Ceph is a very popular open source distributed storage system. It has the advantages of high scalability, high performance, and high reliability. It also provides block storage service (RBD), object storage service (RGW), and file system storage service (CEPHFS). In the storage of each data will be calculated through the location of the data, as far as possible to balance the distribution. Ceph is also the mainstream backend storage of OpenStack. With the widespread use of OpenStack in cloud computing, CEPH has become even more popular.

As one of the mainstream distributed storage technologies, CEPH is increasingly becoming an essential part of the operation and maintenance engineers’ skill tree.

The detailed CepH Chinese document shared today is full of 1051 pages, covering almost all the advanced knowledge of CEPH, starting from the most basic installation. Due to too much content, only part of the content is shown in screenshots here. Please see the end of the article for details on how to get the complete version of the document.

Catalogue Details:

This section describes the contents of the document

Ceph profile

In this section, you will have a preliminary understanding of Ceph. According to this part, choose your own hardware and operating system to prepare for the formal learning.

Hardware is recommended


RAM memory


Minimum Hardware Recommendation

Recommended operating system

Installation and Deployment

Ceph installation and related configurations are explained in detail, as well as the configurations of monitor, OSD, log, FILESTORE, KEYVALUESTORE, storage pool, group and CRUSH. Involves Ceph component installation, configuration, status check, etc., provides a high performance, high reliability, multi-functional storage cluster.

Management and operation

Software package management, key, OSD and metadata server, tasks, user management. Frequently asked questions and troubleshooting.


Detailed demonstration of the block device, RBD mirror, object gateway, file system, and so on the use of KEYSTONE and OPENSTACK docking way, dry!

Ceph 2021 will be an essential part of the operation engineer’s skill tree in the new era. This document is recommended for anyone interested in microservices and cloud native.

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