
  • When it comes to The Middle stage, two examples will be mentioned. One is that Jack Ma visited Supercell in 2013, and then determined alibaba’s middle stage strategy (big middle stage and small front stage) in 2015. Another is Huawei’s strategic shift to China, famously “let the man who can hear the fire direct the battle.”
  • Ali is the earliest proposed in Taiwan construction of the Internet enterprises. It is said that the idea of alibaba Zhongtai’s structure originated during a business visit by Ma in mid-2015. Ma and a group of Alibaba executives visited Supercell, a Finnish gaming company in northern Europe that claims to be the world’s most successful mobile gaming company. Within the company, five to seven employees can form a single development team called the Cell. Small teams decide what kind of product they want to build, launch it, and see what the market says. Games with poor feedback will be cut without hesitation. This approach has led to the success of Supercell’s games. Behind all this success is Supercell’s strong middle-stage support. Supercell’s middle stage refers to the company’s integration of common and common game materials and algorithms in the process of game development, accumulation of very scientific research tools and framework system, and the establishment of a very powerful middle stage. Such a strong middle platform can support several small teams to develop a new game in a short time. With the support of the middle platform, Supercell’s “cells” can operate flexibly and form an efficient combat mode of fragmentation. The team’s game is a hit, and that’s great. The game failed? It doesn’t matter. The cost of trial and error is low, so just give up. Supercell has only officially released five games in its nine years of existence. Do you think they’re inefficient? (Then, in June 2016, Tencent paid $8.6 billion for an 84.3% stake in Supercell, which had no more than 200 employees, with a per-employee contribution of more than 354 million yuan.) At that time, Alibaba was also planning a reform to integrate product technology and data capabilities to help the whole company have the ability to innovate quickly. The Nordic company’s management philosophy coincides with what Mr Ma is thinking of. Perhaps it was this visit that accelerated the process of reforming the Alibaba Central-Taiwan structure.


  • In Taiwan. In ancient times, the throne was set up for princes when the emperor met them. Divide inside and outside platform, inside platform than outside honourable.
  • Of course, the current definition of Taiwan is mainly in the Internet industry. The category of zhongtai is much richer than this. In terms of classification, Zhongtai includes technology zhongtai, data Zhongtai, business Zhongtai, product Zhongtai, RESEARCH and development Zhongtai, mobile Zhongtai, organization Zhongtai and so on. Among them, the “technology zhongtai + data Zhongtai” double peak mode is the most popular
  • The essence of an intermediate platform is to encapsulate common capabilities and share them in the form of interfaces or components. Whether there are cross-network externalities among users on it is not its core attribute.
  • From the literal meaning understanding, the concept of the stage is relative to the stage and background will tell. The front desk is the interface for the company to interact with external users (or customers), while the back desk includes the company’s basic resources such as finance, legal affairs, management, warehousing and logistics, and computing capacity. The change in the center is not as drastic as the front desk, so the front desk often needs to use its own temporary plan, and then wait for the center to provide stable service. The center needs the front desk as the customer and requires the front desk to be open (open their business to the center for the center to extract common business logic). The standardization and modularization of the foreground and background are summarized as the middle stage.


  • Extract the generic business for the foreground to invoke. The business is stable, precipitating, iterating, and componentizing output for front-end services
  • Smokestack elimination, architectural decoupling, unified mid-platform, service reuse. (Chimney-type IT system refers to a company that has n systems, just like one chimney after another, with its own stove burning hot and unaware of the temperature of other stoves, because the chimney has not been opened, for some security concerns can not be opened.)
  • Do not have the ability to solve the business, in fact, there is no commercial value
  • In large enterprises, the management of more than ten backgrounds is involved. The execution layer of the same thing often needs to be configured repeatedly in multiple backgrounds. The planning layer needs to consider the realization ability of the combination of multiple backgrounds, and the management layer needs to look at multiple backgrounds to see the implementation effect of activities. Why can’t we pack up the backstage? This is the origin of the concept of fire in Taiwan

The characteristics of

Front desk: rapid iteration and trial-and-error of products and services. Middle desk: unified and supportive services. Back desk: basic scientific and technological research and long-term strategic design

– Agile: Business requirements change rapidly, changes are calculated in days or even shorter frequency, and it becomes increasingly difficult for a single large application to be changed by a large development team. A large application can be combined into multiple small applications to adapt to rapid external changes and achieve service agility.

– Decoupling: As businesses evolve, interactions between business systems often become more complex. A change to a feature can affect many aspects. Only by separating the functions that require a lot of interaction from the application, can the coupling degree between applications be greatly reduced.

– Reuse: Some common capabilities can be reused to greatly improve development efficiency and avoid duplication. At the same time, data and processes can be centrally managed and optimized.