1. Set up the SVN server

1. Install

yum -y install subversion
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2. Create a directory

mkdir /var/svnrepos
# Create your SVN directory
svnadmin create /var/svnrepos/xxxx 
Copy the code

3. Modify the configuration file

Authz: manages account permissions and controls the read and write permissions of accounts passwd: manages the list of users responsible for accounts and passwords SVNserve. conf: SVN server configuration file

cd/var/svnrepos/ XXXX /conf vim authz // Add [/]# / Root
chen = rw  User Chen has read and write permissionVim passwd // Add Chen = chen1234 vim SVNserve. conf anon-access = none to the end of [users]# indicates that anonymous users are not allowed to access.
auth-access = write # Indicates that the authorized user has read and write permission.
password-db = passswd # specify username and password file, that is, passwd file.
authz-db = authz # Specify the permission profile, the authz file.
realm = /var/svnrepos # specify the authentication domain, namely the /var/SVNrepos directory.
Copy the code

4. Start the service

svnserve -d -r /var/svnrepos 
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5. Test links

On the SVN client, enter SVN :// IP address :3690/ XXXX.

Reference article: www.cnblogs.com/-mrl/p/8980…

2. Set up an FTP server

1. Install VSFTP

/ / check whether install the RPM - qa | grep VSFTPD / / install yum - y install VSFTPD / / start VSFTPD systemctl start VSFTPD / / set systemctl powered upenable vsftpd
Copy the code

2. FTP configuration

vim /etc/vsftp/vsftp.conf

anonymous_enable=NO    # Disable anonymous login
chroot_local_user=YES   # enable restricted users in their home directory
chroot_list_enable=YES  # #YES: Go the users listed in chroot_list to their directories specified in the file defined under user_config_dir. NO: indicates the default directory of the system user
chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd/chroot_list   # this is the file where we put the chroot user
allow_writeable_chroot=YES This configuration is required if the qualified user is enabled in their home directory

Copy the code

Refer to the article: blog.51cto.com/11728495/20…