A while ago, one of my elementary school buddies had an interview with ByteDance, and then he hung up and came back and told me that he couldn’t answer a couple of questions about OkHTTP and Retrofit.

In fact, **OkHttp and Retrofit are currently the most widely used web components, and interviews are almost mandatory. ** However, the questions about OKHTTP and Retrofit knowledge points are very open-ended, and it is quite difficult to answer them to the satisfaction of the interviewer.

Let’s take a look at some of these things and see if they’re really difficult.

Bytedance interview questions reproduced

Why did you use OkHttp?

What is the process of completing an Http request? Do you think OkHttp can be optimized? What is dynamic proxy? What is the difference between static proxy and static proxy? How is dynamic proxy implemented in the JDK? What design patterns have you used in your projects? What problem was solved? How do I download and upload files using OkHttp or Retrofit?

In fact, there is no standard answer to these questions, but we must be familiar with the principle of Retrofit, and combined with our own thoughts, express our own understanding, can explain clearly, logic is smooth, no problem.

The interview is never about giving a standard answer to every question. It’s about giving your own, personal answer to that question. What the interviewer wants to hear is your understanding.

Today I will bring you a 1307 page compilation of interviews with Retrofit, which will give you a detailed explanation of okHTTP and Retrofit interview points and learning techniques, hand in hand to lead you into the source layer to explore the principles.

In addition to okHTTP and Retrofit, this material also has a lot of detailed explanations of other basic knowledge points that are often asked in interviews in China. Reviewing this material can greatly improve the interview pass rate.

Friends in need direct [Click here to], shared folder, password management.

Big factory interview real questions collation collection

Guo Lin, Hongyang, Yu Gang, Geek time, Tencent classroom… Content features: clear, pictorial representation is easier to understand. Handler, Activity related, Fragment, Service, Layout optimization, AsyncTask related, Android event distribution mechanism, Binder, Android AMS,WMS,PMS, Glide, Android componentization and plug-in and other interview questions and technology stack!

Handler related knowledge, interview must ask

  • What is the Handler Looper Message relationship?
  • What is the data structure of Messagequeue? Why use this data structure?
  • How do I create a Handler in a child thread?
  • How does the Handler POST method work?
  • Android message mechanism principle and source code analysis
  • Android Handler message mechanism

The Activity related to the

  • Startup mode and usage scenarios?
  • OnNewIntent () and onConfigurationChanged ()
  • OnSaveInstanceState () and onRestoreInstanceState ()
  • How exactly does an Activity start
  • Startup mode and usage scenario
  • OnSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState are used
  • OnConfigurationChanged is used and resolved
  • Parsing the Activity startup process


  • Fragment life cycle versus Activity
  • How do Fragments communicate with each other
  • Fragments of startActivityForResult
  • Fragment overlap problem
  • Fragments que
  • Fragment overlap, how to communicate
  • Fragment life cycle

The Service related

  • Process to keep alive
  • The running thread of the Service (life cycle methods are all in the main thread)
  • How does the Service start and stop
  • Which thread does the callback method in ServiceConnection run on?
  • StartService is different from bingService
  • Process preservation general routine
  • Everything you need to know about process survival

Android layout optimization for ViewStub, include, merge

BroadcastReceiver related

AsyncTask related

Android event distribution mechanism

Android View drawing process

Android Window, Activity, DecorView, and ViewRoot

The last

Due to the large content of the material, the space does not allow, here is only a screenshot to show part of the content.

Friends in need direct [Click here to], you can get the shared folder by yourself.