On May 17, 2018, As the sole Representative of China, Alibaba was invited to join the Supreme Executive Committee of Java Community Process (JCP), the Java global governance organization. This is the first time that a Chinese company has participated in the formulation of Java global standards, and more “Chinese standards” are expected to become global standards.

The JCP is an open international technical standards organization responsible for developing and updating Java technical specifications. The 24-member executive Board is the organization’s highest decision-making body and is responsible for charting the course of Java’s technological evolution.

Figure: Alibaba joins the Executive Committee of Java Community Process (JCP), a Java management organization

Java is one of the most widely used development languages in the world. Java technology is now ubiquitous in mobile applications, computer software and the Internet of things. Many Chinese Internet companies also use Java as their primary programming language. However, for a long time, the formulation of Java standards and specifications is mainly dominated by foreign enterprises such as Oracle, ARM, IBM, Intel, SAP, Twitter and so on. By joining the JCP executive committee, Ali will bring more Chinese developers’ voices into the formulation of Java specifications, and make more “Chinese standards” become global norms. In 2017, Alibaba released “Alibaba Java Development Protocol” for the world, which gathers the wisdom and experience of many Chinese engineers to help developers around the world to achieve more efficient, more fault tolerant, more collaborative Java development. This specification has become a globally important open source standard code specification.

It was revealed that Alibaba was selected to the JCP Executive Committee mainly because of its rich Java application scenarios in e-commerce, finance, logistics and other fields, which gave Alibaba the opportunity to apply cutting-edge Java technology to real production environments through iterative innovation. In the “Double Eleven” and other activities, faced with massive users and data, Ali’s Java architecture passed a series of tests in terms of stability and high performance.

Alibaba started self-development based on OpenJDK open source software in 2010 at the earliest, and started optimization and customization of OpenJDK8 in 2015, and launched a customized version of AJDK (AlibabaJDK). In addition, Ali also open source a series of Java products such as JStorm, Dubbo, RocketMQ, FastJson, which are familiar and widely used by developers. After joining the JCP executive committee, Ali will work more closely with the open source community such as OpenJDK to share ali’s experience, practice and technical insights in the fields of Web Scale and contribute to the continued development of Java technology.

The original article was published at: 2018-05-17

This article is from the cloud community partner “Ali Technology”. For relevant information, you can pay attention to “Ali Technology”.