Here are three ways to change the direction of this:
A. call B. call C. call
window.color = 'red';
document.color = 'yellow';
var s1 = {color: 'blue'};
function changeColor () {
} // No arguments default to window output: red // Point to window output: red // point to document: yellow // The constructor's this, if called in parentheses, defaults to the window output: red // Point to s1 and output: blue
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/ / two cases:
var Pet = {
words: '... '.speak: function (say) {
console.log(say + ' ' + this.words)
Pet.speak('123') / / output 123...
var Dog = {
words: 'WangWangWang'
},'123') / / output 123 wangwangwang
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I don’t want to apply.
window.number = 'one';
document.number = 'two';
var s1 = {number: 'three'};
function changeNum() {
changeNum.apply(); //one
changeNum.apply(window); //one
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/ / two cases:
function Pet(words){
this.words = words;
this.speak = function(){
function Dog(words){,words);/ / wang as a result
// Pet.apply(this,arguments); / / wang as a result
var dog = new Dog('wang');
dog.speak(); //wang
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Apply and Call have something in common: they both want an object to execute a method that doesn’t belong to it.
The difference between apply and call:
The apply() method takes two arguments, one the scope in which the function is run (this) and the other the array of arguments. The call() method takes the same first argument as apply(), but the arguments passed to the function must be listed separately. Apply ([thisObj [,argArray]]); Call ([thisObj [,arg1[,arg2[… argn]]]]); call([thisObj [,arg1[, argn]]]]); If thisObj is null or undefined, it points to window by default. If argArray is not a valid array or arguments object, then a TypeError will result. If neither argArray nor thisObj is supplied, then the Global object will be used as thisObj. The Call method can be used instead of a method on another object. The Call method can change the object context of a function from its original context to the new object specified by thisObj. If no thisObj argument is provided, the Global object is used for thisObj.
2. Bind the
var obj = {
name: 'WuXiaoDi'
function printName() {
var wuXiaoDi = printName.bind(obj)
console.log(wuXiaoDi) //function(){... }
wuXiaoDi() //WuXiaoDi
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/ / two cases:
function fn(a, b, c) {
console.log(a, b, c);
var fn1 = fn.bind(null.'Dot');
fn('A'.'B'.'C'); //A B C
fn1('A'.'B'.'C'); // Dot A B
fn1('B'.'C'); // Dot B C'Dot'); // Dot undefined undefined
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// Example 3: Implement the function callization
var add = function(x) {
return function(y) {
return x + y;
var increment = add(1);
var addTen = add(10);
increment(2) / / 3
addTen(2) / / 12
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Function.prototype.bind(thisArg) – – ES5
The ability to return a new function whose body is the same as the original, but when the new function is called to execute, this in the function body refers to the object represented by thisArg.,val1,val2, …)
Call function execution and change this in the function body to the object represented by thisArg while the function is executing
val1, val2, …. Represents the list of actual arguments passed to the calling function
Function.prototype.apply(thisArg, array|arguments)
Call function execution, change this in the function body to the object represented by thisArg while the function is executing,
Array | the arguments that the function parameter list, using the format of the arrays or class
The difference between:
The difference between bind and call and apply: The difference between the return value: The return value of bind is a function, while call and apply are immediate calls. Bind, like call, writes the parameters it wants to pass from the second argument. Whereas call passes the second and subsequent arguments to fn as arguments, fn1’s arguments are actually arguments back from the arguments in bind.