Basic grammar

The main function:

Each individual program must have a main function unless the program is a library.

int main(){ return 0; } int indicates that the return type is int, void indicates that no data is returned, void can be omittedCopy the code


This is the basic I/O header file that we use as follows:

#include <iostream.h>

using namespace std;
Copy the code

Use. H is the old C++ or C style, in the new C++ style, generally not applicable.

#include <iostream>
Copy the code

Comment code:

// test.cpp
Copy the code

Output the log:

    int i = 0;
    std::cout << "test" << std::endl;
    std::cout << i << std::endl;
Copy the code

Get input:

std::cin.get(); Or: long distance; Cout << "input distance:" <<endl; cin >> distance;Copy the code

You can write it like this: c-in,c-out, for CPP input and output, printf is not recommended here, and why don’t I know


Did you find the input and output above troublesome? That’s right

using namespace std
Copy the code

The using directive assigns all names in the STD namespace to this class.

A namespace is a variety of visible scopes of indicators. Namespaces are defined with the namespace keyword. All identifiers in the C++ standard library are defined in a namespace named STD. A namespace is a C++ mechanism for grouping together a large number of logically related program entities under a single identifier. This identifier is used as the name of the group.

For example, print the complete statement as follows:

STD: : cout < < STD: : hex < < < < 3.4 STD: : endl;Copy the code

Using namespace STD:

using namespace std; int main() { cout << "hello world" << endl; // Cout << "hello world\n"; return 0; }Copy the code
  • All identifiers defined within the namespace STD are thus valid as if they were declared as global variables
  • A namespace is a way to encapsulate library names, like a wall around each library.
  • Using namespace STD is not recommended in header files, only in CPP.

Function variants:

As with overloading in Java, a function can set multiple different parameters

Use multiple functions:

When you customize a function, you need to define header methods. Using Namespace STD is placed externally so that all functions can access STD members.

#include <iostream> using namespace std; double getSum(double a, double b); Int main(){double result = getSum(1.0,2.0); cout<<result<<endl; return 0; } double getSum(double a, double b){ double c = a + b; return c; }Copy the code

Underlying data types

What are the underlying data types in CPP? Char short int Double Long bool float

There are also some combination types: long double long long long float long int short int

Special identifier: unsigned signed long short

For details, please refer to…

Char contains only one byte. The value ranges from -128 to 127. An unsigned char stands for 0-255

Short is 2 bytes, int is 4 bytes, long is 8 bytes, float is 4 bytes and double is 8 bytes

What do signed and unsigned mean?

  • Signed exists by default, and values include negative values
  • Unsigned identifies an unsigned type, which simply does not include negative values

For example, int ranges from minus 2 to the 16th to plus 2 to the 16th

Unsigned int values range from 0 to 2 to the power of 32

Char is not qualified or unqualified by default and is determined by the C++ implementation.

What happens when you manipulate data beyond this value range?

The following defines the maximum and minimum values for different int types:

#include <iostream> using namespace STD; int main(){ int i = INT_MAX; int i_m = INT_MIN; cout << i_m << "~" <<i << endl; int i_8 = INT8_MAX; int i_8_m = INT8_MIN; cout << i_8_m << "~" << i_8 << endl; int i_16 = INT16_MAX; int i_16_m = INT16_MIN; cout << i_16_m << "~" << i_16 << endl; int i_32 = INT32_MAX; int i_32_m = INT32_MIN; cout << i_32_m << "~" << i_32 << endl; unsigned int i_64 = INT64_MAX; unsigned int i_64_m = INT64_MIN; cout << i_64_m << "~" << i_64 << endl; system("pause"); return 0; } Output: -2147483648 to 2147483647 -128 to 127-32768 to 32767 -2147483648 to 2147483647 0 to 4294967295Copy the code

Let’s test if the data type is out of range:

int i = INT_MAX; int i_m = INT_MIN; cout << i_m << "~" <<i << endl; The output minimum and maximum values are: -2147483648 to 2147483647 // the maximum value +1, the minimum value -1 i++; i_m--; cout << i_m << "~" <<i << endl; Output: 2147483647 ~ 2147483648Copy the code

You can see that the value range of the data is always a closed loop, and the same is true for unsigned types.

Const qualifier:

Kotlin generates compiler non-modifiable constants: const val TEST = 1

C++ also has a const qualifier.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int Month = 1;
const int arr[3] = {1,2,3};
#define NUM 5;

int main(){

    const int Weekend = 2;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        cout << arr[i] << endl;

    return 0;

Copy the code

Traditional C uses #define to define:

#define NUM 5;
Copy the code

But it is no longer recommended in C++

Floating point Numbers:

The E notation can be used in CPP to display floating point types, for example

float i = 12E3; float j = 12E-3; float k = -12E3; Float l = 3.14 e-10;Copy the code
  • I stands for 12 times 10 to the third
  • J is 12 divided by 10 to the third power
  • K is minus 12 times 10 to the third

Typedef statement:

Define aliases, similar to typeAlias type aliases in Kotlin, except that they are rarely used in Kotlin.

typedef int HAHHA;

int main(){

    HAHHA i = 123;
    return 0;
Copy the code

Enumeration enum

enum Color {red,blue,green};

int main(){
    Color color = red;
        return 0;
Copy the code

The color output is 0 because the enumeration class defaults to 0 and increases in order. You can also customize the value.

String: We can use char[] to represent strings:

    char site[7] = {'R', 'U', 'N', 'O', 'O', 'B', '\0'};
    char name[] = {"hahahahahah"};
    char tets[7];

    cout << site << endl;
    cout << name <<endl;

    cout << tets <<endl;
Copy the code

Use the string:

Add header file: #include <cstring> string title; Cout <<" type title:"<<endl; cin>>title; cout << title <<endl;Copy the code

String manipulation:

Char strcpy(tets,site); cout << tets <<endl; Int length = strlen(name); cout << length <<endl; int length2 = title.size(); cout << length2 <<endl; Cout << strcat(site,name) << endl; string id = "1234"; string result = name + id; cout << result <<endl;Copy the code


Create a structure:

struct People
    int id;
    string name;
    float weight;
Copy the code


People people; = 1; = "xiaoming"; People. Weight = 130.0 f;Copy the code

C++ 11 can be abbreviated:

// c++11 People test {2,"hah",120.0f};Copy the code

You can create a default object:

struct People { int id; string name; float weight; } people {1,"xlu",140.0f};Copy the code

Structural array:

/ People/structure array peopleArr [2] = {{1, "xlu", 140.0 f}, {1, "xlu", 140.0 f}};Copy the code

The appropriate:

A common contains multiple type members, but only one can be used at a time

union ONE { /* data */ int i; float j; double ids[10]; }; int main(){ ONE one; one.i = 123; cout << one.i <<endl; One. J = 1.0 f; cout << one.i <<endl; //one.i will lose cout << one.j <<endl; system("pause"); return 0; }Copy the code

Use with structure:

struct people
    string name;
    union TEST
        int id;
        float id_f;
    } test;
Copy the code

Can also be set to anonymous Commons:

struct PEOPLE2
    string name;
    union {
        int id;
        float id_f;
Copy the code