This is the 24th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge
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Docker series summary: Docker series
Docker is an open source container engine that helps deliver applications faster.
Docker isolates the application and infrastructure layers and manages the infrastructure as if it were a program. Using Docker can package, test, and deploy applications faster, and shorten the cycle from writing to deploying running code.
The advantages of the Docker
- 1. Docker simplifications allow developers to package their applications and dependencies into a portable container and then distribute them to any popular Linux machine to implement virtualisation. Docker changes the way of virtualization, so that developers can directly put their work into Docker for management. Convenience and speed has been the biggest advantage of Docker. Tasks that used to take days or even weeks can be completed in seconds under the processing of Docker containers.
- 2. Avoid choice phobia if you have choice phobia, you are a senior sufferer. Docker helps you pack your tangle! Docker images; Docker image contains the operating environment and configuration, so Docker can simplify the deployment of a variety of application instances. Web applications, backend applications, database applications, big data applications such as Hadoop clusters, message queues, and so on can all be packaged and deployed as a single image.
- 3. On the one hand, with the advent of the era of cloud computing, developers do not need to configure expensive hardware in pursuit of effect. Docker has changed the mindset that high performance inevitably leads to high price. The combination of Docker and cloud makes cloud space more fully utilized. It not only solves the problem of hardware management, but also changes the way virtualization is done.
1, CentOS install Docker
Docker is an open source commercial product available in two versions: Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE). The Enterprise edition includes some paid services that individual developers generally don’t use. The following introductions are for the community edition.
Docker requires a CentOS kernel version later than 3.10
- Check your current kernel version with the uname -r command
Log in to Centos as user root. Make sure the YUM package is up to date
Yum ‐ y updateCopy the code
③ Uninstall the old version (if any)
Sudo yum remove ‐y docker*Copy the code
Yum-util provides yum-config-manager functionality and devicemapper driver dependencies
Yum install ‐ y yum ‐ utilsCopy the code
The version lock is displayed and we need to unlock it
yum versionlock clear Copy the code
Yum install ‐y yum‐utils again
In some cases, the yum-util package may not be available
vim /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf Copy the code
vim /etc/yum.conf Copy the code
- And then execute again, sure mo got a problem!
Set yum source and update yum package index
yum-config-manager --add-repo yum makecache fast Copy the code
⑥ View all docker versions in all repositories and select a specific version to install
yum list docker-ce --showduplicates | sort -r Copy the code
7, select the specified version number to install
Yum install docker - ce - 18.06.3. CeCopy the code
- This step is a little slow, just wait a little
8. Start Docker
Systemctl start docker systemctl enable dockerCopy the code
⑨. Verify whether the installation is successful
Docker version # Check the docker versionCopy the code
Docker installation is complete
Step on the pit is finished, according to this tutorial to install, certainly mo problem!
The road ahead is long, I see no end, I will search high and low
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