Changbuy Mall (I) : Environment construction
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This article has been uploaded to my Github repository DayDayUP:… , welcome to Star
- Changbuy Mall (I) : Environment construction
- Changgou Mall (2) : FastDFS distributed file system
- Changbuy Mall (III) : Commodity management
- Changgou Mall (4) : Lua, OpenResty and Canal realize advertising cache and synchronization
- Elasticsearch realizes commodity search
- Chang Buy mall (vi) : commodity search
- Chang buy mall (seven) : Thymeleaf static page implementation
- Changgou Mall (8) : Micro-service gateway and JWT token
- Spring Security Oauth2
- Changgou Mall (10) : Shopping cart
- Changgou Mall (11) : Order
- Changbuy Mall (12) : Access wechat Pay
- Chang Buy mall (thirteen) : second kill system “on”
- Chang Buy mall (14) : second kill system “under”
A few words of long-winded
Chang Buy mall is a dark horse project. There is no big problem about how difficult this project is, but it can let me know the specific development process of a project and improve my proficiency in using a series of frameworks, which is also the purpose of this project. I will not provide any information about this project. The supporting information is available on the video site B, and the supporting information is also available in the comments below the video. If you need it, you can directly go to the video site B. Next, I will use a dozen articles to record the development process of the whole project and the problems encountered.
Chang Buy mall project introduction
Changbuy Mall project is a B2C e-commerce website, which adopts the micro-service architecture and adopts the way of separating the front and back ends for development.
Technology stack
The above figure is the technology stack used by Changbuy Mall. As can be seen from the figure, the development of the whole micro-service is based on SpringBoot, OAuth2.0 is used for authorization operations, JWT is used to encapsulate user authorization information, and Spring AMQP is the message queue protocol. Then there is the Spring Cloud microservices framework.
MyBatis+ General Mapper is used in the persistence technology stack, but I am not allowed to use general Mapper, because I want to practice writing SQL statements, usually I do not write SQL, so I take this opportunity to practice. SpringDataEs is used for ElasticSearch and SpringDataRedis for Redis.
The database uses MySQL, the message queue uses RabbitMQ, and the MySQL read-write separation is also implemented.
The payment interface is wechat Pay.
The technical architecture
This diagram is the technical architecture diagram of Changbuy Mall. It can be seen that Nginx is used to do load balancing and flow limiting. This was followed by the microservices gateway, which was used to route requests to different microservices and also integrated with traffic limiting and permission verification. The following is the specific microservices, business is divided into seven microservices, microservices may call each other, Feign is used to call different microservices, some Javabeans and tool classes are also extracted separately. Some common component microservices have also been isolated, such as the Oauth2.0 microservice, RabbitMQ microservice, etc.
Hystrix Dashboard as the monitoring center, Eureka as the registry of microservices.
Data support: ElasticSearch, FastDFS file system, MySQL database, Redis cache.
There are many of them I have not used, the specific is what I am not very clear, the introduction is a little simple.
Environment set up
Now that we’re done introducing the project, let’s start building the project.
Install the VM and prepare the database
The MySQL database we use is installed in Docker, and Docker is installed on CentOS. All these have been installed, we just need to install the virtual machine provided by Dark Horse. The installation process is simple, but remember to change the IP address after the installation, because the static IP address of the VIRTUAL machine and our own computer may not be in the same network segment, change to the same network segment. Another problem is that Navicat cannot connect to the database. The possible reason is that the database password is not correct. The video says 123456, but I tried root. Or you don’t allow remote access, just turn it on; The last reason is that the firewall does not allow us to access port 3306.
Project framework building
1. Create a parent project
Create a new Module named Changou-parent in the Changgou directory as the parent project for the entire project:
There is no need to write code in the parent project, so delete the SRC directory. Since every microservice project is SpringBoot, add a SpringBoot startup dependency to changgou-parent’s POM file. Then add some dependency packages that need to be used. The dependency of Swagger is also added in the video, but it cannot be used for the time being, and it can be added when it is used. I have posted the contents of the entire Changgou-parent POM file below:
<project xmlns=""
<version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>
<description>The parent project of Chang Buy Mall project</description>
<version>2.1.4. The RELEASE</version>
<! -- Skip test -->
<! -- Dependent package -->
<! -- Test package -->
<! --fastjson-->
Copy the code
2. Build several other public modules
Create changgou-gateway, Changgou-service, Changgou-service-API and Changgou-Web modules under Changgou-parent. These modules are the parent of each Module, so you don’t need to write any code. Delete the SRC directory and pack the POM package.
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3. Eureka micro-service construction
Now that the microservices project is complete, you need a registry to start the microservices, so create a Module called Changgou – Eureka under Changgou -parent. To start eureka, you need to add dependency packages.
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Add the application.yml configuration file to the resource directory:
port: 7001 # port
hostname: 127.0. 01. #ip
register-with-eureka: false # Whether to register yourself in Eureka
fetch-registry: false # Whether to obtain information from Eureka
defaultZone: http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:${server.port}/eureka/
name: eureka
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Finally under the Java package to add a start classes: com. Robod. EurekaApplication:
@EnableEurekaServer // Start Eureka service
public class EurekaApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {,args); }}Copy the code
To test Eureka now, run the code above, and when the project is up, go to
The successful appearance of the above interface means that our registry has been set up successfully
4. Create the Common project
Some of the same utility classes are used in different microservices, and we extracted them into a separate sub-project, creating a Module called Changgou – Common under Changgou -parent, and adding the required dependencies to the POM file.
<! -- Web startup dependency -->
<! -- redis uses -->
<! --eureka-client-->
<! --openfeign-->
<! -- wechat Pay -->
<! - httpclient support - >
Copy the code
Finally, add a few utility classes to the com.robod.entity package (these classes are available in the companion materials) :
5. Database engineering construction
Create a new Module called Changgou-common-db under chnaggou-parent, delete the SRC directory, and add the required dependencies:
<! - rely on -- -- >
<! -- Reliance on Changgou -common -->
<version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>
<! I don't need mapper, so I didn't add this -->
<! -- <dependency>-->
<! -- <groupId>tk.mybatis</groupId>-->
<! -- <artifactId>mapper-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>-->
<! - < version > 2.0.4 < / version > -- >
<! -- </dependency>-->
<! MySQL database driver -->
<! Mybatis paging plugin -->
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Commodity microservice project
1. JavaBean project of commodity micro-service
Earlier we created a Changgu-service-API to manage API extraction for all microservice projects, Now let’s create a Changogu-service-goods-API project under Changgu-service-API to manage a JavaBean for microservices. To simplify the code, we need to use Lombok. Add Lombok’s dependencies to the CHANGgou-service-API POM file:
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Then put some of the Javabeans we need under the com.robod.goods.pojo package.
2. Create changgou-service-goods microservice project
Create a Changgou-service-goods under Changgou-service as a microservice project. Since we need to use something to connect to the database, we will introduce Changgou-common-db into Changgou-service:
<version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>
Copy the code
Create application. Yml in the Resources directory:
port: 18081
name: goods
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
url: JDBC: mysql: / / / changgou_goods? useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=UTC
username: root
password: root
prefer-ip-address: true
enabled: true
Copy the code
Finally to start class for this project to create a com. Robod. GoodsApplication:
@EnableEurekaClient // Start Eureka client
@MapperScan("com.robod.mapper") // Enable packet scanning
@EnableTransactionManagement // Transaction management
public class GoodsApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args); }}Copy the code
To get the project started, visit
As you can see, the goods Microservices project has been successfully started and registered with Eureka.
3. Query the implementation of all brand functions
Create classes corresponding to Controller layer, Service layer and Dao layer respectively:
Write the corresponding code:
public interface BrandMapper {
/** * query all brand information *@return* /
@Select("select * from tb_brand")
public List<Brand> findAll(a); } -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --@Service("brandService")
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) // Abnormal rollback
public class BrandServiceImpl implements BrandService {
private final BrandMapper brandMapper;
public BrandServiceImpl(BrandMapper brandMapper) {
this.brandMapper = brandMapper;
public List<Brand> findAll(a) {
returnbrandMapper.findAll(); }} -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --@RestController
public class BrandController {
private final BrandService brandService;
public BrandController(BrandService brandService) {
this.brandService = brandService;
public Result<List<Brand>> findAll() {
List<Brand> brands = brandService.findAll();
return new Result<>(true, StatusCode.OK,"Query successful",brands); }}Copy the code
Then the project to run, visit http://localhost:18081/brand
The successful query of all the brand information shows that our environment has been successfully built. The rest of the functions such as modifying the brand and deleting the brand can be written directly. If not, it is likely that there is a problem with the code, not the environment.
4. Paging + conditional query
For paging queries we need PageHelper, which we added earlier. Directly on the code:
public PageInfo<Brand> findPage(Brand brand, int page, int size) {
List<Brand> brands = brandMapper.findList(brand);
return new PageInfo<>(brands);
Copy the code
Pagehelper. startPage(page,size); pagehelper. startPage(page,size); pagehelper. startPage(page,size); pagehelper. startPage(page,size); pagehelper. startPage(page,size); Call the method to get all the data; Finally, use a PageInfo to encapsulate the data.
A conditional query requires a dynamic SQL statement based on the condition:
@SelectProvider(type = BrandMapperProvider.class, method = "findList")
public List<Brand> findList(Brand brand);
class BrandMapperProvider {
public String findList(Brand brand) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("select * from tb_brand where ");
if(! StringUtils.isEmpty(brand.getName())) { builder.append(" name like ").append("\" %").append(brand.getName()).append("% \" ");
if(! StringUtils.isEmpty(brand.getImage())) { builder.append(" and image like ").append("\" %").append(brand.getImage()).append("% \" ");
if(! StringUtils.isEmpty(brand.getLetter())) { builder.append(" and letter = ").append(" \"").append(brand.getLetter()).append("\" ");
if(brand.getSeq() ! =null) {
builder.append(" and seq = ").append(brand.getSeq());
returnbuilder.toString(); }}Copy the code
Add an internal class called BrandMapperProvider to the BrandMapper and provide a method to build SQL statements. Add the @selectProvider annotation to the findList method.
Test it out:
Success achieved the result we wanted.
Global exception handling
It’s too much trouble to write exception handling code for each method; you can use a global exception handling class to handle all exceptions. Because all microservices projects rely on Changgou-Common, we can create a class BaseExceptionHandler directly under the com.robod.exception package under the Changgou-Common project.
public class BaseExceptionHandler {
/*** * Exception handling *@param e
* @return* /
@ExceptionHandler(value = Exception.class)
public Result error(Exception e) {
return new Result(false, StatusCode.ERROR, e.getMessage()); }}Copy the code
Add the @controllerAdvice annotation on top of the class. In this case, it applies to all @requestMapping for global exception handling. This annotation can also implement global data binding and global data preprocessing. Add the @ExceptionHandler(value= exception.class) annotation above the error method to declare the type of Exception to catch. Finally, write exception handling code in the error method.
This article mainly introduces the structure and environment construction of Changbuy Mall, and then writes a product micro-service project, and realizes the function of adding, deleting, checking and modifying the brand list. Finally, we also realize the global exception handling function, the next article will write a distributed file system fastDFS environment set up process and encountered some problems.
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This article has been uploaded to my Github repository DayDayUP:… , welcome to Star