Hello, everyone, I am for the majority of programmers brothers worry broken heart xiaobian, every day to recommend a small tool/source, full of your favorites, every day to share a small skill, let you easily save development efficiency, do not work overtime do not stay up late do not lose hair, is my goal!

Today xiaobian introduces IconPark is a complete set of free icon library, bytedance produced, Github 2.6K, directly standard ali iconFont.

IconPark offers over 2000 high quality ICONS and an interface to help you customize your ICONS. Instead of using various SVG source files to achieve peels, we implemented an innovative technique to transform multiple themes by changing the attributes of a single SVG file. In addition, it supports cross-platform export of a variety of icon code base, which is convenient for you to reference in the code in the form of components, such as react-icons, VUe-icons and SVG-icons. So whether you are a designer or a developer, you can use IconPark in your projects.

The characteristics of

  • Provides over 2000+ preset ICONS for classification

  • Supports 4 themes and online peels: linear, fill, two-color, four-color

  • You can copy SVG code, copy React component, copy Vue component, download PNG, and download SVG

  • For technical students, NPM package export of icon components is supported, including React Icons/ Vue Icons/ Vue3 Icons/ SVG Icons

The target user

  • UE, UI, PM, operation and other non-technical students
  • React/Vue/ mobile developers


There are several problems with the use of free open source icon libraries:

  • The number of ICONS is small, and it is often difficult to meet the needs of product projects. Designers are often required to draw ICONS according to the style of ICONS selected
  • In the increasingly prosperous (and demanding) FIELD of UI design, multi-color or even colorful ICONS are often needed to complete the design
  • Most of these icon libraries serve web developers, but students without design foundation, such as product managers, operation specialists, App developers and PPT makers, still need to be converted, which is not convenient to use

IconPark has almost solved all these problems. The number of ICONS is very large, and high quality, neutral style, can meet a large part of the Internet project needs, and support a high degree of customization and color theme, second modification is very convenient.

For technical students, you can export different code libraries, which can be used in various development scenarios such as React/Vue/SVG/ M mobile terminal/small program

The most pleasing thing is that it is very friendly to different users. The official website is not only a website for downloading, but also a tool for icon design, editing and management, which can greatly solve the problem of efficiency, and has detailed instructions for different users.

At the end

This issue is to share here, I am xiaobian South wind blowing, focus on sharing interesting, novel, practical open source projects and developer tools, learning resources! I hope to learn and communicate with you together. Welcome to follow my official account ** [Github navigation station] **.

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