This story is pure fiction, if there is the same, very lucky!

“Now that YOU are in my house, I have something to explain to you, but you must not spread it!” Lao Dao scanned the people in front of him.

Wild goose south fly to know him this master is to say some about “immortal” of thing, puzzled of saw one eye after death of dozens of people, wish: since don’t let outside spread, let so many people all hear really good yao?

See wild goose south to fly the expression of doubt and action, Lao Dao heart appreciation: as expected smart! “Don’t worry,” he said to the wild goose, “I’ve just arranged the next boundary, and they can’t hear us.” Then he told several people about his history.

And wild goose south fly to hear when bound, in the heart ridicule to: even a color all have no? Shouldn’t the boundary be red, yellow, blue, green, shiny, lightning-covered?

But hearing that the master had already begun to tell his story, he did not think much about it. Actually it is wild goose south to fly misunderstanding, the color has is to have, just he a medium mortal, cannot see just.

It turned out that this old Taoist was called Zhang Lin. Although he was known as an immortal, he was not a real immortal, but a monk. Zhang Lin is in the school called “luo Xia zong”, actually in the qingquan village next to the “endless forest”, in the depths of the forest, there is a mountain called “Tianshou Hill”, this is luo Xia zong door. Zhang Lin was an elder of the Luoxia Sect. This time, he took his disciples qingfeng and Mingyue to attend a gathering of immortals called “The Meeting of the Immortal Forest”. This “fairwood meeting” is a trade meeting initiated by many small clans in the eastern Part of the Aurai kingdom, held once every ten years.

Zhang Lin just simply explained his identity, introduced his zong door, let wild goose south fly and su Su know the elder brothers: the wind, the moon. The lively and active girl called the bright moon, holding a sword gentle look of the boy called the breeze. Qingfeng was older, eight years old, while Mingyue was six years old, like Yan Nan and Su Su.

Su Su does not care about these, but the moon is very congenial, two people in the side of small meaning chat; Wild goose south fly excited unceasingly, should set foot on the road of xiu xian finally; Grandpa and Liu Zhu were shocked that he and “immortal” do not know how many years of “neighbors”!

As for the bottle of “Huichudan” that Zhang Lin gave Liu Zhu, it was just some low-level healing Dan for the immortal, but it was a magic elixir for the mortal: a grain could cure all kinds of injuries and injuries, even if the serious injury left only a breath, but also can save back.

“This time I will briefly tell you two about it. When master Wei comes back and takes you two back to the Luoxia School, I will introduce the situation in detail to you two.” “Said, took out two swarthy small iron cards to wild goose South fei and su Su:” This amulet you two take, don’t lose, encounter danger, it can protect you comprehensive, I can also find you through it.

“Thank you, Master! Wild goose flying south bow thanks, su Su also have a kind of learning.

“Well, it’s getting late. I’d better get going. Rest assured, as soon as ten days and half a month, slow more than a month, for the teacher will return, peace of mind waiting is. Wind, moon, let’s go. “Zhang Lin got up and left, very free and easy.

“Send off your master, wish you a pleasant journey ~” “Send off your fairy master, wish you a pleasant journey ~” “Master must come back as soon as possible, I promised Moon that I would take her to my house to play ~” The four saw Zhang Lin off, the three of them left until they could not be seen any more.

After a while, the four people came to their senses and found that the others were all around them, staring at them with envious faces. They were excited to say something, but they could not say anything.

“Everybody, let’s pack up and get on the road as soon as possible to finish the purchase and go home. In addition, the master told us before he left that this matter should not be spread to the outside world. We’ll talk about it when we get back!” When grandpa finished, everyone nodded and began to tidy up.

After a while, the motorcade started again, so everyone was quietly discussing the previous experience, in a very low voice, but it was hard to hide the excitement in the tone.

“I never thought we’d let a fairy save our lives!” “Said an old man to the people around him.

“Yes, and xiaotie and Susu were accepted by the immortal as apprentices, I really envy ~” The young man who followed out for the first time was also very excited.

“Yes! Unfortunately, we are not as talented as them.”

“We can’t force such things, but we have two great people in Qingquan Village! One person gets enlightenment, chickens and dogs go to heaven! In the future we will follow them both benefit! This is the ancestral blessing of my Qingquan village!”

Almost all people are talking about in a low voice, from time to time toward wild goose south fly and su Su two people cast envious eyes, simple they do not hate why was accepted as a disciple is not their own, so, they also know that cannot be forced.

And in the front of the car, grandpa and Liu Zhu two people are also very excited, their daughter and grandchildren have such a destiny, as elders, excited feeling has been unable to use language expression.

And wild goose flying south, is undoubtedly the most excited that, this thinking later to explore the chance, did not think of unexpectedly will be in this kind of time can have such an opportunity, think of later more colorful life, wild goose flying south not from laughing out loud.

On the other side, Zhang Lin with the wind, the moon two people left, looked back at the su Su and wild goose south fly, face both happy to meet and have a dignified don’t understand.

The breeze could not help asking: “Master, you were originally when the calculation of the simple, why suddenly interested in that small iron?”

“Right, master, su su inverted worth mentioning, and I as lovely, that cow iron egg puffed to death I, why should call this kind of name ah ha ha ha” side of the moon seems to finally could not help, jiao laugh.

Zhang Lin helplessly looked at the bright moon: “you ah, can give me less trouble ~ that is, this encounter is a common man bandit, if encounter fellow middleman, you disorderly talk, recruit to the enemy how to do?”

The bright moon spit spit little tongue, and zhang Lin sa jiao come: “I know wrong teacher next time I don’t talk is.”

Seeing this, Zhang Lin said seriously, “This happens every time. I can’t do anything with you. We can’t walk slowly. We’ll be back soon after the Fairwood Meeting. Fortunately, this place is remote and there are no other practitioners. Moreover, there is something in the “fairy Forest” this time, and the master told me to get it. Otherwise, I would have taken her back to my home just now to avoid long dreams. As for that little tie, he is so smart at such a young age that he deserves training.”

Say that finish, big sleeve a cage, take two people to jump into the air, the heart is still doubt: after all is born intelligent? Or is it enough to survive? If the former, but also no impact, multiple apprentices, if the latter, I do not know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

There are mysteries in the world, some immortals whose time is coming can sacrifice their whole life to practice, reincarnate or take away a mortal or a monk who fits in with them. It’s just that very few monks do this, not to mention the fact that it’s against heaven, and the failure rate is so high that it’s almost impossible to survive. Even if you barely make it, you can’t control what you will become after being reincarnated. You may be a mortal all your life. And after taking away, a body to be completely waste will lose memory, become a amnesia of ordinary people, if the memory is not restored, muddle through life, is also a great risk. In addition, this kind of secret has always been valuable, are not handed down secrets, may only have a few large doors, or casual repair coincidence in some ruins acquired.

Zhang Lin doubts wild goose flying south is to seize give up rebirth, not trapped is what kind of form of seize give up rebirth, he does not know if one day wild goose flying south to restore memory, is good or bad to zong door. So I hope he is and I hope he is not.

To be continued…

The next chapter