C++ [keyboard read operation], two ways to do small games control joystick

I have been busy recently, so the frequency of updates has decreased.

Today out of a small game how to achieve remote sensing function method tutorial.

Native c++ do window games, are the need to use the keyboard for operation, wsad, or up and down around, is the most commonly used. So how do we write code?

Method one let’s say this is the snake,

if(GetKeyState('W') <0)
// In response to the keyboard, the snake goes up
if(GetKeyState('S') <0)
// In response to the keyboard, the snake goes down
if(GetKeyState('A') <0)
// In response to the keyboard, the snake goes left
if(GetKeyState('D') <0)
// The snake moves to the right in response to the keyboard
Copy the code

Method 2

if(_kbhit())				// Keyboard input values
	int key;
	key = _getch();
	if(key == 32)					// Press space to pause
		printf("Press space \n"); }}Copy the code

There’s a space bar pressed response. key = _getch(); The key value is different when pressed on different keyboards. We can test it by pressing different keys, knowing what the key is, and then deciding.

We usually write masturbation, snake, Tetris. This remote sensing operation is all useful. We usually wrap them in a while(1) loop. That way you can control remote sensing in real time.

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