Recently, many netizens reacted angrily to the news that a well-known enterprise only wanted graduates of “985” and “211” during a campus promotion at a university. In fact, the majority of corporate recruitment will naked show the bias and discrimination in choosing and employing people.

In the past Internet recruitment mode, individuals usually provide resumes and enterprises provide job requirements, which are repetitive and complicated. The first requirement is to provide enterprise information, job requirements; Secondly, job seekers should retrieve the information of target posts and deliver resumes to the intended posts. Then HR will screen resumes, determine candidates, and contact and communicate with candidates by phone and email. The final agreement interview time, the first test, second test…… With the booming development of artificial intelligence technology, AI has been widely used in tourism, retail, driving and other traditional industries, enterprise talent management is also one of them.

Onfido, a London-based background-check technology start-up, closed a $30m Series C funding round a few months ago. Once again, the question “can AI+ recruitment change the status quo of the recruitment market? The discussion. Onfido’s technology is about bringing AI capabilities to all aspects of recruitment. First, use artificial intelligence technology to improve the efficiency of data comparison between databases and save manual verification. Second, the use of machine learning technology to create certificate verification technology. Third, AI face recognition technology is used to quickly match documents and real people to avoid the interference of false information.

When Internet recruitment appears tired, artificial intelligence with its powerful data analysis ability, solves the problem of high cost of manual database check and certificate verification. Under this opportunity, traditional Internet recruitment platforms and new intelligent recruitment platforms advance to the field of AI+ recruitment……

One is that traditional Internet recruitment platforms use AI to drive out false information

This year, the much-discussed BOSS Zhipin platform on the Internet reflects the information vulnerability of the network platform. Coincidentally, a few days ago, a big company in Hangzhou hired a “senior talent” Ren through headhunting. After the salary was negotiated, the company found that Ren was a “fake talent” with only primary school education… One by one, the cases in front of us reveal the widespread existence of Internet recruitment platform falsified qualifications and information falsification chaos. There is still a long way to go for these platforms and regulators to stamp out misinformation and phone scams.

Laogou, a traditional Online recruitment platform, announced the introduction of baidu AI collaboration, which allows AI to collect remote identity information and verify the real identity of job applicants through face recognition. For traditional Internet recruitment platforms, the problem of information security is always a lingering pain. Now, with the help of AI technology and big data analysis, human resources agencies can analyze and judge the “truth and false” from the aspects of user identity certificates, educational certificates, work certificates and other aspects of information audit.

But despite the pull hook network using remote authentication, face recognition to verify the identity of these two kinds of advanced technology, to strengthen the user security recruitment, the false data on Internet recruitment platform, false record, forgery problem still great variety, the remote authentication measures not completely put an end to false information such as chaos happening again.

The other is new intelligent recruitment platforms that use AI to improve work efficiency

The onerous traditional recruitment strategies of Internet firms have not only caused complaints from job applicants, but also from recruiters. In addition, the sudden outbreak of information security problems caused by the recruitment market continued to slump. In this context, recruitment platforms driven by artificial intelligence technology, such as intelligent headhunting recruitment platform Liradou and Belong, emerged at the historic moment.

Belong recently announced that it closed a $10 million Series B funding round. Through big data, AI and other technologies, it helps enterprises to recruit staff, and accurately matches with big data to meet the needs of job-seekers and users, so as to realize the automation of diversified recruitment processes. Coincidentally, Lirado is an intelligent startup company, which saves manual selection of resumes and effectively improves recruitment efficiency through accurate matching between job portraits and talent portraits. In terms of human resource management, the new intelligent recruitment platform uses artificial intelligence to collect multi-dimensional data such as candidates’ social contacts, resumes and e-commerce, and then uses big data analysis to improve screening rate and work efficiency.

The difficulty, however, is that the application of AI technology often requires training with large data sets, starting from thousands to millions of samples. Although the amount of data accumulated by big data has reached a certain scale, dedicated data resources still need to be further accumulated for more segmented recruitment fields. Therefore, after the large-scale application of AI recruitment, how these intelligent recruitment companies ensure the accuracy of matching has become a problem, and this problem is the biggest trouble of the new intelligent recruitment platform.

To sum up, traditional and new intelligent recruitment platforms use AI technology to subvert the traditional complicated and changeable recruitment process and better match the talent acquired with the position. However, the current AI technology is not mature, and there are still many shortcomings in its application. Among them, people are most interested in “can AI replace all the work of HR?”

AI empowerment on the road, encounter “pseudo-intelligence” questioned

In the application of AI recruitment, in addition to problems such as false information recognition and matching rate, people are most concerned about whether the employment of HR can be preserved, that is, “can AI replace HR, achieve barrier free communication with human beings and accurately judge the ability of job applicants?”

In fact, AI is already being applied to the interview process to make hiring easier. Abroad, Google has launched a new program called “Cloud Jobs,” which aims to get big Internet giants to use the software on their job sites to better communicate with job seekers. Unilever has partnered with digital hr services Pymetrics and HireVue to use games on the Pymetrics platform to give job candidates a risk assessment test, and once they pass the assessment test, they use AI instead of a human interview.

The AI interview process is the same as the HR interview process, except HR is replaced with AI. In the AI interview process, the key words and voice of interviewees are recorded as data, and the expressions, movements and reactions of interviewees are also analyzed as material for intelligent analysis. AI interviewing systems can not only use cross-assessment to predict new data, but also assess how well different candidates are matched to the job.

In general, in the AI interview process, users can directly choose the AI interviewer to conduct simulated interview interaction, and most of the recruitment process can be automated. Although the heart-to-heart communication between machine and human can not be realized by using AI for interview, AI system can carry out speech recognition and semantic analysis, and AI is fully qualified for the task of recruitment. The application of AI in recruitment does not mean that HR will be replaced, but that HR recruitment will become more efficient with the help of AI.

Driven by capital, Internet recruitment is quietly changing

Recently, organized a man-machine competition. Senior HR, headhunters and hiring robots at five well-known Internet companies were asked to sift through 37 million resumes to find the best match for the job. Results The expert panel will score the matching results of contestants from six dimensions including function matching, skill matching, industry matching, salary matching, education matching and region matching. The result: The human contestants scored an average of 18.96 points, 0.36 points ahead of the hunting robots.

Although robots have lost the game to humans, AI does have an advantage in human resource management that cannot be ignored. First, AI can change the traditional mode of information audit, improve the efficiency and reliability of information audit. Second, AI can meet a large number of recruitment needs of Internet companies in the expansion period. Third, enterprises can improve their information security ecology with the help of AI technology and data advantages. For the Internet recruitment platform, AI management is undoubtedly a good medicine to solve the pain.

In fact, both at home and abroad, capital is in the process of AI recruitment layout. Liu Hui, vice president of Baidu, once said: “There are a lot of human resources work, most of the” personnel “work, as well as human resources planning, recruitment and allocation, training and development, performance management, compensation and welfare management, employee relationship management, will be replaced by artificial intelligence and machines.

Last year, BizReach, a high-end recruitment website in Japan, announced that it would develop artificial intelligence to recruit, evaluate and assign jobs by collecting data on employees’ work. And in June, Google launched a job search engine to streamline its job search… In addition to recruitment companies and Internet giants, AI+ recruitment is also a hot spot for venture capitalists to lay out their hands. Big data and AI have become the most promising development direction of the recruitment industry.

Overall, to win the war for talent, it is impossible to simply rely on manual selection. The essence of AI technology is still to bring convenience to people, and the continuous progress of technology is the natural law of scientific and technological development. With the progress of AI technology, AI recruitment will replace other forms of recruitment, and with the joint efforts of Internet giants, traditional Internet recruitment platforms and intelligent industry entrepreneurs, the application of AI technology will become a reality. Internet recruitment, due to the application of artificial intelligence technology is quietly changing.

Liu Kuang, meditation on the Internet, wechat official account: Liukuang110