What do you think is the coolest in data visualization? You may have different answers, but I’m going to vote for map visualization. Also, do you know of any tools for map visualization? Matlab, Python, Echarts and other tools can be implemented, but the difficulty of implementation varies. Many of the tools used to implement map visualization are too cumbersome and the end result is not good. Today, xiaobian will take you to avoid lightning, recommend a good and good-looking tool to you, so that you can easily make a cool map visualization report.


What is map visualization?

Let’s first understand what map visualization is!


Map visualization, as the name implies, is to change the traditional way and display the data fields related to regions in the way of maps, so as to show the law and trend of data.




Scenarios to prepare

Not long ago, the National Bureau of Statistics released the data of the seventh national census. Today, the editor uses these data to show you the process of making map visualization.


Available data: population distribution in all provinces of China

Scene: In order to achieve a more intuitive comparison, map visualization is used to show the distribution of population in each province.

Tools to use: Intelligence analysis




Make a visual map

Step 1: Import data

Import the prepared data source into the intelligence analysis system. Intelligence analysis supports a variety of data connection methods, including database connection and EXCEL import. After the data is loaded, you can preview the data source in the data connection interface:




Step 2: Create a dataset

The meaning of data set is to use data source for reprocessing, because the dashboard cannot directly identify the data source, so this is an essential step in map visualization. Open the self-service dataset in data preparation and find the data source that has been uploaded successfully:




The first step is to click on the table properties in the data set, and then right click on the “Region” field. The option to mark the latitude will pop up. Set it to “Region” :





It also supports setting the data type of other fields, such as the default floating point number of population to an integer:




After completing the above Settings, click Save Dataset:




Step 3: Make the dashboard

Dashboard has rich chart function, including map, word cloud map and other high chart, not only cool and dynamic oh! How to find the saved data set file? Click to open the dashboard interface, the data connection in the upper left corner can be found:




Drag and drop the mouse to import the data. Select the appropriate graph in the smart picture on the upper right corner. Here we select the map:




The dashboard also supports customization of map labels, colors and other contents, as well as selection of other map styles:





Once set up, a simple map visualization is created. You can drag the mouse to see the population of each province, and the map can zoom in and out, which is very cool.





How is it easy to make map visualizations using intelligence analysis? In addition, it also has real-time data update, template reuse and map drilling functions. Its rich chart type, beautiful and practical. After making the report, you can also share the report with leaders and colleagues through the sharing function. You can scan the code to view the report without making PPT or exporting it to PDF format.