Bytedance Data front-end development internship interview.

One side

Because the original interviewer had a temporary meeting, so I had to wait for a new interviewer. The interview atmosphere is still very harmonious, each content is involved, and will be some in-depth. Probably JavaScript basics, algorithms, computer networks, design patterns.

  1. To introduce myself

  2. This discussion

    • Talk about some ways to change the direction of this

      This is determined by the execution environment. There are call, apply, bind methods, and this is also modified when new objects are used

    • Read the code and say the result

      From the basic to the complex, there are a lot of questions, so I probably remember those

      function a() {
      Copy the code
      var name = 1;
      Copy the code = 2;
      Copy the code
      function b() {
        this.value =;
      Copy the code
      let c = {name: 3};
      c.say = a;
      let d = c.say;
      Copy the code
  3. The bind to realize

    • If you want to be compatible with IE, simply implement bind.

      // Write the code at that time without considering parameters
      Function.prototype.bind = function (obj) {
        return (a)= > {
; }}Copy the code
    • Why is arrow function used here? Can the above function be replaced by arrow function

      Since the arrow function doesn’t have this itself, bind the outer this. The function above cannot be replaced with the arrow function

  4. Have you read the source code for Vue? A simple publish-subscribe model

    Source code shallow read πŸ˜€, but not all understand.

    On, emit, off and once came into my mind. I was called off halfway through my writing. Finally, I met the easy one.

    class EventHelper {
      construct() {
        this._eventMap = {}
      on(fn, cb) {
          ? this._eventMap.push(cb)
          : this._eventMap[fn] = [cb]; } emit(fn, ... args) {if (this._eventMap[fn]) {
          this._eventMap[fn].forEach((cb) = > cb.apply(this, args))
      off(fn) {
        if (this._eventMap[fn]) {
          delete (this._eventMap[fn])
      once(fn, cb) {
        this.on(fn, () => {
          setTimeout((a)= > {
  ; }}})})Copy the code
  5. UDP & TCP

    • Tell me the difference

    • How do I determine whether this packet is UDP or TCP

      That’s really hard. I didn’t think of it. At the beginning of the answer to the TCP three handshake πŸ˜‚, then calm to think about the IP message segment seems to have this logo.

  6. HTTPS

    • Tell me about the principle of

      Blah blah blah, TLS, asymmetric encryption, symmetric encryption…

    • Man-in-the-middle attack

      I gave you a little bit of an overview of the process

    • Whether the data cannot be modified or the receiving end does not recognize the modified data

      I talked a little bit about digital signatures

  7. Browser cache

    • Talk about some of them

      Cache-control, ETag, and last-modify

    • Tell me when you must use ETag

      When should I use last-modify? (thank goodness the interviewer spared me 😝)

      Last-modified does not recognize changes in s units, so if a resource is modified in s units, last-Modified does not change

  8. Binomial tree on the left

    My idea is a tree hierarchy traversal. The interviewer said that the idea was similar, except that using null as an identifier might not look good

                2       3
             4   5    6   7
                             8= >1248
    // The approximate code at that time
    function leftSee(node) {
      const arr = [];
      while (arr.length > 0) {
        let t = arr.shift();
        if (t === null) {
          t = arr.shift();
          if (t == null) return;
        if (t.left) {
        if (t.right) {
    Copy the code

Second interview

The second interview can come across as “casual” and the whole interview feels like a conversation. But the content of the question is very divergent, and there may be a lot of knowledge involved in one question.

Self feeling answer is not very good, the main point is reached, but many did not answer the whole, the end of the face thought that they should hang up. I feel that I need to think more about the advantages, advantages, reasons and disadvantages of writing projects like this.

  1. To introduce myself

  2. Talk about the new features of VU3

    Real, real!

    Object. DefinePropetry can’t listen for nested properties, which requires recursion, and can’t listen for arrays, which requires rewriting methods. 2. Support custom rendering, currently Vue2 bottom rendering API is not provided to developers, like MPVue is fork the entire Vue source code, and then changed the bottom rendering. Also mentioned are TypeScript, object declarations, and runtime package sizes.

  3. Virtual DOM

    • Talk about the pros and cons of the virtual DOM compared to the original DOM

      1. Use JS computing in exchange for DOM operations to improve performance. 2. DOM manipulation is not required. 3. Cross-platform development, Weex

    • According to the Svelte framework, what other weaknesses can you name by analogy?

      I had never heard of Svelte, and the interviewer briefly explained the framework’s selling points.

      Meng πŸ™ƒ forced face

  4. BFC

    • What is the

      Block-level formatting context, IFC, FFC, GFC

    • Under what circumstances

      The margin collapses to clear the inner child element float

    • How to trigger it

      . 😐 : float is not none

  5. The mobile terminal

    • Mobile adaptation

      @media media query loads different CSS, Flex, float layouts.

    • Difference between REM and EM

      Rem is based on the font size of HTML elements

  6. Vuex: Modules. How can actions in A file change the state of B

    1. Import B file directly into A file and invoke B’s actions😁. 2. Dispatch the third parameter is {root: true}
  7. TypeScript

    • What does it mean to put an exclamation mark after a variable

      Forget πŸ™ƒ, should be a non-null assertion

    • Method of type assertion

    • Advantages and disadvantages

  8. Node

    Ask me how Node works and I’ll say I only know how to use it and I’m still learning the principles… Used Express and Egg

  9. asynchronous

    • Look at the code

      async function test() {
        return 1
      async function call() {
        const a = test();
        const b = await test();
        console.log(a, b);
      Copy the code
    • What is the result of this writing? Is there anything that can be improved

      async function test() {
        const resp1 = await getApi1();
        const resp2 = await getApi2();
        console.log(resp1, resp2);
        return 1
      Copy the code

      Since await blocks, getApi2 will not fire until getApi1 returns a result, using promise.all at the same time

  10. Promise.all

    Write down the principle of promise.all

    Haven’t seen, can only rely on extemporaneous play (oneself dig pit, crying also want to climb out 😭)

    While writing and communicating with the interviewer, later said that the general idea is the same, but I need to go back to see…

    Promise.prototype.all = function(promiseArr) {
        const len = promiseArr.length;
        const result = new Array(len);
        let flag = 0;
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
          promiseArr.forEach((cb, index) = > {
              res= > {
                result[index] = res; // Notice the order in the array: pushπŸ™ƒ was written
                if (++flag === len) {
              error => {
    Copy the code

On three sides

Three of the interviewer should be a director, very kind, a come up to ask me to eat a meal, face for a long time, do not want to rest 😊

It does not involve how to implement specific API, but mainly focuses on how to give a feasible solution to a problem. I have strong divergent thinking, and the interviewer will guide me step by step to give a comprehensive solution. During the interview, I mentioned using Vuex to manage data, and the interviewer directly said that this has nothing to do with Vuex. The needs expressed by the interviewer are clear, as long as the requirements are realistically addressed

Fortunately, three meetings are over. The interviewer said it was a little late for HR but tomorrow.

  1. To introduce myself

  2. Introduction of key projects, difficulties and challenges

    I mainly talked about the iteration of the project version, the permission control of the middle stage, modularization…

  3. Authority control scheme, how to achieve, the overall idea of how

  4. How is modularity divided, what has been done specifically

  5. An input box remote search prompt function is proposed

    • Talk about your ideas for implementation

      It’s a general idea. Brace up. Blah, blah, blah

    • What if you type the same thing multiple times

      It can be cached in localStorage and checked locally before making a request

    • In this way, we need to go to localStorage to get it every time. Is there a better solution

      The page is loaded from localStronge and stored in a Map. When the page leaves, the new Map is stored in localStronge

    • How do I synchronize data in localStronge if the server is up to date

      You can learn from the browser cache and add an identifier to divide the data into two parts: if it won’t change for a while, use a “strong cache”; Use “negotiated cache” for frequent changes. Check with the server each time you use it to see if it has changed

  6. How does the version iterate

  7. When do you start your internship

I asked the question

  1. A:

    • During this period, I learned Flutter and React. Do you think I should learn more frameworks to use in my limited time, or do I need to learn one more framework in depth?

    • Byte technology stack

  2. 2:

    The interviewer behind something, did not give me the opportunity to ask πŸ˜₯

  3. Three sides:

    • Is there any way byte can train new people?
    • Is it r&d oriented or business driven?


Thanks to PanJiaChen (vue-element-admin) for inputting code