CentOS installation configuration -JDK

JKD profile

The JDK is a Java language software development kit, mainly used for Java applications on mobile devices and embedded devices. JDK is the core of the whole Java development, it contains the Java runtime environment (JVM+Java system class library) and Java tools. Simply put, the JDK is a Java development environment that includes the JRE (Java Runtime Environment).

CentOS install JDK(my installation directory :usr/local/ JDK)
  • Wget: yum install wget

wget –no-check-certificate –no-cookies –header “Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie” Download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jav…

  • Install the JDK

RPM -ivh –prefix=/usr/local/jdk jK-8u131-linux-x64. RPM RPM -ivh jK-8u131-linux-x64. RPM RPM -ivh jK-8u131-linux-x64. RPM Path: / usr/Java /)

  • Check whether the installation is successful

java -version

  • Configuring environment Variables

vim /etc/profile

Save :w! Do not save

To make the profile take effect: source /etc/profile

  • uninstall

1. Check the installed JDK RPM – qa | grep JDK

RPM -e –nodeps jdk1.8.0_131-1.8.0_131-FCs.x86_64

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