The structure of the article is roughly divided into reference + knowledge, the latter is composed of three parts: respectively

  • knowledge

Knowledge points are generally provided in reference to the book content, combined with the use of small exercises.

  • The interview questions

I didn’t plan to do it at the beginning, and I didn’t have the ability to answer it myself, so I didn’t get the answer.

  • code

The code is currently only drawn from minor exercises, using Sublime, which is very light and can be written while looking at the web… If someone is willing to look at the hope to be able to point out, or their implementation of the post.


  • Read chapters 1-4 of HTML&CSS Designing and Building websites

  • Complete the freecodecamp HTML basics exercise

  • HTML interview questions

1. Knowledge

Chapters 1-4 are structure, text, list and link respectively

Copy the code

HTML full name Hypertext Markup Language, that is, Hypertext Markup Language

Hypertext refers to HTML that allows you to easily jump from one page to another by creating links.

Markup Language, which allows you to make comments on text that provide additional comments for the content of the document.

The text
<p>Paragraph;<br>Newline;Copy the code
The list of
<ol>Ordered list;<ul>Unordered list;<li>List entry;Copy the code
<a>An anchor (MAO) element that allows you to create hyperlinksCopy the code

There’s a lot in the book, but these are the only ones I’ve used lately.

2. The questions and answers

What is the difference between using link and @import when importing page styles on day 1?

You haven’t seen much CSS yet, okay

What are the elements of HTML for day 2 (including H5)?

New inline elements, block-level elements, H5

3. Code

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
		<title>The front-end study</title>
		<p>Begin to use<a href="https://juejin.cn/">The Denver nuggets</a>Write an article</p>
		<p>Feel in dawdle, need to write a diary to urge themselves to learn three elements.<ol>
		<p>Three frames, temporarily look up, make up for do next disorder</p>
			<label><input type="radio" name="one" checked="">Continue to</label>
			<label><input type="radio" name="one">To give up</label><br>
			<label><input type="checkbox" name="two" checked>HTML</label>
			<label><input type="checkbox" name="two">CSS</label>
			<label><input type="checkbox" name="two">JavaScript</label><br>
			<input type="text" placeholder="Hello World" required>
			<button type="submit">submit</button>
			<p>The last few days to learn here, I hope to write something fun later</p>
Copy the code