- New end extension – Bytedance applets build plan
- none
- Micro channel applets introduced external plug-in support
- The component selects options too quickly in the wechat mini program, so that other options cannot be selected. Moving to other options will force rebound.
- Textarea small program end placeholder font size cannot be modified
- The spacing of c-radio-group is not controllable?
- Android selects picture and mix2 above view to show compatibility issues
- Input Click other places without canceling the focus, at this time, after the page jumps, there is a problem with the height
- Event callback function data transfer parameter
1 New end extension built-in support for small program class native components 2 extended headlines small program demo project construction, running and work separation 3 New end extension support file fingerprint and JS and CSS compression 4 New end extension standard document 5 Extension Autonavi small program completed 60% 6 Solve the extension new end compilation problem on Windows 7 Release chameleon-tool@0.4.0-mvvm.7, chameleon-tool@0.4.0-mvvm.8 8 Custom CML component consistency between the Web and WEEX 9 Fix multiple inline processing of data-ARgs events 10 Bind click and TAP events on components
CML runtime
1 cml-ui@0.2.0-alpha.0 2 C-checkbox-group new item style can be matched, C-radio-group new item color can be matched 3 C-Actionsheet top header can be matched 4 chameleon-ui-builtin@0.2.10-alpha.1 5 CheckBox Added Customizable ICONS and styles 6 Radio Added customizable styles
Editor plug-in (stay tuned)
Vscode is coming, sublime is in progress, webStorm is in progress