Chain stack diagrams

Chain stack is the chain storage structure of stack. Chain stack can be realized by the head plug method of single linked list.

Single-linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, binary trees, and so on are easy to understand.

General operation of chain stack

/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * chain stack the normal operation of * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /

LinkStack 	 InitLinkStack(a);			// Initializes the stack
int   	 	 StackEmpty(a);				// Check that the stack is empty
int   	 	 StackLength(a);				// Stack length (number of stack elements)
int    		 Push(a);					// push the stack
ElemType 	 Pop(a);						// exit the stack
void 	 	 DestroyStack(a);			// Destroy the stack

/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
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Define the stack structure

#include "stdio.h"
#include "malloc.h"

#define TRUE  1
#define FALSE 0

typedef int ElemType;		// The stack stores the data type of the element

/* * Defines the stack structure */
typedef struct Node{
	ElemType data;			// stack node data field
	struct Node *next;		// stack node pointer field
}*LinkStack, Node;
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Initializes the stack

// Initializes the stack (the stack of the leading node)
LinkStack InitLinkStack(a){
	LinkStack s = (LinkStack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
	s -> next = NULL;
	return s;
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Chain stack found empty

/* * Check if the stack is empty * s stack */
int StackEmpty(LinkStack s){
	if(s == NULL) {return FALSE;
	return s -> next == NULL;
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Because of the chain storage structure, there is no stack full.

Calculates the length of the stack

/* * Find the length of the stack (number of elements in the stack) * s stack */
int StackLength(LinkStack s){
	LinkStack p;
	int len = 0;
		return FALSE;
	p = s -> next;	// The stack of the leading node should be moved first
	while(p ! =NULL){
		len ++;
		p = p -> next;
	return len;
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Push chain

/* * push stack push stack * s chain stack * data push data */
int Push(LinkStack s, ElemType data){
	// Assign a stack node
	Node *new_node = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
	if (new_node == NULL) return FALSE;		// Node allocation failed
	// Use headers just like single-linked lists
	new_node -> data = data;
	new_node -> next = s -> next;
	s -> next = new_node;
	return TRUE;
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Out of stack (Pop)

/* * out of the stack stack * s chain stack */
ElemType Pop(LinkStack s){
	LinkStack top;
	ElemType data;
	/ / the stack is empty
		return FALSE;
	top = s -> next;	// Access the top of the stack
	data = top -> data;	// Fetch the top element of the stack
	s -> next = top -> next;
	free(top);			// Free space at the top of the stack
	return data;
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Chain stack operation test

// Program main entry
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	LinkStack s = InitLinkStack();
	printf("StackEmpty():%d\n", StackEmpty(s));
	printf("StackLength():%d\n\n", StackLength(s));

	// Push the element
	ElemType datas[] = {};

	// Dynamically count the number of elements to be pushed
	int len = sizeof(datas) / sizeof(datas[0]);	

	// The for loop is pushed in sequence
	for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){
		printf("%d\t", datas[i]);
		Push(s, datas[i]);
	printf("\nStackEmpty():%d\n", StackEmpty(s));
	printf("StackLength():%d\n\n", StackLength(s));

	// exit the stack
	printf("Pop(): ");
	while(! StackEmpty(s)){printf("%d\t", Pop(s));
	printf("\nStackEmpty():%d\n", StackEmpty(s));
	printf("StackLength():%d\n\n", StackLength(s));
	return 0;
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The results are as follows:


Push():1        3       5       7       9

Pop(): 9        7       5       3       1
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The source code

The source code has been uploaded to GitHub data-structure-of-C, welcome to visit.

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