Resume directory

  • contact
  • Personal information
  • career
    • Learning promotion
    • Work experience
  • Open source projects and works
    • application
    • The plug-in
  • Technical articles
  • List of skills
  • Professional ability
  • Learning experience
  • Self assessment
  • Life and Hobbies
  • Thank you


Personal information

  • Kong Lingwen/male /1994

  • Shangqiu Polytechnic/Graphic image

  • Years of work: 4 years


  • Tech blog:…

  • Expected position: WEB front-end/full stack (Node.js + MongoDB direction) development engineer


Learning promotion

Develop and launch original projects (May 2020 – December 2020)

During the actual combat project, I had a deeper understanding and perception of Web technical standards and norms, readability and maintenance of project coding, code writing norms and other aspects, and finally applied in the actual development


The online preview: konglingwen94. Making. IO/elm – seller -…

Technology stack

Koa, KOA-Router, KoA-Parameter, KoA-BodyParser, KOA-static, KOA-COMPRESS, KoA2-connect-Histroy-api-Fallback, JsonWebToken, bcryp t.js


The online preview:

Technology stack

This project mainly uses Element-UI as the component library of the application UI, and adopts the configuration mode introduced on demand to reduce the volume of the final package of the project.

Secondly, the third-party modules include AXIOS and VUE-Router V-Charts (VUE component library based on ECHART packaging).


The online preview:

Technology stack

Vue, Better-Scroll, Lib-flexible, AXIOS, Express, Node, javascript, LESS, CSS, ES6/7, Webpack, VUE-CLI


The online preview:

Technology stack

Vue, VUe-Router, VUE-CLI, less, AXIos, LoDash, ES6-7, Express, Node-FETCH, http-proxy-Middleware

Technical Improvement and Practice (January 2020 — April 2020)

The content of technical improvement and practice includes various technical apis and class libraries related to Web front-end development, apis commonly used by NodeJs and its ecological chain tools, apis and class libraries commonly used by MongoDB, etc

Practical project

egg-nuxt-blogUse nodeJS ‘upper frameworkeggAnd vUE’s upper frameworknuxtBuild a full stack project, can be used as the development project technology stack selection reference)
Technology stack

Egg, NUxT, Axios, bcryptjs, Egg-Cors, Egg-Mongoose, Egg-router-Plus, Egg-scripts, Egg-validate, Element-ui, gravatar, Inflected, JSO Nwebtoken, KOA-COMPRESS, Koa-Multer, KoA2-connect-history-API-Fallback, Message-tree, Mongoose, Normalize. CSS, Pell, vue- Weathe r-component

  • Customers on the sidelines address:
  • Management background online address:
  • The server document: konglingwen94. Making. IO/egg – nuxt – bl…

vue-blog-admin(vue+element-uiSet up the blog management background class project, can be used as a template reference)
Technology stack

Axios, element-UI, normalize. CSS, pell, vue”, vue-Router, vuex

Address of the project: konglingwen94. Making. IO/vue – blog – AD…

To build the wheels

  • Comment-message-editor (VUe-based message editor component)
  • Message-tree (VUe-based encapsulated message comment tree component)
  • Good -swiper (VUE encapsulation based on the wheel map component)
  • Elder-resize-event-polyfill (plugin that listens for native resize events of browser DOM elements)

New Technology Learning & Joining open Source Community (July 2018 – October 2018)

inGithubThe open source community releases its first projectvue-music

Online address:

Technology stack

Vue, VUex, VUE-Router, Express, Mint-UI, Cube-UI, VUX, Lyric-Parser, good-storage, VUe-LazyLoad, lib-flexible, sublime

Technological learning

  • Join the NPM community and release the first NPM package anyDirectory

  • Learn NodeJS technology preliminarily, set up development environment and practice using common API

  • Learn Vue framework and its family bucket technology and Webpack front-end engineering development mode

Work experience

Zhengzhou Jiying Network Technology Co., LTD. (November 2018 — January 2020)

Manage background projects (four in total)

Job content

During my term in the company, I independently developed and completed four management background projects corresponding to CSAP Cambridge Summer Student course apap, Jiuding Ruichuang website, 930 Family Doctor official account and stock crowdfunding website, all of which were completed by the development mode of separating the front and back ends. During the development of the project, I was responsible for front-end development work, conducted joint debugging with back-end developers after the development of the page template, and finally completed the application bug repair work after the testing by the testers.

In the process of optimizing and improving the project, I made use of the responsive data characteristics of Vue itself to realize the requirement of refreshing the page by updating component cache data, and finally completed the performance optimization work of accelerating the page update speed and reducing unnecessary interface requests

Use technology stacks and tools

Basic technologies: HTML/HTML, CSS/CSS 3, js, es6/7, json

The production environment uses frameworks and libraries: [email protected], VUE-Router, Vuex, Element-UI, Axios, Pell, @ANTV/G2 and other third-party modules

Use tool chain in development: vue-CLI,vue-devtools,webpack,less,webpack-dev-server, Babel and other tools

Development and debugging tools and platform: vscode, git, chrome, postman, Windows 7

The main functions of the application
  • The page is initialized to render the data as a tabular display
  • Create user-submitted form data and connect it to the server API
  • Delete the table data in the page, update the function
  • The ability to display data in pages
  • Visualization of home page data
  • Administrator login and token local storage
  • Change the account name and password

Participate in client project development

During my tenure in the company, I participated in the development of partial functions of three client projects: CSAP Cambridge Summer Student course mini program, Jiuding Ruichuang website and 930 family Doctor wechat official account. The project I have independently developed is the 930 family doctor public account, which includes functions such as wechat login, online appointment and payment order.

Henan Huiguo Medical Co., LTD. (January 2018 — June 2018)

Website of Henan Huiguo Medical Co., LTD. (including PC terminal, mobile terminal and wechat mini program)

This application is all completed by my personal development, the main content of the work is to write front-end page style according to the design draft, achieve page interaction function according to the product requirements, render data to generate static pages, deploy static resources to the server. The website contains dozens of pages with rich functions, among which the main interactive functions are round broadcast chart, level 1 / level 2 navigation menu, accordion dynamic effect, drawer menu, etc. Applications use the development of technology is HTML, CSS, javascript, jquery, swiper, less, dedecms, SVN.

Huiguo Holdings wechat applets were developed using the way of embedding mobile applications in Web-view components, and then completed the work of online applets

Self-study and Introduction to WEB Front-end Development (2017)

This stage mainly relies on the Free learning platform on the Internet to self-study web development technology, the learning content is

  • html,html5
  • css,css3
  • javascript
  • jquery
  • Editplus/Hbuilder

Open source projects and works


  • Vue-bytedancejob (A single page application of Vue imitation writing section jump recruitment website)
  • Vue-elm-seller (a single page application that mimicked ele. me stores)
  • Vue-music (mobile music app that crawls QQ data)
  • Vue-buyer-admin (Vue + ElementUI management background system)
  • Elm-seller-server (Koa+ mongodb-built takeaway merchant server project)
  • Egg-nuxt-blog (Egg + NUxT WEB full stack project, mainly technical application)
  • Vue-blog-admin (Vue + Element-UI development blog management background, can be used as a general management background project reference secondary development)

The plug-in

  • Comment-message-editor (VUe-based message editor component)
  • Message-tree (VUe-based encapsulated message comment tree component)
  • Good -swiper (VUE encapsulation based on the wheel map component)
  • Elder-resize-event-polyfill (plugin that listens for native resize events of browser DOM elements)
  • Anydirectory (Node.js-based resource hosting server)

Technical articles

  • Summary of Koa+Mongodb merchant store server project
  • Vue+ElementUI build business store management background project summary
  • Vue new reconstruction and upgrade bytedance recruitment website Summary (ii)
  • Vue new technology stack to reconstruct the business application of Ele. me Huang
  • Vue Full Stack Technology reconstruction bytedance recruitment website Summary (1)

List of skills

  • Web development: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Javascript, DOM/BOM, ES6/7/Next, Ajax, JSON, NodeJs
  • Front-end framework, library, common plug-ins: Vue/Nuxt, JQuery, Axios, Lodash
  • Front-end tools: Webpack, Npm, Less, Babel, Eslint
  • Vue-related: Element-UI, vue-Router, vue-devtools, vuex, Cube-UI/mint-UI, VUe-cli, vuepress,
  • NodeJs class library, management tools: Koa, Mongoose, Express, Egg, Node ecology common modules
  • Database and back-end tools: MongoDB/MySQL, Postman, common Linux commands, and SSH commands
  • Version management, repository hosting, documentation, and automated deployment tools: Git, Github, Markdown, Linux server
  • Development tools and platforms: VSCode/Sublime, Chrome/Safari, MacBook/Window

Professional ability

  • Proficient in HTML, CSS, Javascript technology and flexible use

  • Proficient in vue. js technology, master its operating mechanism, and can encapsulate front-end common components, and have a deep understanding and research on vue. js design ideas and implementation methods of important features

  • Master the operating principle of browser and the communication process of HTTP protocol

  • In-depth understanding and practice of object-oriented, MVVM architecture, separation of concerns and other programming ideas

  • Deep understanding and experience of Web technical standards and specifications

  • Have certain architectural ability for Web application, be able to operate and control each link of the whole stack project development process and continuous integration work

  • Have a comprehensive understanding and application of front-end engineering, componentization, modularization, front and back end separation and other development modes

  • Independent aesthetic appreciation and experience of interface design, functional features and other aspects of Internet products

  • Outstanding learning ability and independent logical thinking ability

  • Ability to read technical documents in English

Learning experience

Since working in the Internet industry, I have acquired knowledge and technology through continuous learning, practice, accumulation and summary. During my tenure in the company, I have mastered the working process of team project development and accumulated relevant experience. The Internet technology community I am currently living in includes Github, Nuggets, Segmentfault, and search websites commonly used to solve problems in daily work include Google, Baidu, Github, StackOverflow, etc

Self assessment

Have strong interest and enthusiasm in WEB front-end development and related technology, have a comprehensive and complete technology and knowledge system in the field of WEB development. I am capable of self-driven learning and delving into Web technology. I am good at paying attention to cutting-edge technology in the industry and can learn gradually. In daily project development, I am able to write logical codes independently of the third party class library, and have strict self-requirements on readability, maintainability, architecture design, code writing specifications and other aspects of the project. In the work, I am good at thinking about various technical solutions while realizing product requirements, and can summarize the accumulation and application of efficient and elegant solutions.

Life and Hobbies

Movies, basketball, running, news, the Internet

Thank you

Thank you for taking the time to read my resume and I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.