This is the 12th section of C++ basic syntax sharing, today to share a hash table!

Hash table

HashTable. CPP:



#define SUCCESS 1

#define UNSUCCESS 0

#define OVERFLOW -1

#define OK 1

#define ERROR -1

#define MAXNUM 9999 #define MAXNUM 9999

typedef int Status;

typedef int KeyType;

// Hash the record type in the table

typedef struct {

KeyType key;


// Hash table type

typedef struct {

RcdType *rcd;

int size;

int count;

int *tag;


// The size of the hash table grows after each reconstruction

int hashsize[] = { 11, 31, 61, 127, 251, 503 };

int index = 0;

// Initial hash table

Status InitHashTable(HashTable &H, int size) {

int i;

H.rcd = (RcdType *)malloc(sizeof(RcdType)*size);

H.tag = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*size);

if (NULL == H.rcd || NULL == H.tag) return OVERFLOW;

KeyType maxNum = MAXNUM;

for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {

H.tag[i] = 0;

H.rcd[i].key = maxNum;


H.size = size;

H.count = 0;

return OK;


// hash function: division remainder method

int Hash(KeyType key, int m) {

return (3 * key) % m;


// Handle hash collisions: linear detection

void collision(int &p, int m) {

p = (p + 1) % m;


// Query in the hash table

Status SearchHash(HashTable H, KeyType key, int &p, int &c) {

p = Hash(key, H.size);

int h = p;

c = 0;

while ((1 == H.tag[p] && H.rcd[p].key ! = key) || -1 == H.tag[p]) {

collision(p, H.size); c++;


if (1 == H.tag[p] && key == H.rcd[p].key) return SUCCESS;

else return UNSUCCESS;


// Print the hash table

void printHash(HashTable H)


int i;

printf(“key : “);

for (i = 0; i < H.size; i++)

printf(“%3d “, H.rcd[i].key);


printf(“tag : “);

for (i = 0; i < H.size; i++)

printf(“%3d “, H.tag[i]);



// Insert hash table

Status InsertHash(HashTable &H, KeyType key);

// Rebuild the hash table

Status recreateHash(HashTable &H) {

RcdType *orcd;

int *otag, osize, i;

orcd = H.rcd;

otag = H.tag;

osize = H.size;

InitHashTable(H, hashsize[index++]);

// Put all elements in the new table according to the new hash function

for (i = 0; i < osize; i++) {

if (1 == otag[i]) {

InsertHash(H, orcd[i].key);



return OK;


// Insert hash table

Status InsertHash(HashTable &H, KeyType key) {

int p, c;

If (UNSUCCESS == SearchHash(H, key, p, c)) {// No same key

If (c*1.0 / h.size < 0.5) {// The number of conflicts does not reach the upper limit

// Insert code

H.rcd[p].key = key;

H.tag[p] = 1;


return SUCCESS;


else recreateHash(H); // Refactor the hash table




// Delete the hash table

Status DeleteHash(HashTable &H, KeyType key) {

int p, c;

if (SUCCESS == SearchHash(H, key, p, c)) {

// Delete the code

H.tag[p] = -1;


return SUCCESS;


else return UNSUCCESS;


int main()


Printf (“—– hash table —–\n”);

HashTable H;

int i;

int size = 11;

KeyType array[8] = { 22, 41, 53, 46, 30, 13, 12, 67 };

KeyType key;

// Initialize the hash table

Printf (” initialize hash \n”);

If (SUCCESS == InitHashTable(H, hashsize[index++])) printf(” initialize SUCCESS \n”);

// Insert hash table

Printf (” insert hash table \n”);

for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {

key = array[i];

InsertHash(H, key);



// Delete the hash table

Printf (” delete element \n from hash table with key 12 “);

int p, c;

if (SUCCESS == DeleteHash(H, 12)) {

Printf (” delete successfully, at this time the hash table is: \n”);



// query the hash table

Printf (” select element with key 67 \n”);

If (SUCCESS == SearchHash(H, 67, p, c)) printf(” query successful \n”);

// Insert again to test the reconstruction of the hash table

Printf (” Insert again to test the reconstruction of the hash table: \n”);

KeyType array1[8] = { 27, 47, 57, 47, 37, 17, 93, 67 };

for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {

key = array1[i];

InsertHash(H, key);




return 0;



Hash function H(key): K -> D, key ∈ K

A constructor

Direct addressing

Divisor remainder method

Numerical analysis method

Folding method

Square the middle

Conflict handling methods

Linked address method: use a single linked list for the same key

Open addressing method:

(1) Linear detection method: the key is the same -> put in the next position of the key, Hi = (H(key) + I) % m

(2) double detection method: same key -> put Di = 1^2, -1^2… , ± (k)^2,(k<=m/2)

(3) Random detection method: H = (H(key) + pseudo-random number) % m

Linear probe hash table data structure

Hash table data structures and images for linear probes

typedef char KeyType;

typedef struct {
	KeyType key;

typedef struct {
	RcdType *rcd;
	int size;
	int count;
	bool *tag;
Copy the code

This is the end of today’s sharing, you must learn C++ yo ~

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