
Using ESM+TS style to write a similar effect of the old version of Alipay credit score (will move!!) ;

I started out writing it in the normal ES5+ style, and both versions of the code will be shown,

The version of the module has been added with a few additional details that interested viewers can take a look at

Effect drawing and Demo

Detailed renderings can be seen at Codesanbox

Codesanbox: codesandbox. IO/s / 4 rvo5mwxj…

See README for details


What can be gained?

The code has a bunch of comments.

My implementation ideas and coding posture, and some typescript usage


Version 1: nonESMThe style of

<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="Width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
        canvas {
            display: block;
            margin: 0 auto;
            background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #a3bded 0%, #6991c7 100%);

        #test-action {
            width: 200px;
            height: 50px;
            font-weight: 700;
            background-image: linear-gradient(120deg, #a1c4fd 0%, #c2e9fb 100%);
            color: # 333;
            font-size: 16px;
            line-height: 50px;
            border-radius: 50px;
            text-align: center;
            cursor: pointer;
            margin: 50px auto;

<div id="test-action">Click me to see the random effect</div>
    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded'.function () {
        /** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */
        let canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        let ratio = window.devicePixelRatio; / / pixel = "credit-score";
        canvas.width = 375;
        canvas.height = 375; = "375px"; = "375px";

        // Initialize some values
        // Canvas moves counterclockwise by default, from the start Angle to the end Angle
        const initParams = {
            w: canvas.width * ratio,  // Width of canvas
            h: canvas.height * ratio, // Height of canvas
            x: canvas.width * ratio / 2.// Center coordinates x,y
            y: canvas.width * ratio / 2.// Center coordinates x,y
            startAngle: 165.// The beginning of the canvas
            endAngle: 375.// The end of the canvas
            currentAngle: 165.// The current Angle
            scoreStart: 450./ / the start points
            scoreTarget: 770./ / target points
            scoreMin: 450./ / the lowest points
            scoreMax: 850./ / the highest
            scoreEvaDate: Evaluation Date: 2019-04-01.// Evaluation date
            segAngle: 84.// The total Angle is divided into several equal parts
            stepAngle() { // How many degrees each time
                return (this.endAngle - this.startAngle) / this.segAngle;
            outerTextSeg: 10.// The number ranges are equally divided
            outerText() {
                let textGap = Math.ceil(this.scoreRange() / (this.outerTextSeg - 1));
                let textArr = Array.from(new Array(this.outerTextSeg), ((item, index) = > textGap * index + this.scoreMin));
                let textStepAngel = this.angelRange() / (textArr.length - 1);
                let textAngelArr =, index) = > this.startAngle + textStepAngel * index);
                return {
                    textLenght: textArr.length,
            scoreRange() { // Range of scores
                return this.scoreMax - this.scoreMin;
            angelRange() {  // Angle range
                return this.endAngle - this.startAngle
            scoreLevelText(text) {// Credit rating
                let threeRangeScore = Math.ceil(this.scoreRange() / 3);
                if (text) {
                    return text;
                } else {
                    if (this.scoreStart <= this.scoreMin + threeRangeScore) {
                        return 'To be improved'
                    if (this.scoreStart > threeRangeScore && this.scoreStart <= this.scoreMin + threeRangeScore * 2) {
                        return 'Good credit'
                    if (this.scoreStart > this.scoreMin + threeRangeScore * 2 && this.scoreStart <= this.scoreMax) {
                        return 'Excellent credit'}}},style: {
                line: { // Line color control
                    initColor: "Rgba (255, 191, 150, 0.5)".// Initialize the color
                    activeColor: "#fff".// Highlight the color
                    width: 1  // Line's promise
                dashLine: {
                    initColor: "Rgba (255, 191, 150, 0.5)".// Initialize the color
                    activeColor: "#fff".// Highlight the color
                    width: 1  // The thickness of the line
                text: {  // Text color
                    outerText: {   // Outer ring text
                        fontSize: 12.color: "#fff",},innerText: {
                        score: {
                            fontSize: 36.color: "#fff",},level: {
                            fontSize: 18.color: "#fff",},date: {
                            fontSize: 12.color: "#f2f2f2".fontWeight: "normal"

        let pointImg = new Image();
        pointImg.src = "data:image/svg+xml; base64,PHN2ZyAgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIiB4bWxuczp4bGluaz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMTk5OS94bGluayIgd 2lkdGg9IjE2cHgiIGhlaWdodD0iMjRweCI+PHBhdGggZmlsbC1ydWxlPSJldmVub2RkIiAgZmlsbD0icmdiKDI1NSwgMjU1LCAyNTUpIiBkPSJNOC4wMDAsM jQuMDA1IEMzLjU4MiwyNC4wMDUgLTAuMDAwLDIwLjUyNSAtMC4wMDAsMTYuMjMwIEMtMC4wMDAsMTEuOTM2IDguMDAwLC0wLjAwNSA4LjAwMCwtMC4wMDUgQ zguMDAwLC0wLjAwNSAxNS45OTksMTEuOTM2IDE1Ljk5OSwxNi4yMzAgQzE1Ljk5OSwyMC41MjUgMTIuNDE4LDI0LjAwNSA4LjAwMCwyNC4wMDUgWk04LjAwM CwxMi4wNjUgQzUuNjI1LDEyLjA2NSAzLjcwMCwxMy45MzQgMy43MDAsMTYuMjM5IEMzLjcwMCwxOC41NDQgNS42MjUsMjAuNDEzIDguMDAwLDIwLjQxMyBDM TAuMzc1LDIwLjQxMyAxMi4zMDAsMTguNTQ0IDEyLjMwMCwxNi4yMzkgQzEyLjMwMCwxMy45MzQgMTAuMzc1LDEyLjA2NSA4LjAwMCwxMi4wNjUgWiIvPjwvc 3ZnPg=="

        ctx.scale(1 / window.devicePixelRatio, 1 / window.devicePixelRatio);

        // Get radians
        function getRadian(degrees) {
            return Math.PI / 180 * degrees;

        // Get the degree
        function getDegrees(radian) {
            return 180 / Math.PI * radian

        // Get the coordinates of the points on the edge of the circle
        function getRadiusPoint(x, y, radius, degrees) {
            return {
                x1: x + radius * Math.cos(degrees),
                y1: y + radius * Math.sin(degrees)

        // Draw the peripheral text
        function drawOuterText(x, y, text, fontSize = 28, color = "#fff", fontWeight = "normal") {
            ctx.fillStyle = color;
            ctx.font = `${fontWeight} ${fontSize * ratio}px Microsoft yahei`;
            ctx.textBaseline = 'ideographic';
            ctx.textAlign = "left";
            ctx.fillText(text, x - ctx.measureText(text).width / 2, y);

        // Draw the center text
        function drawInnerText(x, y, text, fontSize = 30, color = "#fff", fontWeight = "bold") {

            ctx.fillStyle = color;
            ctx.font = `${fontWeight} ${fontSize * ratio}px Microsoft yahei`;
            ctx.textAlign = "center";
            ctx.fillText(`${text}`, x, y);
            ctx.textBaseline = 'ideographic';

        // Draw little dots
        function drawCircle(x, y, fillColor, mode = false) {
            ctx.arc(x, y, * ratio, 0.2 * Math.PI, mode);
            ctx.fillStyle = fillColor;

        / / draw water droplets
        function waterDrop(x = 60, y = 180, rotate = - 120.) {
            ctx.translate(x, y);
            ctx.drawImage(pointImg, 0.0.8 * ratio, 12 * ratio);


        // Move the drop
        function moveWaterDrop(x, y, radius, angle) {
            const {x1, y1} = getRadiusPoint(x, y, radius, getRadian(angle));
            // The reason why we add 90° is because the image is vertical by default, we need to correct it from the initial value of the coordinate system
            waterDrop(x1, y1, angle + 90);

        // Draw a dotted arc
        function drawCircleDashLine({color}, {x, y, radius}) {
            for (let i = 1; i <= initParams.segAngle; i++) {
                const{x1, y1} = getRadiusPoint(x, y, radius, getRadian( initParams.startAngle + initParams.stepAngle() * i)); drawCircle(x1, y1, color); }}// Draw a solid arc
        function drawCircleLine({color}, {x, y, radius}) {
            ctx.arc(x, y, radius, getRadian(initParams.startAngle), getRadian(initParams.endAngle));
            ctx.strokeStyle = color;
            ctx.lineCap = "round";
            ctx.lineWidth = 1 * ratio;

        // Draw the outer text line
        function drawOuterTextLine({outerText: {textArr, textAngelArr, textStepAngel, textLenght}, color}, {x, y, radius}) {
            // The outermost text layer
            for (let index = 0; index < textLenght; index++) {
                let angle = getRadian(textAngelArr[index]);
                const {x1, y1} = getRadiusPoint(x, y,radius, angle);
                drawOuterText(x1, y1, textArr[index],,

        // Clear the canvas content
        function clearCanvas() {
            ctx.clearRect(0.0, initParams.w, initParams.h);

        // Draw the base map, that is, the initialization map
        function drawBaseMap() {
            const {score, level, date} =;
                outerText: initParams.outerText(),
            }, {
                x: initParams.x,
                y: initParams.y,
                radius: initParams.x * 0.82

                    x: initParams.x,
                    y: initParams.y,
                    radius: initParams.x * 0.7
                    x: initParams.x,
                    y: initParams.y,
                    radius: initParams.x * 0.6666666});// Text position ()
            drawInnerText(initParams.x, initParams.y - 10 * ratio, initParams.scoreStart, score.fontSize, score.color);
            drawInnerText(initParams.x, initParams.y + 20 * ratio, initParams.scoreLevelText(), level.fontSize, level.color);
            drawInnerText(initParams.x, initParams.y + 40 * ratio, initParams.scoreEvaDate, date.fontSize, date.color, date.fontWeight);

            // Overwrite the solid line
                    x: initParams.x,
                    y: initParams.y,
                    radius: initParams.x * 0.7

            // Overwrite the dotted line
                    x: initParams.x,
                    y: initParams.y,
                    radius: initParams.x * 0.6666666});// Move the water drop
            moveWaterDrop(initParams.x, initParams.y, initParams.x * 0.6, initParams.currentAngle);

            // range of infinite render
            if (initParams.scoreStart < initParams.scoreTarget) {
                // The range of degrees of each move
                initParams.currentAngle += initParams.stepAngle();

                // Text changes
                // Find the number of fractions required for each move
                let stepScore = (initParams.scoreRange() * initParams.stepAngle()) / initParams.angelRange();
                initParams.scoreStart = initParams.scoreStart + Math.round(stepScore);
                if (initParams.scoreStart >= initParams.scoreTarget) {
                    initParams.scoreStart = initParams.scoreTarget
                // Compare the current Angle with the fractional Angle. If the current accumulated Angle is less than the Angle needed to move to the destination, continue rendering
                let stepAngle = initParams.startAngle + (initParams.angelRange() * ((initParams.scoreTarget - initParams.scoreMin)) / initParams.scoreRange());
                if (initParams.currentAngle >= stepAngle) return false;
                window.requestAnimationFrame(drawBaseMap); }}let st = setTimeout((a)= > {
        }, 1000);

        function randomHexColor() { // Randomly generate hexadecimal colors
            var hex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777216).toString(16); // Generate a hexadecimal number within FFFFFF
            while (hex.length < 6) { // The while loop evaluates the hex number. If the number is less than 6, add 0 to make up 6 digits
                hex = '0' + hex;
            return The '#' + hex; // Return the hexadecimal color starting with '#'

        // Reset random play
        document.getElementById('test-action').addEventListener('click'.function () {
            // Click reset
            initParams.scoreStart = 450;
            initParams.scoreTarget = Math.round(Math.random() * 400) + 450;
            initParams.currentAngle = 165;
            initParams.segAngle = [] [Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3)];
            initParams.outerTextSeg = [] [Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3)];
            let randomColor = randomHexColor();

   = {
                line: { // Line color control
                    initColor: "Rgba (255, 191, 150, 0.5)".// Initialize the color
                    activeColor: randomColor, // Highlight the color
                    width: Math.random() * 1 + 1  // Line's promise
                dashLine: {
                    initColor: "Rgba (255, 191, 150, 0.5)".// Initialize the color
                    activeColor: randomColor, // Highlight the color
                    width: Math.random() * 1 + 1   // Line's promise
                text: {  // Text color
                    outerText: {   // Outer ring text
                        fontSize: 12.color: randomColor,
                    innerText: {
                        score: {
                            fontSize: 36.color: randomColor,
                        level: {
                            fontSize: 18.color: randomColor,
                        date: {
                            fontSize: 12.color: randomColor,
                            fontWeight: "normal"





Copy the code

Version 2: Released NPM,ESM+TSThe style of



The company had a need, and I had never used Canvas before, so I had to climb the pit by myself.

Generally speaking, the standard posture of canvas is not complicated. The complexity lies in mathematics.

Writing this high school math that I’ve been brushing up on, the release of the ESM module, packaged with rollup,

It’s a great tool. I’ll write typescript-rollup-startKit sometime

If there is something wrong, please leave a message and we will fix it in time. Thank you for reading.