A second-tier cities, although the three or four line city and countryside in economy, education, talent and social welfare aspects such as lead, but god is fair, a second-tier cities in recent years the consumption growth is slow, in contrast, three or four line city and part of the rural market consumption growth, market development degree is low, and the market has already entered the billion-dollar club of the spell, There is also an interesting headline that “five triggered circuit breakers” on the day of listing, and the “small town market” below the second-tier cities is getting more attention.

As a result, more and more companies are flooding into small-town markets with endless possibilities, including Toutiao’s big-budget wukong Quiz.

Knowledge answers occupy the right place at the right time, but lose the harmony

The ancients paid attention to “the right time, the right geographical position and the right people” when marching and fighting, which is also applicable to the development of today’s enterprises.

The wu is empty in the q&a layout knowledge quiz right place, right time, today’s headlines in November 2017, according to the information published in the conference of the entrepreneurs wukong q&a will produce more than 30000 questions a day during the month, 200000 replied, more than 200 million visitors a day reading, touch of users has exceeded 100 million, but due to lack of people and the important elements, And ended up in the headlines.

In the right place at the right time:

Knowledge payment has gradually become the mainstream of the society. Iresearch data “China online knowledge payment Market Research Report” shows that the knowledge payment market has reached 4.9 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach 23.5 billion in 2020. As an important market segment of knowledge payment, the rise and maturity of knowledge payment can drive the development of knowledge question.

At present, only zhihu, Fenda and Baidu know have established themselves in the field of knowledge question answering. Moreover, the field of knowledge question answering has not yet formed an absolute situation of dominance. Wukong Question Answering has few competing products and the market has not yet evolved into a red sea.

Wukong question and answer on the back of small three one of today’s headlines, is a golden key background. Toutiao has actively attracted attention to Wukong Question answering through its volcano video, Douyin, watermelon video and Toutiao client, and has provided 1 billion yuan of subsidies to creators. It has signed more than 500 big V’s in a short period of time, providing guarantee for content production of Wukong Question Answering. With strong support from Toutiao in terms of traffic, capital and users, Wukong Q&A has the basic conditions of enough high-quality content producers in the field of knowledge q&A layout and geographical advantages in the field of knowledge Q&A layout.

Wukong Q&A also inherits Toutiao’s ARTIFICIAL intelligence algorithm, which can automatically invite users interested in a question to answer it through user data analysis. The efficient question distribution mechanism and the continuous expansion of high-quality answers by Wukong Q&A will promote the improvement of the efficiency of questions and answers, so that users who ask questions, answer answers and browse answers can quickly find the content they need.

And loss:

Content is king, and quality content is more important for knowledge platforms. Although Wukong Q&A has its advantages, it also suffers from the lack of high-quality q&A content when compared with similar knowledge q&A platforms.

First, Wukong Q&A lacks high-quality content producers, so there is a large number of events signed zhihu BIG V. Quality content producers can use their professional knowledge and reliable experience to produce quality content to satisfy the curiosity of q&A users and solve practical problems for them. The high-quality content production team composed of more than 500 BIG Vs of Wukong is nothing compared to the content production team composed of more than 2000 speakers and more big Vs of Zhihu Live.

Secondly, the users of Wukong Q&A are basically inherited from Toutiao and pay more attention to questions related to practical life and entertainment gossip, so it is difficult to form in-depth, meaningful and sharp analysis, and the influence of Q&A is limited. Its competitors, Zhihu, mostly have elite users of the first and second tier, and the problems on Zhihu are mainly complicated problems of virtual maintenance, which need a lot of professional knowledge to discuss, so it has a higher chance to produce high-quality content.

Users come to the knowledge question answering platform to search for answers they need, rather than aimlessly browse information on the platform. Therefore, knowledge question answering has a strong directivity and purpose, which also results in low user stickiness of knowledge question answering platform. Because Zhihu is a community platform and it also has open courses and other columns, users have a high stickiness. Wukong Q&A has no other additional functions, and it is a pure q&A platform in the eyes of users. It cannot make people spend more time on the product, and the stickiness of users is low.

In addition, wu empty q&a localization question and answer platform for knowledge, and knowledge question and answer platform is generally biased towards seriousness and professionalism, depth direction, the wu is empty the flow of q&a pool for other headlines series products, the users prefer to entertainment, not professional, superficial, product attribute is incompatible with the wu is empty q&a, lead to the wu is empty quiz to have clear product positioning. Now Wukong q&A retains some of its entertainment and light attributes in its products, making it more like a q&A information media platform rather than a Q&A platform.

The town market offers wukong QUESTIONS a ray of hope

Wukong Q&A was created in Toutiao’s knowledge Q&A program and was officially independent and named Wukong Q&A in 2017. Although it launched a fierce impact on the field of knowledge question and answer after its birth, it was ultimately defeated on the battlefield. In recent years, unicorns like Pinduoduo, Qutoutiao and Kuaishou have been bred in the town market, which seems to be a perfect opportunity for Wukong, who is “down-to-earth”, to turn around.

First of all, wukong Q&A platform attributes more in line with the town market demand. It is true that the gap in thinking between urban and rural areas and between users in first and second tier cities and third and fourth tier cities is narrowing rapidly, but it is undeniable that there are still big differences between them.

Wukong q&A tends to be light, practical and entertaining, which is the disadvantage of wukong Q&A in competition with Zhihu, Douban and other Q&A platforms. However, wukong Q&A is criticized as “vulgar”, which is exactly what the town market needs. Just like the slogan of Today’s toutiao, what you pay attention to is the headlines, and wukong Q&A’s content is also the attention of users in the town market, so the town market will be wukong Q&A’s emerging stage.

Second, there is less competition in the small-town market. The policy of “encircling the city by the countryside” has been thoroughly implemented in the market, among which the most typical case is the strong rise of Pinduoduo. However, some of them have encountered difficulties in the small town market. For example, Zhihu, which is very influential in the field of knowledge question answering, has not made significant achievements in the small town market after half a year. At present, only Baidu knows the successful one in the field of knowledge question and answer in the town market. The field of knowledge question and answer in the town market is still in the blue sea stage, which is conducive to the rapid harvest of a large number of new users.

Finally, the rise of small-town markets. Market sinking and consumption upgrading have been the main theme of the Internet industry in the past two years. According to the Analysis and Development Report of China’s Mobile Internet Industry in the First Half of 2018 released by Trustdata, a mobile Internet big data platform, the total population of the town market is 1 billion, with 500 million mobile devices, with an average of 0.5 mobile devices per person. There are 350 million people in the first and second tier markets and 460 million mobile devices, with an average of 1.3 mobile devices per person. The development potential of the town market cannot be underestimated.

How to seize the town market?

Wukong Q&A has a very high degree of fit with the town market, but there are still shortcomings in some areas, which need to be made up from the following aspects to grasp the town market as a life-saving straw.

First, to provide both refined and popular high quality content. Whether it is a knowledge question and answer platform for the high-end elite group or a more “grounded” knowledge question and answer platform, high-quality content is the foundation to capture users. Town is the most acceptable content market those popular practical question and answer, of course in the town market also have some demands for elegant, strong professional q&a, although zhihu platform high reputation in the domestic knowledge question and answer platform, but the content of the platforms did not do fit, blinkers on popular culture, the use of which is in the town market has not been able to achieve greater progress.

Therefore, Wukong needs to provide high quality content with both refined and popular taste, and find the balance point of high quality content in the town market so that it can be accepted by more users.

Second, adjust the single question and answer mode. Another problem wukong q&A faces is the lack of user stickiness. To solve the problem, it needs to provide users with more additional functions, such as community functions and online education functions.

Zhihu although is knowledge question and answer platform, but it is the knowledge question and answer community, but also provide online education function, zhihu launched zhihu university after looking at the questions and answers to users gain knowledge provides another choice, so for users on zhihu has more viscous, wukong q&a also the essence should adjust the single question and answer mode, Provide more options for users to stay.

Third, purify the platform environment to stimulate the creative desire of a wider audience. Wukong q&A platform and Zhihu comparison, the environment is very worrying. According to Everyone is a Product Manager, Wukong Q&A has a five-star rating of 40 percent and a one-star rating of 39 percent, with mixed reviews. Bad review mentioned in most of the two points is the lack of high quality content and platform atmosphere disharmony, premium content, which is closely linked with the platform atmosphere is the wu is empty q&a if more efforts to purify the platform environment, will provide the creator with a harmonious atmosphere, will stimulate the creation of a broader user desires, to produce more high quality content feedback platform.


Like a blessing in disguise, wukong Q&A’s defeat is not entirely a bad thing, and it has at least two benefits. One is to discover the advantages and disadvantages of products through competition; The second is to be able to discover where the future development direction lies.

Although Wukong Q&A has disadvantages in content, user stickiness and product reputation, and has lost some of its advantages in traffic, users and funds due to its downgraded strategic position, it still has the characteristic of being “grounded”, which can make full use of these advantages. When the field of knowledge Q&A is still blue sea in the town market, To build itself into a more “public”, “practical” life knowledge q&A platform may help Wukong Q&A out of the current predicament.

Article/Liu Kuang public number, ID: Liukuang110, this article first kuang Venture capital network