• Website is not important, why magnate enter bureau in succession

Already 9021 years, often hear, the website already did not need, really do not need? However, the fact is that the field of website construction is still a mess, each giant as we are familiar with the community war, grab the vegetable basket, overwhelming advertising, just open today’s headlines, Douyin, occasionally what will appear, Tencent built a station, Ali built a station, Huawei built a station…

In the face of giants, small and medium-sized platform or outsourcing companies, how to face? Is it because of the influx of giants, the market will be carved up? The answer is no!

  • Template building and custom development

Because, web design, a very important point is design, if a product and design is linked, then, there will be design level.

The middle and low end of the market, those websites that rely on templates, drag-and-drop development, these methods usually don’t meet the needs of the high end of the market, and the high end of the market is not big business or big companies.

If the customer’s aesthetic is good enough, the detail control ability is fine enough, or when the requirement is high, it must be designed one to one. Generally, it is necessary to achieve distinctive and unique design, strong visual artistic expression, high-end and atmospheric overall style, etc.

The other one is closely related to the service, which includes the service during the project development process, the service after the completion of the project, who will be responsible for the operation and after-sales service, as well as the secondary design service if there are changes and upgrades, etc., all of which need to be considered comprehensively.

Simply speaking, through template construction site can not be quantified, demand changes, can not be unified through standardization to meet.

However, for start-up or low demand users, choose template site, or there are certain advantages, after all, the price is cheap, ranging from hundreds to thousands, compared with the price of tens of thousands or tens of thousands of customized design.

  • Visual development without code

Than template site the same set of shell model, now launched a new developers have innovation, drag and drop visual design and modular building block structures, configuration mode, there is no code development, these new claims for the old boasts hundreds of thousands of sets of fixed template, more flexible, and can even be comparable and custom design.

This model is more mature abroad than at home. Regardless of Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace, each of them has its own strengths and has its own super fans and loyal users. Based on the original Wix, Jimuku built common modules to reduce learning and development costs. Users only need to form a page through building block collocation, and carry out visual configuration and editing of components to complete the design of the web page. Compared with the complexity of drag-and-drop opening, it is also a compromise.

  • Truly permanent free station

More importantly, the free version of the building block library is truly free forever. You can get the free version by giving the second level domain name and passing the real-name authentication, and even do not charge for the space.

In this way, you can configure the website for free, satisfied, and then real-name authentication online, so that the risk is zero, the cost is zero. If you need to buy domain name or on behalf of the record services, as well as authentication services, these peripheral costs are very few, can be ignored.

  • Building block library technology breakthrough

Through the innovation of technology breakthrough, let ordinary people also can easily create web sites, and the free version to reduce costs, in some design can attract (P chart, on the basis of ordinary users and loyal fans, launch function more powerful, more beautiful components, make users to upgrade version of the demand is higher, which may be blocks library building so-called template site of a technological breakthrough in the market.