Writing in the front


This is nothing to say, symbolic post a picture and link.

  • Official website – Cesium.com
  • Online sample feature – sandcastle.cesium.com

Unreal Engine?

What is Unreal Engine?

Unreal Engine is the most open and advanced real-time 3D creation platform in the world. With continuous improvement, it has become more than just a classic game engine, but also offers professionals from all walks of life with unlimited creative freedom and unprecedented control. Whether it’s cutting-edge content, interactive experiences, or immersive virtual worlds, unreal Engine does it all.

— from the official website

It doesn’t matter if you haven’t heard of Unreal Engine. Pubg and Fortnite are the ones that make unreal Engine. Unreal Engine is the game engine developed by Epic Games. For more information about Epic Games, please read this article by Ruan: Epic Games Research: Fortnite and the Future of The Game Industry.

Cesium for Unreal?

What’s the point of Cesium for Unreal?

If you are using Unreal to develop your game and you need to use a large snowy mountain (terrain data) in the real world as your scene, you can now use Cesium for Unreal to load 3D real world geospatial data into Unreal. In other words, the virtual world in the game can be derived from the spatial data of the real world collected by our physical devices. In short, the line between the real world and the virtual world that you feel in the game becomes more and more blurred.

If after our VR games and smart wear equipment development to a higher level, to bring us to the real world data of the virtual world, never leave home can play games at home as tourist to see famous mountains and great rivers, in social, go where want to go to travel, is just like spielberg’s “top players”, People are disappointed with the chaos and collapse of the real world, will people finally look to the virtual world of oasis?

Use the Cesium for Unreal plugin in Unreal Engine

Here’s what Cesium geospatial data looks like in Unreal Engine

Two official promotional videos

Cesium for Unreal Now Available

Project Anywhere – Cesium with Unreal Engine

Operate in the Unreal Engine

The two official tutorials, very simple by the steps to do it, but the configuration of the computer requirements are very high, otherwise the process can not go down.

  • Cesium for Unreal Quickstart
  • Cesium for Unreal Getting Started Tutorials

It should be noted that while Unreal Engine is cross-platform and supports Linux and Mac OSX versions, Cesium for Unreal is currently only available on Windows.

Technical points for Cesium for Unreal

The path of plugins

Cesium is currently built on WebGl, a 3D rendering engine written in JS that runs in a WebGl enabled browser environment, while Unreal is a C++ based game development engine. How do you get data sources in Cesium ecology to work in Unreal? Below is the architecture of Cesium for Unreal.

Cesium is an open source 3D engine built specifically for the Web. Cesium for Unreal is a complement to Cesium, a new open source Cesium Native library written based on C++. On top of this, the engine is provided with 3D Tiles streams and lightweight glTF loading support, which are rendered in a highly accurate manner.

Officials are also working on both engines in parallel, cross-leveraging their capabilities, and potentially leveraging WebAssembly technology to further refine and extend Cesium’s capabilities on the Web.

Supported data formats

Cesium for Unreal supports loading all data types on Cesium Ion, For example, Terrain, Imagery, 3D Tiles (Photogrammetry, 3D Models, 3D Buildings, Point Clouds), but the coordinate system of data can only be WGS84 at present.

When you load 3D Buildings, offset is also supported and can be adjusted in the panel if added.

Write in the back

Cesium author Patrick talks about the future in Cesium for Unreal Now Available.

We live in an exciting time of ubiquitous sensors capturing the real world; drones and autonomous vehicles carrying sensors; photogrammetry and AI algorithms creating semantic 3D models; data explosion in resolution and collection frequency; plentiful cloud compute and storage; AR and VR devices coming of age; 5G bandwidth on the rise; GPUs that rival past supercomputers; and cell phones that rival yesteryear’s laptops. My prediction is that the dividing line between the physical and digital worlds will continue to blur, as will the line between 3D geospatial and game assets and ecosystems. This ecosystem of ecosystems will be enabled by open standards and platforms of platforms. 3D Tiles may very well become the spatial temporal index for all of it. I won’t be a graphics programmer in geospatial; I will just be a programmer.

One prediction is certain: you will create the future; our role is just to facilitate it.

— You and The Future

The resources

  • First Look at RealityCapture Photogrammetry in Cesium for Unreal
  • Cesium for Unreal coming March 30
  • First Glimpse of Cesium for Unreal to premiere at vIITSEC
  • Project Anywhere
  • Cesium for Unreal Now Available

The link in the article is more recommended to refer to the original address.