheduled task. Of course, in the actual development process, task creation needs to be encapsulated, in order to reduce some redundant code and unified maintenance of scheduled tasks in the later aspects.

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