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Painted # DML statements
Data Manipulation Language Data Manipulation Language Keyword: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
USE stu0906;
id INT,
stuname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
gender CHAR,
borndate TIMESTAMP,
seat INT
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# 1. Insert
Insert into table name (insert into table name, insert into table name) Values (1, 2, 3…) ; Insert into table name (insert into table name, insert into table name…) Values (1, 2, 3…) ,(value 1, value 2, value 3…) ; Method 2: Features: (1) The value must be consistent with the type and constraint of the field. Date and character types require single quotation marks. Non-empty fields must be explicitly inserted. (3) The number of fields and values must be the same. (4) The list of fields can be omitted. The default is all fields
SELECT * FROM stuinfo; #1. Simple insertion
INSERT INTO stuinfo (id, stuname, gender, borndate, seat) VALUES (1, 'house', 'woman', '1999-1-1', 10);Copy the code
#2. Non-empty fields must have an explicitly inserted value. # can be null field, can not explicitly insert value # method 1: field and value are omitted
INSERT INTO stuinfo (id, stuname, gender, borndate) VALUES (2, 'dragon', 'woman', '1999-1-1');Copy the code
# Method 2: Fields are not omitted and values are filled with null
INSERT INTO stuinfo (id, stuname, gender, borndate, seat) VALUES (3, 'he', 'woman', '1999-1-1', NULL);Copy the code
#3. The number of fields and values must be consistent
INSERT INTO stuinfo (id, stuname, gender, borndate, seat) VALUES (4, 'good', 'woman', '1999-1-1', NULL);Copy the code
#4. The list of fields can be omitted; default is all fields
INSERT INTO stuinfo VALUES(5,' read ',' male ','1999-1-1');Copy the code
#5. Insert multiple rows
Way # 1: INSERT INTO stuinfo VALUES (6, 'closed', 'woman', '1996-1-1', 9), (7, 'round', 'woman', '1979-1-1', 11), (8, 'red', 'woman', '1973-1-1', 12); # Method 2: INSERT INTO STUinfo SELECT 9,' stuinfo ',' female ','1985-1-1',13 UNION ALL SELECT 10,' shan ',' female ','1985-1-1',13 UNION ALL SELECT 11, 'Dan', 'female' and '1985-1-1', 12, 13 UNION ALL the SELECT 'spring', 'female' and '1985-1-1 s' 13Copy the code
# Add: Set autogrow columns
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS stuinfo; CREATE TABLE stuinfo( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, stuname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, gender CHAR, borndate TIMESTAMP, seat INT ); SELECT * FROM stuinfo; INSERT INTO stuinfo (stuname, gender, borndate, seat) SELECT 'Gu Ling 1', 'woman', '1985-1-1', 13 UNION ALL SELECT 'SAN SAN yuan 2', 'female' and '1985-1-1', 13 UNION ALL SELECT 'eternal song dan-dan famous 3', 'woman', '1985-1-1', 13 UNION ALL SELECT 'li 4', 'female' and '1985-1-1 s' 13Copy the code
# 2. Modify
Update table_name set table_name = new table_name where table_name = new table_name = new table_name
UPDATE STUinfo SET stuname = ‘stuname’ WHERE id = 1; UPDATE STUinfo SET stuname = ‘1990-12-12’ WHERE id = 2; Example 1: Change the seat number of the student whose major name is HTML to 10 and change the major name to page #sql92
UPDATE stuinfo s,major M SET = 10,m. 'majorname' =' WWW 'WHERE s.' majorid '= M.' id 'AND M.' majorname '=' HTML ';Copy the code
UPDATE STUinfo s JOIN major m ON S. 'majorid' =m. 'id' SET = 1, M. 'majorname' ='BigData' WHERE M. 'majorname' ='BigData';Copy the code
# 3. Delete
★ delete from table where condition; SQL > alter table SQL > alter table SQL > alter table SQL > alter table SQL > alter table SQL > alter table SQL > alter table SQL > alter table SQL > alter table SQL > alter table SQL Sql99: Thinking mode 2: Use TRUNCATE syntax: TRUNCate table table
DELETE FROM stuinfo WHERE YEAR(borndate) = 2018; DELETE FROM stuinfo; TRUNCATE TABLE stuinfo ; Example 3: Delete the user whose professional name is BigData
DELETE s FROM stuinfo s,major m WHERE s.majorid = AND m.majorname = 'BigData';
SELECT * FROM stuinfo;
SELECT * FROM major;
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#【 interview questions 】 A comparison between delete and truncate
Delete Can add A WHERE condition TRUNCATE cannot add a WHERE condition. 2. High TRUNCATE efficiency. 3. Truncate Deletes a table with self-growing columns, and the values of the self-growing columns are added starting from 1. Delete Rollback of transactions truncATE does not support rollback of transactions. Delete Belongs to DML TRUNCATE belongs to DDL
SELECT * FROM major;
INSERT INTO major(majorname)
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