Python, along with Java,C,C++ and C#, is the top 5 most popular programming languages in the world, according to TIOBE’s latest ranking. Python applications are everywhere, from the cloud to the client to the Internet of Things terminal.

From Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, NetEase, Sina, Douban in China, to Google, NASA, YouTube, Facebook in foreign countries, Python is increasingly in demand, and companies are using Python to complete various tasks on a large scale.

Why learn Python?

First, the application of Python language

Python is their dominant language: Web development, game scripting, robot development, computer vision, Internet of Things management

Python is their first language: data analysis, cloud computing systems management, artificial intelligence, network attack and defense, introductory programming teaching

Learn Python web development, Python crawlers, Python data analysis, artificial Intelligence, etc. Learn Python from scratch!

Tutorial to share

Artificial intelligence tuyere, let Pyhon this glue language into a very hot network language.

Deep programmers can learn Python in a week or two, while novice programmers can learn it in months.

So, learning to program in Python is a pretty good choice. Here are the seven stages of Python

Stage 1: Python basics and advanced features

  1. 1. Fundamentals of Python syntax
  2. 2. Python string parsing
  3. Python time and calendar
  4. 4. Python file manipulation
  5. 5. Python is object-oriented
  6. 6. Concurrent programming
  7. Functional programming
  8. 8. Regular expressions
  9. 9. Design patterns
  10. 10. Sorting algorithms
  11. 11, abnormal
  12. 12, modules,

Stage 2: Linux Basics

  1. 1. Shell operation
  2. 2. System management
  3. 3. Common Linux commands
  4. 4. Common Linux systems
  5. 5. HDFS construction

Stage 3: Database principles and SQL optimization

  1. MySQL database in Linux
  2. 2. Database design and SQL standards
  3. 3, Python database operations library
  4. 4. MongoDB non-relational database under Linux
  5. 5. SQL optimization and database optimization
  6. 6. Basic idea of ORM object relational mapping

Stage 4: Front-end Web development

  1. 1, the Html
  2. 2, CSS,
  3. 3. Actual combat process of PC page development
  4. 4, the Bootstrap
  5. Html5 and CSS3
  6. 6, JQuery

Stage 5: Python Web back end development

  1. 1. Django framework development
  2. Nginx configuration and uWSGI deployment
  3. 3. RESTful interface development
  4. Flask framework development
  5. 5. E-commerce platform project
  6. 6. BBS forum system

Stage 6: crawlers and data analysis

  1. The first Python web crawler
  2. 2. Use of Fiddler, a professional HTTP analysis tool
  3. 3. Actual crawler Python coding problems
  4. Urllib2 uses the TesseractOCR language model to crawl websites logged in with captcha
  5. 5, Beautiful Soup
  6. XPath & CSS selectors
  7. 7, PhantomJS
  8. 8 SeleniumWebdriver.
  9. Scrapy large frames use proxy servers to crawl
  10. Scrapy Distributed cluster multi-agent crawler Redis
  11. 11. Application of distributed cluster Redis MongoDB in crawler
  12. 12. Data analysis tools and modules

Stage 7: Python ARTIFICIAL Intelligence

  1. 1. Machine learning
  2. 3. Deep learning