Untold numbers of developers have hacked together an awkward, fragile system for network caching functionality, All because they weren’t aware that NSURLCache could be setup in two lines and do it 100× better. Even more developers have never known the benefits of network caching, and never attempted a solution, causing their apps to make untold numbers of unnecessary requests to the server. Countless developers have tried to build their own ugly and fragile systems to implement network caching, but NSURLCache is 100 times better with just two lines of code. Even more developers are unaware of the benefits of network caching and have never tried a solution, resulting in their apps making countless unnecessary requests to the server.
Cache policy of the iOS system
The above quote is from Mattt’s introduction to NSURLCache in NSHipster.
Caching policy on the server
Take a look at the caching strategy on the server side. After the first request, the client will cache the data. After the second request, the client will add if-modified-since or if-none-match to the request header. If-modified-since will carry the last modification time of the cache. The server compares this time with the last modification time of the actual file.
- The same return status code 304, and do not return data, the client out of the cache data, rendering the page
- Otherwise return status code 200, and return data, the client renders the page, and updates the cache
Similar examples include cache-Control, Expires, and Etag, all of which are used to verify that the local Cache file is consistent with the server, and are covered here.
NSURLCache is a comprehensive memory and disk caching mechanism provided by iOS. The NSURLCache object is stored in the Library/cache directory of the sandbox. As we only need to add the following code in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function, can satisfy the requirement of the general cache. (Yes, NSURLCache is that easy.)
NSURLCache * sharedCache = [[NSURLCache alloc] initWithMemoryCapacity:20 * 1024 *1024 diskCapacity:100 * 1024 * 1024 diskPath:nil];
[NSURLCache setSharedURLCache:sharedCache];
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Here are a few commonly used apis
// Set the maximum size of the memory cachesetMemoryCapacity:1024 * 1024 * 20]; // Set the maximum capacity of disk cache [cache]setDiskCapacity:1024 * 1024 * 100]; / / get a request cache [cache cachedResponseForRequest: request]; / / remove a request cache [cache removeCachedResponseForRequest: request]; / / request strategies, set up the system automatically using NSURLCache data cache request. CachePolicy = NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad;Copy the code
Common iOS cache policies
NSURLRequestCachePolicy is an enumeration that refers to different cache policies. There are seven of them, but only four of them work.
Typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, NSURLRequestCachePolicy) {// If there is a protocol, use the protocol to implement the defined cache logic for a particular URL request. (the default caching strategies) NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy = 0, only from the original resource loading URL / / request, Do not use any cache NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData = 1, / / not only ignore the local cache, Ignore other cache cache and agreement (unrealized) NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData = 4, / / is replaced by NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData = NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData, / / ignore the validity of the cache, the cache is in the cache, No cache will be from the original address to load NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad = 2, / / ignore the validity of the cache, had a cache cache, As failures without a cache (which can be used in offline mode) NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataDontLoad = 3, / / will be from the original address check the legitimacy of the cache, legitimate use cache data, Illegal from the original address load data (unrealized) NSURLRequestReloadRevalidatingCacheData = 5, / / Unimplemented};Copy the code
AFNetworking’s cache policy
I wrote the source code for SDWebImage and I talked about the cache strategy for SDWebImage. There are two lines that manage the cache based on time and space, very similar to AFNetworking. AFImageDownloader uses AFAutoPurgingImageCache and NSURLCache to manage the image cache.
The NSURLCache AFNetworking
NSURLCache is set in AFImageDownloader, memory capacity and disk capacity will flash back in lower iOS versions (I did not check this, iOS 7 phones really do not have this)
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:@"8.2" options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending)
return [NSURLCache sharedURLCache];
return [[NSURLCache alloc] initWithMemoryCapacity:20 * 1024 * 1024 diskCapacity:150 * 1024 * 1024 diskPath:@"com.alamofire.imagedownloader"];
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The AFAutoPurgingImageCache AFNetworking
AFAutoPurgingImageCache is designed for image caching. You can see that there are three attributes inside, one is the dictionary container used to hold the AFImageCache object, one is the available memory size, and one is a synchronization queue. AFAutoPurgingImageCache at the time of initialization, registers UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification notice, received warning will clear all cache memory.
@interface AFAutoPurgingImageCache ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableDictionary <NSString* , AFCachedImage*> *cachedImages;
@property (nonatomic, assign) UInt64 currentMemoryUsage;
@property (nonatomic, strong) dispatch_queue_t synchronizationQueue;
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AFCachedImage is a single image cache object
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *image; / / identifier (this value is the picture of route request, please. The URL. AbsoluteString) @ property (nonatomic, strong) nsstrings * identifier; @property (nonatomic, assign) UInt64 totalBytes; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *lastAccessDate; @PROPERTY (NonATOMIC, assign) UInt64 currentMemoryUsage; // Size of available memory @PROPERTY (NonATOMIC, Assign) UInt64 currentMemoryUsage;Copy the code
Take a look at AFCachedImage initialization. The iOS icon standard is ARGB_8888, which holds 4 bytes per pixel. Memory size = Width x height x bytes per pixel.
-(instancetype)initWithImage:(UIImage *)image identifier:(NSString *)identifier
if (self = [self init])
self.image = image;
self.identifier = identifier;
CGSize imageSize = CGSizeMake(image.size.width * image.scale, image.size.height * image.scale);
CGFloat bytesPerPixel = 4.0;
CGFloat bytesPerSize = imageSize.width * imageSize.height;
self.totalBytes = (UInt64)bytesPerPixel * (UInt64)bytesPerSize;
self.lastAccessDate = [NSDate date];
return self;
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Take a look at the add cache code, which uses the dispatch_barrier_async fence function to separate the add and remove cache operations. Each time a cache object is added, the current cache size and available space size are recalculated. When the memory exceeds the set value, the cache image will be traversed in reverse order of the date, deleting the cache of the earliest date until the cache space is full.
- (void)addImage:(UIImage *)image withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
dispatch_barrier_async(self.synchronizationQueue, ^{
AFCachedImage *cacheImage = [[AFCachedImage alloc] initWithImage:image identifier:identifier];
AFCachedImage *previousCachedImage = self.cachedImages[identifier];
if(previousCachedImage ! = nil) { self.currentMemoryUsage -= previousCachedImage.totalBytes; } self.cachedImages[identifier] = cacheImage; self.currentMemoryUsage += cacheImage.totalBytes; }); dispatch_barrier_async(self.synchronizationQueue, ^{if (self.currentMemoryUsage > self.memoryCapacity)
UInt64 bytesToPurge = self.currentMemoryUsage - self.preferredMemoryUsageAfterPurge;
NSMutableArray <AFCachedImage*> *sortedImages = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:self.cachedImages.allValues];
NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"lastAccessDate" ascending:YES];
[sortedImages sortUsingDescriptors:@[sortDescriptor]];
UInt64 bytesPurged = 0;
for (AFCachedImage *cachedImage in sortedImages)
[self.cachedImages removeObjectForKey:cachedImage.identifier];
bytesPurged += cachedImage.totalBytes;
if (bytesPurged >= bytesToPurge)
break; } } self.currentMemoryUsage -= bytesPurged; }}); }Copy the code
Cache policy of YTKNetwork
YTKNetwork is an open source network request framework, which encapsulates AFNetworking internally. It instantiates each request, manages its lifecycle, and can manage multiple requests. The author uses YTKNetwork in an e-commerce PaaS project, which also supports caching of request results, batch requests and multi-request dependencies.
Before preparing the request
What does the request base class YTKRequest do before the request
- (void)start {// Ignore the flag of cache to manually set whether to use cacheif (self.ignoreCache)
[self startWithoutCache];
return; } // There are no outstanding requestsif (self.resumableDownloadPath)
[self startWithoutCache];
return; } // Whether the cache was loaded successfullyif(! [self loadCacheWithError:nil]) { [self startWithoutCache];return; } _dataFromCache = YES; Dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue (), ^ {/ / will request data written to the file [self requestCompletePreprocessor]; [self requestCompleteFilter]; YTKRequest *strongSelf = self; YTKRequest *strongSelf = self; [strongSelf.delegate requestFinished:strongSelf];if(strongSelf.successCompletionBlock) { strongSelf.successCompletionBlock(strongSelf); } // strongSelf clearCompletionBlock is null; }); }Copy the code
Cache data is written to a file
- (void)requestCompletePreprocessor
[super requestCompletePreprocessor];
if (self.writeCacheAsynchronously)
dispatch_async(ytkrequest_cache_writing_queue(), ^{
[self saveResponseDataToCacheFile:[super responseData]];
else{ [self saveResponseDataToCacheFile:[super responseData]]; }}Copy the code
Ytkrequest_cache_writing_queue is a serial queue with a low priority. When dataFromCache is set to YES, data is guaranteed to be retrieved and files are written to this serial queue asynchronously. Let’s take a look at writing to the cache.
- (void)saveResponseDataToCacheFile:(NSData *)data
if([self cacheTimeInSeconds] > 0 && ! [self isDataFromCache]) {if(data ! = nil) { @try { // New data will always overwrite old data. [data writeToFile:[self cacheFilePath] atomically:YES]; YTKCacheMetadata *metadata = [[YTKCacheMetadata alloc] init]; metadata.version = [self cacheVersion]; metadata.sensitiveDataString = ((NSObject *)[self cacheSensitiveData]).description; metadata.stringEncoding = [YTKNetworkUtils stringEncodingWithRequest:self]; metadata.creationDate = [NSDate date]; metadata.appVersionString = [YTKNetworkUtils appVersionString]; [NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:metadata toFile:[self cacheMetadataFilePath]]; } @catch (NSException *exception) { YTKLog(@"Save cache failed, reason = %@", exception.reason); }}}}Copy the code
In addition to requesting the data file, YTK generates a metadata YTKCacheMetadata object that records the cached data information. YTKCacheMetadata records the version number of the cache, sensitive information, the cache date, and the version number of the App.
@property (nonatomic, assign) long long version;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *sensitiveDataString;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSStringEncoding stringEncoding;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *creationDate;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *appVersionString;
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Then the string composed of request method, request domain name, request URL and request parameters is encrypted by MD5 once as the name of the cache file. YTKCacheMetadata has the same name as the cache file, and the metadata suffix is used to distinguish it. The file is written to the Library/LazyRequestCache directory in the sandbox.
- (NSString *)cacheFileName
NSString *requestUrl = [self requestUrl];
NSString *baseUrl = [YTKNetworkConfig sharedConfig].baseUrl;
id argument = [self cacheFileNameFilterForRequestArgument:[self requestArgument]];
NSString *requestInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Method:%ld Host:%@ Url:%@ Argument:%@",
(long)[self requestMethod], baseUrl, requestUrl, argument];
NSString *cacheFileName = [YTKNetworkUtils md5StringFromString:requestInfo];
return cacheFileName;
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Check the cache
Back in the start method, loadCacheWithError checks whether the cache is successfully loaded. LoadCacheWithError calls validateCacheWithError to check whether the cache is valid. The validation is based on YTKCacheMetadata and cacheTimeInSeconds. To use cached data, the request instance overrides cacheTimeInSeconds to a value greater than 0, and the cache also supports versions, App versions. To apply on a real project, a cacheTimeInSeconds setting for the GET request instance would suffice.
- (BOOL)validateCacheWithError:(NSError * _Nullable __autoreleasing *)error
// Date
NSDate *creationDate = self.cacheMetadata.creationDate;
NSTimeInterval duration = -[creationDate timeIntervalSinceNow];
if (duration < 0 || duration > [self cacheTimeInSeconds])
if (error)
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:YTKRequestCacheErrorDomain code:YTKRequestCacheErrorExpired userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:@"Cache expired"}];
return NO;
// Version
long long cacheVersionFileContent = self.cacheMetadata.version;
if(cacheVersionFileContent ! = [self cacheVersion]) {if (error)
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:YTKRequestCacheErrorDomain code:YTKRequestCacheErrorVersionMismatch userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:@"Cache version mismatch"}];
return NO;
// Sensitive data
NSString *sensitiveDataString = self.cacheMetadata.sensitiveDataString;
NSString *currentSensitiveDataString = ((NSObject *)[self cacheSensitiveData]).description;
if (sensitiveDataString || currentSensitiveDataString)
// If one of the strings is nil, short-circuit evaluation will trigger
if(sensitiveDataString.length ! = currentSensitiveDataString.length || ! [sensitiveDataString isEqualToString:currentSensitiveDataString]) {if (error)
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:YTKRequestCacheErrorDomain code:YTKRequestCacheErrorSensitiveDataMismatch userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:@"Cache sensitive data mismatch"}];
return NO;
// App version
NSString *appVersionString = self.cacheMetadata.appVersionString;
NSString *currentAppVersionString = [YTKNetworkUtils appVersionString];
if (appVersionString || currentAppVersionString)
if(appVersionString.length ! = currentAppVersionString.length || ! [appVersionString isEqualToString:currentAppVersionString]) {if (error)
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:YTKRequestCacheErrorDomain code:YTKRequestCacheErrorAppVersionMismatch userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:@"App version mismatch"}];
returnNO; }}return YES;
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Clear the cache
Because the cache directory is Library/LazyRequestCache, clearing the cache directly clears all files in the directory. Just call [[YTKNetworkConfig sharedConfig] clearCacheDirPathFilter].
The essence of caching is to trade space for time. In addition to disk and memory, there are L1 and L2. For iOS developers, disk and memory are generally enough to focus on. After reading the source code of SDWebImage, AFNetworking and YTKNetwork, we can see that they all attach great importance to the safety of multithreaded data reading and writing. When making in-depth optimization, they clean the cache files timely according to local conditions.