Business Component documentation
Build using VuePress
Mkdir docs // Create a project directory NPM init-y // initialize the NPM environment NPM I vuepress // install dependency NPM element-ui highlight-js NPM I less less-loader -DCopy the code
Highlight.js is for code highlighting.
Entrance to the file
The entry file doc/ readme. md readme. md of the vuepress project must be in uppercase, otherwise it cannot be identified
The configuration file
Create the.vuepress folder in the root directory, then create the config.js file in that directory, and set up the navigation bar and the sidebar. See the official website for more configurations
module.exports = {
title: 'Business Component Library'.description: 'Common Business Components'.dest: './build'.port: 1234.themeConfig: {
nav: [{text: 'home'.link: '/'},].sidebar: {
'/components/': [{
collapsable: true.children: [
'card']}]}}Copy the code
Modify the default styleFor detailed class name description, see the official website
Create vuepress/style/palette. Styl file
/ / color
$codeBgColor = #fafafa // Code background color
$accentColor = #3eaf7c
$textColor = #2c3e50
$borderColor = #eaecef
$arrowBgColor = #ccc
$badgeTipColor = #42b983
$badgeWarningColor = darken(#ffe564.35%)
$badgeErrorColor = #DA5961
.content pre {
margin: 0! important;
.theme-default-content:not(.custom) {
max-width: 1000px ! important;
Copy the code
Creating a document file
Create the Components folder under the root of your project, where you will create the MD file. components/
Add a component to make it interactive to see the effect of the componentSee using vUE components in MD for details
All *. Vue files found in.vuepress/ Components are automatically registered as global asynchronous components, such as:
.└ ─.exercises ─ exercises -1.Vue ├─ ├─ vue ├─ vue ├─ vue ├─ vue ├─ vueCopy the code
core-js not found
You can use these components directly in any Markdown file (component names are retrieved by filename).
Copy the code
After importing the component, you may encounter code-js not found errors like this:
There may be an error when installing dependencies. Just reinstall code-js. If it still doesn’t work, you can remove node-modules and reinstall it.
less: this.getOptions is not a function
The less syntax used by my component is already built into Vuepress, so you just need to install the dependencies
npm i less less-loader -D
Copy the code
This. GetOptions is not a function error. The latest version of the less-loader does not have getOptions. Solve this problem by installing the specified version
NPM [email protected] - I DCopy the code
Get everything ready and restart the NPM run dev project. I wanted to make it look like the element-UI component document
Above is the display component, in the middle is the component description, below is the demo code of three parts, I wrote an additional Vue component block. Vue, this component has three slots corresponding to these three parts.